Mar. 4th, 2024


WHO: Félix Lavoie and Fredrich Krause
WHEN: Sunday 4th, day
WHERE: Out and about
WHAT: A new place to be explored!

On the move )

Feb. 8th, 2024


WHO: Félix Lavoie and Lottie Palmer
WHEN: Wednesday 7th, evening
WHERE: Délire
WHAT: Processing the traumatic event of the morning
WARNINGS: Discussion of the mutilated man

The Hanged Man )

Jan. 24th, 2024


Tuesday 23rd, Afternoon

حَوّامتي مُمْتِلئة بِأَنْقَلَيْس ن

I don't speak any Arabic (Moroccan or standard) but I'm excited to hear more of it while we're here! (I am getting the basics into my hand before opening night, as to have a jumping off point.) I read that they speak a lot of French here as well, so I think with the handful of languages I can cobble together, I'll be fine. It's a very touristy city.

I'm so delighted to be out of the cold! I put on some of my Greek holiday clothes today and just took a walk around, basking in the luxury of sun on my arms and legs. (Though I got catcalled more than I would like, so I think I need some clothes somewhere in the middle of the Greece----Finland scale.)

Has anyone got anything they're excited to see while we're here? I saw a website that told me about dawn hot air balloon rides across the countryside followed by quadbiking and now I want nothing more, but my bank account wants nothing less.