May. 1st, 2011


Modpost: Robobabies Plot Open!

We've decided to open plot early. You can start posting robobabies threads tonight as long as they're forward dated to tomorrow.

We'd like to remind everyone the robobabies are simulating an average two month old. This limits their interactive capacity. Your robobaby should be able to vocalize (coos and gurgles), follow objects across their field of vision, take notice of their own hands, and maybe push up with their tummy. Remember: They're robots going through simulated motions and will be developing as a direct result of the level of caregiving provided to them. So there will be some noticeable differences but overall, they are Tony Stark creations and should follow basic two month old developmental guidelines.


To make things easier for everyone, we've compiled a handy reference list of the names and sex of each pairing's baby. It's incomplete, but we will be updating it as more information becomes available to us. You can continue to provide us with your information in the original post or you can let us know in comments to this one.

Please note: Baby names will not be part of the registration process. Characters must learn this information as well as the sex of the baby from other characters.

Babies, babies, everywhere! )

Apr. 30th, 2011


Baby Parameters!

Stark Artificial Infant - User Manual (Courtesy of AJ and Tony) )


MODPOST: Robobabies

Okay guys, it’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for! It’s time to find out who you’ll be co-parenting with this week! (And sorry about the delay, we had some unforeseen additional issues that needed attending prior to this post.)

The eager will probably skip this part and go right to the lists, but may come back up here should they find themselves with a case of headtilt.

How pairs were designated:
• Characters who were roommates were not paired (with one exception) to maximize mingling.
• Likewise, characters in relationships were similarly disentangled.
• Most importantly, no two RPers were united in any pairing more than twice.
• Unfortunately we had odd numbers in two schools, which necessitated some characters be assigned NPCs.

Tony and Warren are roommates.
Yes, yes they are. However, because Tony was the creator and sole manufacturer of the robobabies, he was granted a special privilege: He could choose his own partner for the assignment. He chose Warren.

Pairings by School )

Apr. 27th, 2011


Stark Industries presents...ROBOBABIES!

We talked about this in chat on Monday night, and this is the head's up that it's definitely a go! The babies themselves will be distributed on Monday, but we'll be providing you with the parameters of the plot (and the very fancy, high tech, Tony designed and built babies) and the assigned pairings by Friday.

Things to know:
-Every year during the first full week of May Xavier's does some kind of paired project aimed at real life experience for the 8th graders on up. They've done projects like personal/family budgeting, how to run a private business and assorted others, and, every few years, the ever-popular egg babies.

-This year Tony has stepped in to provide a much more realistic child-rearing experience.

-It's not announced in advance what the project will be in any given year, but there has doubtless been some speculation...and Tony and Warren obviously know.

-The students will be emailed Sunday night with their partners and the project will be explained in assemblies Monday morning - one for each school. They will be expected to pick up their baby (with their partner) by lunch Monday.

-Partners will be assigned by the school (the mods) and will not cross between schools--middle schoolers with middle schoolers, high schoolers with high schoolers, with the exception of college and cadets who will be interpaired.

-There will be a minimum amount of time per day that partners are expected to spend together while caring for their baby, and the baby will log this.

So that's the heads up for now, we'll be getting you more details and partner assignments by Friday!