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Jan. 18th, 2012


Thread - Britt & Quinn talk

Who: Brittany & Quinn
When: Wed, 18th Jan, morning
Where: Locker room after morning Cheerio practice
What: Brittany needs a favour, of the slightly huge kind. Quinn tries to resist the Sad Panda face.

she'd lied to her boyfriend for the first time ever )

Jan. 16th, 2012


Thread: Jadyn and Quinn confrontation

WHO: Quinn & Jadyn
WHEN: Monday, 16th Jan
WHERE: McKinley High hallways
WHAT: Quinn bumps into Jadyn on a quick locker run. Egos flare and tempers escalate to a surprising result. For both.

What the hell is wrong with people at this school? )

Jan. 14th, 2012


Text and then Thread: Rachel and Quinn Discuss Things

Who: Rachel and Quinn
When: January 13th, after school
Where: The ~airwaves, and then Paulie's Books & More
What: Rachel and Quinn talk Shelby.

This new friendship thing was so convenient )

Jan. 13th, 2012


IM; Britt and Quinn (part two)

Who: Brittany (bittbritt) and Quinn (ladyq)
When: 01/13 (phone IMing)
Where: school
What: Britt's checking in on the 'weather' wonders.

You have (4) unread messages )

Jan. 12th, 2012


Thread: Consumerism for the Masses

Who: Quinn & Eoin
When: 01/12/12, a
Where: Westerville Mall
What: Quinn decides she needs retail therapy; Eoin's the first candidate for her to bring along.
Warning: TBA

Get in loser )

Jan. 11th, 2012


Thread: Olivia Figures Out Her Powers

Who: Quinn and Olivia
When: 1/11/2012
Where: McKinley after school
What: Quinn and Olivia clash and Olivia finally figures out her powers.
Warnings: Not sure yet


Thread: Cloudy with a chance of rage

Date: January 11, Early morning
Characters: Jadyn and Quinn
Location: The girl's locker room
Summary: Jadyn confronts Quinn for the wrong she's done

Dec. 31st, 2011


Abandoned Hospital NYE

Date: December 31 - January 1
Characters: Anyone who wants to be there, add your tags
Location: The abandoned hospital
Warnings: Please add warnings in subject headers
Summary: Super kids celebrate New Years classy-style


Dec. 29th, 2011


Thread: Pollux and Quinn

Who: Quinn and Pollux
When: December 29, 2012
Where: Quinn’s house then Pollux's house
What: A holiday spirit takes over Pollux
Warning: Pollux’s slightly odd perception of the world, kisses, possible super vague thoughts re:Castor(twin-cest) and talk of family trauma

I’m also told that it’s about a fat man created by coca cola who gives toys and about a child born 2000 years ago so it gets a little confusing. )

Dec. 16th, 2011


Text Messages & Narrative; one mother to another

WHO: Quinn and Shelby (NPC); mentions of Puckerman, Gilmore, Costigan, Berry, P.Stuart and Pierce
WHEN: Friday; 12/16, after school
WHERE: the school Auditorium
WHAT: Quinn, fresh off a bunch of introspective moments following her incident with Olivia, takes the bull by the horns and seeks out Shelby Cocoran. First; she texts a few people.

Text To Eoin )

Text to Rachel )

It was now or never... )

Dec. 13th, 2011


Thread: Olivia and Quinn - pregnancy discussions

WHO: Quinn and Olivia
WHEN: Tuesday, 12/13, mid-day
WHERE: McKinley high, girls loo
WHAT: Quinn slots the pieces together and promptly has a bit of a crazy train moment, Olivia bears the brunt.

It had sort of stuck with her on and off for the last few days, until the click finally happened. )

Dec. 12th, 2011


Thread: Eoin talks to Quinn

Who: Eoin and Quinn
Where: Quinn's house.
When: Sunday evening. (Backdated)
What: Eoin talks backstory with Quinn.
Warnings: Talk of rape, abuse, general violence, and much nasty stuff like that (not sure what/to what extent yet)

Exposition, exposition, we all love exposition! )

Dec. 9th, 2011



Who: New Directions, Competitors and Audience (add your tags, or the mod will CUT YOU!)
What: Sectionals 2011!!
Where: Lima Community Theater
When: Saturday, Dec 10th 11am - 3pm

It was Sectionals Time! )

Dec. 7th, 2011


Thread: Casa Fabray - Party Central

WHO: Quinn - anyone in attendance, add your tags
WHEN: backdated; Tuesday Night
WHERE: Fabray house
WHAT: To celebrate her single status, and return to the Cheerio's, Quinn hosts her first party of Senior year.

Of course the neighbours would likely complain )

Nov. 30th, 2011


Narrative and Facebook; the end, again, for real, again

WHO: Quinn & Finn (npc'd)
WHEN: 11/30, wed afternoon
WHERE: The bleachers at the field
WHAT: Quinn decides to step out of the box.

In her mind, it just wasn't working. )

L. Quinn Fabray is single.
2 hours ago · Like · Comment
View all comments.

Nov. 15th, 2011


Text; Little Twigg to Big Mama

WHO: Quinn and Lauren
WHAT: Text message questions
WHEN: 11/15 early morning classes

To: Big Mama
What's the going rate on your services for covert observations?

Nov. 8th, 2011


Thread: Bathrooms are the new therapist office

WHO: Quinn and Rachel
WHEN: Monday afternoon, (11/7)
WHERE: Girls restroom, first floor, school
WHAT: In keeping with tradition, Quinn and Rachel play nice in the confines of the toilet stalls. Sort of.

She'd made it to the afternoon without thinking about her, but once she'd passed Shelby in the halls it was all there was to think about. )

Nov. 7th, 2011


Thread: Puck, Quinn and Britt 'bonding' and 'practice'

WHO: Puck, Quinn and Britt
WHERE: The nearest 'dump'
WHEN: Sunday afternoon (11/6)
WHAT: Puck suggested practice to help Quinn get a grip, but they're a little wary about being alone together due to JBI gossips. So Britt comes too.

Picking Britt up outside her house is always interesting. Not least because the girl usually has a new wacky tale to tell, but her mother seems to think Quinn's a Jehovah's Witness. )

Nov. 6th, 2011


Thread: Eoin calls Quinn

Who: Eoin and Quinn
Where: Eoin's house and, presumably, Quinn's house
When: Saturday 5th, about eleven PM after this. (Backdated, and I'm sorry it's ended up spamming your flists, guys)
What: As promised, Eoin calls Quinn as soon as he can
Warnings: TBD

A few painkillers and a painful interlude... )

Nov. 5th, 2011


Narrative/Text: Eoin goes apeshit

Who: Eoin and a whole host of NPCs.
Where: Rick's Gym, mostly
When: Saturday 5th, afternoon
What: Eoin's powers reveal themselves in spectacular fashion
Warnings: Language, and I guess violence, although mostly implied and against inanimate objects? Also, kind of long.

If it was this hard facing Da's birthday, what the hell was it going to be like facing the day he'd died? )

[Texts, sent a few minutes later:]

To: Quinn F.
From: Eoin
so I have a power and shitty doesn't start to cover it your rainstorms kind of look tame

To: Gothperson
From: Eoin

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