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Oct. 26th, 2012


Forward-dated to Saturday, October 27

It was four days before Halloween, just less than a week before Sabrina's Halloween party, and Mari was still without a costume. Normally she was on top of things like this, planning out what she'd wear almost a month ahead of time. Halloween had really crept up on her faster than normal this year.

Instead of celebrating the end of the school week with her friends, Mari found herself at Pembroke's Party Store on Saturday morning. She hoped inspiration might strike her, and she would either find a costume she liked, or supplies to make a costume, and be able to put something together over the weekend. Walking down an aisle filled with masks, she cringed and giggled at how horrifying (or not horrifying) some of them were. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Grady a little ways down from her. Reaching for the grossest mask she could find, she slipped it on and slowly sneaked up behind him. She made a ferocious growling noise and grabbed his shoulder once she was close enough, shouting, "Boo!" once he'd turned to look at her.

Jun. 7th, 2012


Grady sat on the train with Laine, looking over at her. He wondered why she decided to go to NYC with him. Why she asked him? Grady knew this weekend would be expensive and he would probably spend every penny saved but, he glanced at Laine, he was glad she had asked him.

He wanted to say something, to start the conversation, but he felt nervous around her. He glanced at her again. Since when did he feel so shy?

Jun. 6th, 2012


Text to Grady )


To: [info]baddboygrady
From: [info]lvcummings
Subject: NYC )

May. 30th, 2012


Grady wanted to see Laine. It still felt weird between them. At least Jacques had stop being so angry and he wasn't completely ignoring Grady anymore, but there was still tension.

"Hey," Grady said, walking up to Laine, "I'm done with school today and want to go home. Want to come?"