Summerview Park

September 2022

You come to find your match, to fulfill your dreams or just to make your family happy. Prepare for it to be more than you bargained for.

Summerview Park.

You'll leave betrothed or not at all.


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+anton+stone'

Aug. 28th, 2022



Log | Anton & Georgie

Georgiana Darcy + Anton Stone
"It was not just difficult but potentially ruinous as well."

WHAT Georgie and Anton come to an understanding.
WHEN mid-morning, Sunday, August 28
WHERE Grounds
STATUS In-Progress
Read more... )

Aug. 26th, 2022



[No Subject]


WHO: Anton Stone to Georgiana Darcy
WHAT: A short note, passed after the play
WHEN: Friday evening
WHERE: Outside the theater
STATUS: Complete
I take all responsibility for your distress and I hope that I can make it up to you. Read more... )

Aug. 25th, 2022



Journal Post-Anton Stone

I am not one to normally use these journals as I prefer more private correspondence. But I feel I must address the recent gossip from our hostess.

It is, without a shadow of a doubt, completely untrue that myself and Miss Woodhouse are engaged. I wish everyone to know that while myself and Miss Woodhouse share an appreciation for music and recently I helped her practices several pieces that I believe she was wishing to perform for dear friend, there has never been a moment when we spoke privately or have had any intentions in that way.

I feel that our hostess has distressed many people by this erroneous mention in her gossip. I would normally just send a note to those most affected but I wish to most ardently explain my displeasure at this false rumor.

I do not wish to display myself in front of the world, I am a friendly person but not one to share too much with those I am not well acquainted. I apologize to anyone who also has been affected by this, but while not speaking for Miss Woodhouse, we are nothing more than friendly acquaintances.

Aug. 6th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Emma Woodhouse & Anton Stone
What: Help with music
Where: The music room
When: Mid-morning, 6 August
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

She had narrowed it down to two pieces )

Jul. 2nd, 2022



A Summer Seaside Dance

Instead of a formal ball, an outdoor celebratory dessert and informal dance is organized in the town square of the lovely little seaside village guests have found themselves at. The square is lit up with torches and candle light, tables are filled with ice cream, watermelon, plenty of desserts, and large amounts of strawberry lemonade and mint iced tea. There is a fireworks display in the middle of the party for the delight of all!

Jun. 24th, 2022



[No Subject]


TO: Anton Stone
FROM: Georgiana Darcy
WHEN: Friday morning, June 24
Writing comes so much more naturally to me than speech. Read more... )

Jun. 12th, 2022



6/12 Regatta!

The day was fine and a cool breeze blew over the lake at Summerview Park. 3 teams are prepared to race for the share of 100 pounds. The teams are: Team 1: Sidney Parker, Simon, Duke of Hastings and George Wickham, Team 2: Caroline Bingley, Charlotte Heywood and Eliza Winthrop and Team 3: Captain Wentworth, Colonel Brandon and Charles Bingley. Place your bets!
And we have winners! 3rd place: Team 3! 2nd place: Team 1! And 1st place: Team 2!!! Ladies win!

Jun. 10th, 2022



6/11 Weekly Ball Sadie Hawkins!

And now we come to the weekly ball, and after a strange few days experiencing the future, Lady Whistledown announces that all the men will need to be asked by the women to dance. Men are welcome to say no, but if they try and ask for a dance their partner can't write it down. Enjoy modernity!

May. 31st, 2022



[No Subject]

Good Evening to the fine people of Summerview Park. My name is James Stringer, and I am recently arrived from fair Sanditon. I always find these sorts of introductions dreadfully awkward, however if anyone would be kind enough to offer me a tour of these fair surroundings, I would be much appreciated. Similarly, I am quite the fan of sports (cricket, tennis and rowing), so if anyone hears of any games, I would be much obliged if you were to let me know.

May. 24th, 2022



Letter | Georgiana > Anton


TO: Anton Stone
FROM: Georgiana Darcy
WHEN: May 24th
I am much better when I put pen to paper. Read more... )

May. 22nd, 2022



Charles Bingley - Journal #2

Knowing well that she does not wish to be mentioned in such communiques, I am writing this here with full knowledge and agreement of Miss Bennet.

Prior to Saturday evening's ball, we had not made any plans to dance together in excess. Indeed, though I did pen my own name to Miss Bennet's dance card for the first two turns of the evening, I did not claim anything more than that. I was even witness to Mr Henry Crawford claiming a turn of his own, but by the time music had begun and couples taken their places, we once more found ourselves across from one another, quite without intending to be.

