May. 22nd, 2011


Boom in the news!

Okay everyone, now that Boom has happened there are a few things you should all know that will affect your characters and play.

As of the incident on Saturday, the Boom has been covered in game world news as any natural disaster, tragic incident or other prominent event would be in our own. Camera crews, reporters and general busy bodies will be trying their best to get a hold of people and have something to run. By now there are some crude, not well shot videos by other cameras in the area of the explosion that have run on television, been capped for newspapers and are making their way around the internet. Most of what the news people have, however, is aftermath and testimonials. Well, and wild speculation, of course, especially with regards to some of the school's more prominent students. Absent concrete information the tabloids will, of course, have a field day trotting out theories of who's hurt/dead/disfigured/maimed.

On Saturday they were unclear about what happened. By Sunday it will be alleged that the explosion was the result of someone powered. By Tuesday it will be confirmed, with the addendum that it was an unfortunate violent manifestation. By Wednesday the anti-powered groups will be crawling out of the woodwork and the air waves and internet will be flooded with the resulting dispute.

As of Saturday evening all parents and guardians of Xavier's students, whether they attended the field trip or not, were contacted and updated of their child's condition. This also goes for cadets & college chaperons whom the school has contact information for. Parents who wish to will be escorted to the school to be with their children at the school's expense. By Sunday afternoon all students regardless of injury or living status will have been successfully transported back to Xavier's where the school can protect them from the media tidal wave. The only exceptions are students whose parents chose to have their child released into their custody.

As per their agreement, the press cannot gather outside the school walls. This will not stop some and there may be some encounters and arrests. The nearby township will be flooded with reporters, however, and the school will recommend that no students or faculty leave campus unless absolutely necessary. This does not mean your characters cannot leave campus, only that they are doing so at their own risk.

During this week, all players are allowed to NPC their characters' family. Parents, siblings and guardians will be available to you to use in any way you feel realistically contributes to your character's situation. Any player who feels their character's parents or guardian would try to confront S.H.E.I.L.D. agents or attempt to meet with Steve, please see a mod.

We would like to remind everyone that as of this tragedy, the best healers in the country will be recruited (or ordered in the case of agents) by S.H.E.I.L.D. to attend to victims of the explosion. This includes non-school related civilian victims. Security will be high on campus this week. Agents will be on patrol and check points to enter and exist the school will be difficult and likely frustrating to pass.

Players of International students who wish to have their character visited by representatives of their home nation are welcome to do so, however, please let a mod know beforehand.

Memorial Services will be held on Monday and Friday evenings. It is not required for students to go. The Interfaith Chapel and Sampson Counseling Center will both be open and available to students and their families twenty-four hours a day all week long. All injured students who still require medical attention will be cared for in the Reyes Medical Center.

Classes will continue, but they may not be very intensive. Students who were on the field trip and were not critically injured will be granted three days absence of their choice this week. If your character plans to take more, please notify a mod as any further absences will require mandatory counseling.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please see a mod and we will do our best to address them as quickly as possible.

May. 19th, 2011


Okay everyone, here is the list of the outcome of Saturday's Boom. Please double check that your characters are in the right group as it will effect game play for all.

Characters we were unsure about have question marks by their names. Please inform us of any corrections required for finalization.

The List )