June 2013



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Jun. 3rd, 2013



The ties were tied, shoes were shining, dresses were flowing and the coursages left the lingering scent of freshness in the air. It was Senior Prom, four years in the making, and the excitement was palpable.

May. 14th, 2013


Another one of Sheila's parties

Sheila had a plan, and it looked like it might pay off. She'd decided to have a party. She and Marty had been broked up for a couple of months now, and Prom wasn't far away. Court would be announced any day, and Sheila wanted Marty to take her. But she knew she couldn't ask him. That was too simple. So she'd thrown this party, and gotten Robert to agree to bring Marty. In return, she had promised that Kara would be there. The tricky part was that Sheila knew Kara wouldn't just come if she'd asked her. So Sheila had to approach Amelia, the girl Marty had cheated on her with, to bring Kara along to the party with her. It wasn't the easiest thing she'd ever done, but hopefully it would be well worth it, she thought, looking around at the tons of kids already in her living room.

Feb. 19th, 2013


Day One - Ice Skating

Red: Kristy, Kara
Blue: Sabrina, Cori, Mari
Green: Sue, Mariah, Mia, Shannon
Yellow: Sheila, Amelia, Stacey, Penny, Wayne

Dec. 15th, 2012


Mari's Christmas Party!

Click the pic and come on in!

Read more... )

Nov. 9th, 2012


Jason quickly checked his shopping list to make sure everything was there. His mom had asked him to pick up a couple of items from the grocery store on his way home from his Starfleet meeting. Jason wished he had the time to take off his captain's uniform beforehand, but he had to drive all the way from Stamford and simply didn't have the time if he wanted to make curfew. He was a proud remember of his Starfleet chapter, but the costume was just bully bait and he just wanted to get in and out of the A&P without trouble.

He was about to go to the check out lane when he spotted someone he went to school with and sighed. So close, yet so far away. He turned so he wouldn't get noticed. Maybe if he stayed quiet and didn't try to look at them, he would be left alone in peace.

Oct. 26th, 2012


Cori had been catching up on the news and gossip on the journals, and was surprised to see RJ flirting with Kara on multiple entries. What was that about? Wanting to figure out what in the world was wrong with her friend — had he hit his head? — she signed on to her IM account and clicked his name, hastily typing a message to him.

coribee: what's up with you and wednesday addams???

Aug. 7th, 2012


Melbourne: Day One

1130AM: Lunch in the Melbourne CBD
6PM: Dinner
Note: No evening activities planned, as it is expected most students will need an early night.

Jul. 30th, 2012


Andi's (somewhat lame and not so) birthday bash

Andi was excited to bring over the cheerleaders. It had been a while, and she had missed seeing her friends every day. Her grandmother had been reluctant to let her bring the crowd over on her birthday, because 'On birthdays seventeen year olds get drunk'. Andi sighed inwardly. She appreciated that she had somebody who cared about her but she didn't want to be smothered like this. Rosa had finally agreed to let Allen-Marie chaperone, and thus Andi had finally let her hair down. She'd arranged for a friend of her sister's to get some beer and wine, and she was ready. Now she was just waiting for her friends to arrive.

Jul. 29th, 2012


Birthday bash?

To: All the cheerleaders at SHS
Subject: Andi's birthday

Do you want to come over tomorrow and have icecream or carrots? Feel free to smuggle in alcohol BUT IT HAS TO BE CONCEALED. You have all been to my house, you know the rules. RSVP here ASAP. Sorry so last minute, it legit took me two weeks to convince the nazi.

Xoxo Andi Noelle

Jul. 19th, 2012


The Group at Pizza Express

RJ had felt like Pizza. He tried not to go to Pizza Express too much, because he didn't want Darcy to think he wasn't over her. Thinking about Darcy had given him an idea though, and he texted a few people to come to Pizza Express, telling them to text the others. It was time for a good old fashioned Pizza Express get together.

Jul. 13th, 2012


The last minute McGill/King crazy house party

At the last minute, Clarence and Maureen had decided to go away for the weekend. While they'd debated asking Grandpa Clarence over to stay with King and Stacey, Stacey had pleaded for them to be left on their own, and promised she would keep things under control. She'd automatically asked Austin to come over, thinking she had to make it up to him for yesterday. She wasn't sure if she was ready to go all the way yet, but she wanted to be. Unbeknownst to Stacey, King had plans of his own. She heard the doorbell ring, and expecting to find Austin on the stoop, she rushed down to open the door. She felt a little more prepared this time, wearing her cutest bra and matching underwear. She opened the door, and instead of Austin, about six of the guys on the football team stood there. Brushing past her, they made their way inside.

"KING!" She screamed out, furious. This was not what she had in mind.

Jun. 8th, 2012


Junior Prom 2012

Let the Junior Prom of 2012 begin!

May. 24th, 2012


Cori gives Sheila advice

Sheila closed her laptop, and sat thinking about what she'd just read. Prom hadn't escaped her mind for a minute, but she wasn't sure how to go about getting what she wanted. Picking up her phone, she scrolled slowly through, looking at each of her friends name in turn, wondering who to call for advice. Finally, she settled on Corinne, and waited for her friend to answer.