Summerview Park

September 2022

You come to find your match, to fulfill your dreams or just to make your family happy. Prepare for it to be more than you bargained for.

Summerview Park.

You'll leave betrothed or not at all.


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+charles+bingley'

Jun. 17th, 2022



[No Subject]

Letter to R & S Garrard, London )

Jun. 15th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Charles & Caroline Bingley
What: Discussing Future Bingleys
Where: Sitting Room
When: June 15
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Charles could have picked someone with a more well known name, and less objectionable sisters… )



[No Subject]

Who: Charles Bingley & Fitzwilliam Darcy
What: A Conversation
Where: Stables & Lawns
When: June 15
Rating: G
Status: Logged, Complete

''Good god. I believe you're truly serious about this.'' )

Jun. 14th, 2022



[No Subject]

Who: Jane Bennet & Charles Bingley
What: How to Escape A Maze
Where: The Hedge Maze
When: June 14
Rating: K for Kissing
Status: Complete!

''I just wish to be loved and cared for by someone loyal and kind hearted.'' )

Jun. 13th, 2022



Private Letters

To: Miss Jane Bennet
From: Mr Charles Bingley
When: Monday, June 13

In labyrinthine anticipation... )



[No Subject]

Well done Miss Heywood and Miss Winthrop. We have certainly proven that we can best the men at their own game. It was certainly a pleasure rowing with you both.

Also, dear Charles, I am sorry for your third place.

Hopefully out hostess will give us more opportunities for sport. I also still request a rematch for the horse races.

Jun. 10th, 2022



6/11 Weekly Ball Sadie Hawkins!

And now we come to the weekly ball, and after a strange few days experiencing the future, Lady Whistledown announces that all the men will need to be asked by the women to dance. Men are welcome to say no, but if they try and ask for a dance their partner can't write it down. Enjoy modernity!

Jun. 4th, 2022



6/4 Weekly Ball-Midnight Masquerade!

The ball this week starts later than usual, and it is a masquerade! Whistledown has some mischief in mind and hopes you choose a mask that will make you have a little extra fun.

Jun. 1st, 2022



[No Subject]

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances...
so the play is the thing!

Or something to that effect.

Today, I have the pleasure of announcing that we will have a play while here in Summerview Park. We shall not be denied the culture of the theatre, and of course we can partake ourselves. Men and women, for why should the fairer sex be denied their chance on stage?

And for those who might balk at such a spectacle, we shall be performing Shakespeare. How could anyone object to that?

Our hostess has requested Twelfth Night (and perhaps if successful we can convince her a Midsummer Night's Dream will be more suited to the locale and season next time). I have volunteered as director, and auditions will take place today. Even if think you can't act, please do not feel like you can't take part. We also need singers, musicians, and able bodied men to assist with building the stage and set.

You may come prepared with a reading selection of your choice, or I will assign a reading to you. Auditions will be in the Green Parlour, and refreshments will be provided.



[No Subject]

Who: Charles Bingley & Jane Bennet
What: After the Ivy & Roses Ball
Where: Music Room
When: Saturday May 28
Rating: A for Adorable
Status: Complete

''I hope you have not quit the dancing for some unfortunate reason.'' )

May. 30th, 2022



Journal: Colin Bridgerton

Good evening, guests of Summerview Park. My name is Colin Bridgerton, and I arrived last evening along with several members of my family, along with some of our acquaintances. I admit it's difficult to grasp that time works differently to bring us all here, though I have always been a fan of fantastical adventure novels, so I suppose this might be a time to consider I'm in one. That is, one that seems to take its cues from my dear mother and insist that I get married off. I suppose this could be fun?

May. 24th, 2022



Journal Post-Lydia Bennet

OOC: following the May 24th plot-if you attended the tea in the Green parlor. Feel free to have your character respond 'truth dosed'!

Oh la! I find myself positively unable to keep to myself some thoughts! I don't know what happened, but as soon as I sat in my room I felt COMPELLED to write, and the thought most on my mind was how very handsome so many of our number at Summerview are indeed!

So, without any ado, here is Lydia Bennet's most handsome men of Summerview Park:

At number 5 is Henry Crawford. Mr. Crawford has a handsome smile and is very charming indeed! However, while his person is quite fine and he dresses very well, he lacks the adventurous nature of other men that prevent him from being quite so dashing.

