April 16th, 2024

[info]callofnight in [info]the_cirque

Went out with Haneul and tried some amazing food. The whole night was great, plus she shared her fish shaped waffle thing filled with red beans, I think it was called...something yaki? It was really good. For a sweet thing, Phineas you may like one.

Still, with all the amazing food I've had while in Japan, I woke up craving ceviche so I think I'm going to go find a fresh market to find some fish, shrimp, and I think I want to grill some octopus. See if I can make my Abuelita proud.

Oh! Phineas, I'll grab you the waffle thing on my travels today! Hey, Niamh, want sugar coated fruit? I'll get you some sugar coated fruit.

Han, I'll put some ceviche and octopus aside for you! You too Ame!

If anyone else is in the mood for Mexican seafood or likes grilled octopus - there will be enough to share until there isn't.

...is it going to be cool if I build a firepit to grill? I'm going to build a firepit.

[info]firebugg in [info]the_cirque

Texts to Mikhi - April 16

[Text Messages to Mikhi]

>>Hey, are you busy?
>>I was thinking of going out and looking around a little for Suki
>>Do you want to come with me?
>>I could use the company.

[info]scaledheart in [info]the_cirque

Spent every hour I wasn't working this weekend to explore the local historical shrines and temples.

Absolutely breathtaking and well worth the visit.

Reminds me of home.

[info]corpuscle in [info]the_cirque

I've been reliably informed that, and I quote "need to get out more".

So... would anybody like to do something while here in Japan?

[info]lights__out in [info]the_cirque

Fucking typical, in a really cool new place and I feel like somebody walked over my grave.

I blame the patron who was in a couple of nights ago, hacking and sneezing all over the place.

So many germs on banknotes.

I am going to curl up in my trailer and feel really sorry for myself.

[info]nogoodintent in [info]the_cirque

Retail therapy is truly a beautiful thing, especially when it comes to purchasing new blades.

The skill and expertise is next to none.

They'll fit in perfectly with my show.

[info]lifeisagiantcon in [info]the_cirque

In the interest of trying to keep myself out of trouble...

Send me three names + a number and I will tell you:
  1. fuck, marry, kill
  2. marry, cuddle, sleep with
  3. fuck, take a bullet for, murder
  4. adopt, be adopted by, marry
  5. kill, betray, have on your zombie apocalypse team
  6. seduce, steal from, serenade
Want to hit up the Minato Mirai Manyo Club Hot Spring with me?