April 17th, 2024

[info]psychometrists in [info]the_cirque

Since I am your esteemed oracle, wouldn't it be a shame not to consult the cards? Feel free to message me here. You can choose to be public or private, it's perfectly fine whatever you choose. I'm happy to pull a card for you, my friends

[info]vvitchcrafted in [info]the_cirque

To all the new people who haven't had their portraits taken message me here. We need to get that shit done.

[info]perfectbliss in [info]the_cirque

April 17th - Noon

There was this movie called Fear that came out in
1996 - I was way too young when I
first got to watch it. But I
am watching it again now
and I forgot all about
the rollercoaster.

I feel claustrophobic.
Anyone want to go to
an onsen with me?

... )