Mar. 30th, 2011


It's that time of year again!

Su's internet is DEAD!

And not the usual, oh dear, please fix this Mr. Cable Man. Oh no! The once annual out for a month kind! Weee! Yeah. Cable guy - who's name was not Larry - just came by and oh my, the whole control box bit it! So, now we need to wait for some engineers to come - who only knows when - and rig a new box for my portion of the block. At least I am not suffering alone.

I knew I shouldn't have let myself be talked out of that free netbook! Sure it was money I didn't have to keep it net bound but there'd be a lot less of all this. I am at the mercy of my phone, I am stuck. This is me putting up a highly apologetic notice of hiatus. If anyone needs to reference any of mine, email me and we can discuss. Otherwise, champagne nights & caviar dreams! And I hope this is spelled correctly. I can't see it all in one frame & I have no spell check.