March 31st, 2011

[info]signyature in [info]thebattleage

Who: Signy of Dagna and Sydni Tethviel
When: 21 Ferventis
Where: Vigil's Keep Library
Rating: TBA
Summary: They've just got so much in common! Well. Sort of.

From the question––why this meeting, why her, why the elf-mage recruit?––her thoughts wandered broadly )

[info]imenry in [info]thebattleage

Backscene: Hide n' Seek

Who: Imenry Barras, Brennan Wulfe
Where: Their village in the Gamordan Peaks.
When: 27 Matrinalis, 9:28
Summary: Brennan has been lost in his books for far too long, even Imenry is tired of his brooding and sulking.
Rating: E/PG

You can't hide forever. )