Number 4 is the imposing but quite handsome Sidney Parker. Mr. Parker is a new arrival and I have yet to spend much time with him, but from afar he seems a little bit more closed off than other members of the top of the list, and this perhaps detracts from his good looks.

Number 3 is Captain Frederick Wentworth. It should go without saying, but he is both very kind and very dashing and an excellent dancer. Captain Wentworth had adventures on the high seas and has many interesting stories so that just completely adds to his appeal. Dashing!

Number 2, and this was hard, is Captain Martin Denny. I have known Denny for some time and he is not only handsome but kind and affable and easy to talk to. He's always up for a laugh and is perhaps the best dancer I have ever encountered. He is truly a delight, and yes, what a handsome figure he cuts in his regimentals!

Finally that leaves us with Number 1, Mr. George Wickham! Mr. Wickham is truly the whole package, from his handsome face, his friendly and open manners, his quick wit and fine person, all of which make him truly the star of Summerview and any place that is fortunate enough for him to grace it.

Now, all the guests here are very fine and I mean no disrespect to any not in the top. This is just from my head and after tea today could not help but to share! Do say all, who do you think are the most attractive?? I am curious your thoughts!!

May. 23rd, 2022



Private Letters

To: Mr Charles Bingley
From: Miss Jane Bennet
When: Monday, May 23

I daresay it is impossible for you to overstay your welcome with me. )

Letter from Louisa Hurst to Caroline and Charles Bingley


Dearest Caroline and Charles... )

May. 22nd, 2022



Charles Bingley - Journal #2

Knowing well that she does not wish to be mentioned in such communiques, I am writing this here with full knowledge and agreement of Miss Bennet.

Prior to Saturday evening's ball, we had not made any plans to dance together in excess. Indeed, though I did pen my own name to Miss Bennet's dance card for the first two turns of the evening, I did not claim anything more than that. I was even witness to Mr Henry Crawford claiming a turn of his own, but by the time music had begun and couples taken their places, we once more found ourselves across from one another, quite without intending to be.

In one round, Miss Bennet and I both attempted to abstain from the dancing entirely, with each of us taking up separate places at the refreshment table. But, again, the same outcome was unintentionally achieved.

While this was most assuredly an unkind trick from our Hostess, I implore you all not to allow such events to color the reputation of Miss Bennet, who has certainly done nothing to earn any ill judgment.

May. 21st, 2022



5/21 Weekly Ball

It's another ball at Summerview Park, this one as lovely in terms of decor as the last. In light of the light colors, the punch is sparkling apple, and some might notice repeated dancing on the part of some.

May. 17th, 2022



Private Letters

To: Mr Charles Bingley
From: Miss Jane Bennet
When: Tuesday, May 17

I consider myself by nature a private person. )



Post: Darcy

For your consideration -
If the purpose of our time here at Summerview Park is to arrange matches resulting in marriages, I fail to see any just cause for the presence of a scandal sheet.
- Darcy

May. 14th, 2022



Ball 5/14

The second ball of Summerview Park proves to be slightly less eventful than the first, despite some shenanigans on the part of several guests. What does your character do?

May. 13th, 2022



Journal Post-Mr. Knightley

As it appears we might be here for an indeterminate duration, and given that we shall be having another ball tomorrow, it seems like a good idea to utilize these journals to facilitate more positive interactions and get to know one another somewhat better than we can in the parlors or at dinner when there is only a limited number you can speak to at any one time. My suggestion is we all introduce ourselves and give a little information about who we are, such that people can feel more comfortable. Perhaps we can inquire more information of each person as you desire.

As it was my suggestion, I shall of course be first to take part.

My name is Mr. George Knightley, and my intimate friends simply call me Knightley, which you are welcome to do as you wish. I'm a gentleman and farmer, and as eldest son after my father's unfortunate passing, master of our family estate, Donwell Abbey. I have a younger brother, married before me with several children. I enjoy reading, music (I do enjoy singing and would love to duet), a good horse ride, picnics and enjoying the fruits of my labors. I especially love strawberries. I am not overly fond of large gatherings, though I'm trying my best with these balls and formal dinners. I'm not always an easy dancer, but I do try. I have a feeling I might be one of the older guests at the Park, but I feel I have a young spirit, even with the responsibilities of Donwell.

Please feel free as to inquire anything you wish about myself. I would love for you to introduce yourself as well. Perhaps this can make things less awkward.