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Jan. 9th, 2008


WHO Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse) & Zephyr Way (Town Mouse)
WHAT Oy... more drama.
WHEN Whenever Zeke gets his ass over to Zeph's, Tuesday, Jan 8
WHERE Zeph's place
STATUS Probably R // Completed in theory

I want to hate you half as much as I hate myself )


Voice mail left for Zeke Rhodes )


Narrative - Zephyr Way/Dhani Lang

WHO Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) and Dhani Lang (Wolf), with a cameo by Caleb Zale (Whope)
WHAT Narrative – Trying to work things out, and truths being told...
WHEN Late-ish Tuesday afternoon, Jan 8
WHERE Dhani’s place, mostly
NOTES Rated R, for sensitive subjects, violence and language, I suppose. This is approx six pages in Word. Please don’t kill me. It’s just that this thing is quite dependent on narratives to progress, so it can eventually be over. :P Also, big thanks to Sab for helping me get the dialogue IC at the end. ♥

Narrative 005 – Zephyr Way/Dhani Lang )


Narrative - Zephyr Way

WHO Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) and his mother, Bo Way (yeah, that's Liz Hurley, why d'you ask? :P).
WHAT Narrative – Mother confronts her son, following the tabloid article
WHEN Tuesday noon, Jan 8
WHERE Zeph’s place
NOTES Rated G, I suppose. Not harmful, really. It goes emotional in the end, so if you don’t like that... :P Also, I don’t know what it’s with me and long narratives.

Narrative 004 – Zephyr Way )

Jan. 8th, 2008


[You're all good at imagining. Now I ask you to imagine Dhani's hair is pink in that picture. Because frankly, I tried, but it wouldn't come out good and I can't be bothered. XP So please? Ta.]

To be read in the Tuesday issue of some tabloid or other )

Jan. 6th, 2008


WHO: Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) & Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse)
WHAT: Zeke has read Dhani's entry...
WHEN: Saturday evening, Jan 5
RATING: R - for boys in bed ;)

And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds )


WHO Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) and Dhani Lang (Wolf)
WHAT Narrative – Dealing with a major issue
WHEN Saturday evening, Jan 5
WHERE Zeph’s place, Dhani’s place, Zeph’s (awesome) car
NOTES Rated R. Warnings in place: Mention of abortion, which might be a sensitive issue. Strong language. Long text, too. Also, this explains the main idea of the whole thing, so if you want to be on the clear with it, reading this might be a good idea. I know it might come across as bad taste to some, but I wrote it and if you have issues with it you’re free to tell me.

Narrative 003 – Zephyr Way/Dhani Lang )

Jan. 4th, 2008


Who: Zephyr and Spence
What: Spence is pissed :DD
Where: Zeph's place
When: backdated! Dec 12! After this
Rating: possibly R for language?
Status: Incomplete | Closed

Did you think I'd let you kill this chorus? )


WHO Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) and appearance by the other Panic! members (NPCed for this one)
WHAT Narrative - After-show contemplations
WHEN Backdated to sometime late summer/early autumn, 2007. Because I got a random bout of inspiration whilst watching Eddie Izzard. Backstory, sorta.
WHERE After a show somewhere
NOTES Rated PG-13 for swearing and mentions of sex. Oh, and it’s quite long. Hopefully not too long. Wrote it a day or two ago, but since I’m off hiatus I might just post it now.

Narrative 002 – Zephyr Way )

Dec. 29th, 2007


[There are some things have to be done before a hiatus... Feeding my crack habits is one of them.]

Left for Zeke Rhodes, on the kitchen table of his and Spence's place, because Zeph is a sneaky bastard )

Dec. 22nd, 2007


WHO: Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse) & Zephyr Way (Town Mouse)
WHAT: Making up? Maybe?
WHEN Backdated: Saturday, Dec 15th, following their phone call
STATUS Incomplete // Possibly R

I'm exactly where you'd like me you know )

Dec. 19th, 2007


WHO Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse), Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) and Dhani Lang (Wolf) Once again, Stella's RPing with herself...
WHAT Unfortunate encounter
WHEN Wednesday morning, Dec 12
WHERE Zeph's place
STATUS Incomplete // PG-13
NOTES Posting the link here, just to have an entry in the right comm. Should've done it before the other two, but only just thought of it. :P

(I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck)


WHO Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse) & Zephyr Way (Town Mouse)
WHAT Phone call
WHEN Backdated: Saturday, Dec 15th, following Zeph's narrative which I just posted...
STATUS Complete // PG-13 for foul language and odd things like that. Or just for the great emotional ocean of it all.

You're just a sad song / With nothing to say / About a life long wait for a hospital stay / Well if you think that I'm wrong / This never meant nothing to you )


Narrative - Zephyr Way

WHO Zephyr Way (Town Mouse)
WHAT Narrative - Unpleasant(?) realisations
WHEN Backdated: Saturday, Dec 15
WHERE Zeph's place
NOTES Three days after this which Tali and I just finished. Hence the lateness of this narrative. :P

I must have dragged my guts a block / They were gone by the time we talked )

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