In one round, Miss Bennet and I both attempted to abstain from the dancing entirely, with each of us taking up separate places at the refreshment table. But, again, the same outcome was unintentionally achieved.

While this was most assuredly an unkind trick from our Hostess, I implore you all not to allow such events to color the reputation of Miss Bennet, who has certainly done nothing to earn any ill judgment.

May. 20th, 2022



[No Subject]

Anton Stone + Georgiana Darcy

WHAT Anton frets over his public letter, Georgie offers comfort
WHEN May 20th/late afternoon
WHERE Music Room
STATUS in progress
Read more... )



Journal Post-But Should Have Been a Letter

ooc: based on this plot no one took! FYI feel free to use any unclaimed plots if you need an idea <3.

Dear Maman and Papa,

I have arrived at Summerview Park from Sanditon in good spirits. The journey was an easy 5 hours, though I admit I already miss the sea. Perhaps I do not share Mr. Tom Parker's desire to make our lovely town a new destination and fill it with bathers and visitors, but I quite have always enjoyed the simplicity and bare loveliness since I arrived there. Be that as it may, Summerview Park is quite all what Lady Whistledown promised but quite a bit more. In ways I don't think I can adequately express via letter. I hope to do you proud and find a mistress for the manor and to create a de Sabran heir, though you know as well as I that other than my sisters I have little experience with ladies and what sparks their interests. I wish to be sure that whomever I do find will care about me, Anton Stone, and not think about Anton Louis de Sabran and all that entails. You married for love. I know you can only want me to do the same, or you would never have sent me to make my way in England at all. I do my best to take what you said to heart, and to try and be the man I always am. I don't know that that man will compare to the other, finer men that fill the Park. I am, perhaps, a little too lost in my own imagination. Maman, you always say there is some lovely lady for every man, and it seems if I am to see you again any time soon, I hope you are right. I shall explain more later.

With much love and affection,

May. 18th, 2022



Backdated Thread: May 10

Who: Marianne Dashwood, Georgiana Darcy, Anton Stone
What: A tempest in the Music Room
When: May 10
Where: Summerview Music Room

Does he think no one else cares to play? )



Narrative: Anton Stone

Who: Anton Stone (and NPC John Willoughby)
When: Backdated to May 13
Where: The woods on the grounds
Summary: Anton and Mr. Willoughby go on a hunt, but strange occurrences are afoot
Warnings/Status: None/Complete Narrative

A flick of its tail and off it ran, and with it, the pair's chances of a trophy.  )

May. 14th, 2022



Ball 5/14

The second ball of Summerview Park proves to be slightly less eventful than the first, despite some shenanigans on the part of several guests. What does your character do?

May. 13th, 2022



Journal Post-Mr. Knightley

As it appears we might be here for an indeterminate duration, and given that we shall be having another ball tomorrow, it seems like a good idea to utilize these journals to facilitate more positive interactions and get to know one another somewhat better than we can in the parlors or at dinner when there is only a limited number you can speak to at any one time. My suggestion is we all introduce ourselves and give a little information about who we are, such that people can feel more comfortable. Perhaps we can inquire more information of each person as you desire.

As it was my suggestion, I shall of course be first to take part.

My name is Mr. George Knightley, and my intimate friends simply call me Knightley, which you are welcome to do as you wish. I'm a gentleman and farmer, and as eldest son after my father's unfortunate passing, master of our family estate, Donwell Abbey. I have a younger brother, married before me with several children. I enjoy reading, music (I do enjoy singing and would love to duet), a good horse ride, picnics and enjoying the fruits of my labors. I especially love strawberries. I am not overly fond of large gatherings, though I'm trying my best with these balls and formal dinners. I'm not always an easy dancer, but I do try. I have a feeling I might be one of the older guests at the Park, but I feel I have a young spirit, even with the responsibilities of Donwell.

Please feel free as to inquire anything you wish about myself. I would love for you to introduce yourself as well. Perhaps this can make things less awkward.

May. 12th, 2022



Journal Post-Anton Stone

I do apologize to Miss Marianne Dashwood for monopolizing the piano forte on Tuesday. It seems we, along with Miss Georgiana Darcy will be table mates for another few days at dinner. I know it was terribly rude, I'm not always very attentive when I'm in a mood to express myself via music. I promise it was merely ignorance.

Though I have been enjoying our dinner discussions all the same.

Apr. 28th, 2022



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