March 23rd, 2011

[info]conlandelaine in [info]thebattleage

Who: Conlan Delaine, and Lalin Adain, and open to any who find themselves at Vigils Keep.
Where: Vigils Keep Mess
When: early morning, 20 Ferventis, 9:45
Summary: The Wardens have returned, it's time to compare wounds tell stories and contemplate the future.
Rating: M for melancholy, also for mellon balls. It is breakfast after all.

The sun rises, a new path for some, a chance for others to look back at what they've left behind. )

[info]signyature in [info]thebattleage

Who: Signy of Dagna
Featuring: Paragon Dagna, Signovar and Orsin of Dagna, Jerric of Saelac.
When: 15 Umbralis, 9:43 Dragon
Where: The Dagna Estate, Orzammar.
Rating: T (maybe a high T? Not sure.)
Warnings: Blood, some violence/medical procedure.
Summary: Signy becomes a mage.

Lay me down gently, lay me down low, I fear I am broken, and won’t bend, I know. )