June 2013



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Jul. 13th, 2012


The last minute McGill/King crazy house party

At the last minute, Clarence and Maureen had decided to go away for the weekend. While they'd debated asking Grandpa Clarence over to stay with King and Stacey, Stacey had pleaded for them to be left on their own, and promised she would keep things under control. She'd automatically asked Austin to come over, thinking she had to make it up to him for yesterday. She wasn't sure if she was ready to go all the way yet, but she wanted to be. Unbeknownst to Stacey, King had plans of his own. She heard the doorbell ring, and expecting to find Austin on the stoop, she rushed down to open the door. She felt a little more prepared this time, wearing her cutest bra and matching underwear. She opened the door, and instead of Austin, about six of the guys on the football team stood there. Brushing past her, they made their way inside.

"KING!" She screamed out, furious. This was not what she had in mind.


Logan and Cokie do something unexpected

Logan was frustrated. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about, and cursing Cokie since his run in with her the other week. The only good thing about it was he wasn't as focused on his parents fighting. He didn't know why he kept allowing himself to be baited by her, sometimes even seeking it out. Something must be wrong with him. But Cokie was unlike Dori and Mary Anne in about every single way possible, and for some reason, he was seriously attracted to it. Not just her, because anyone with two eyes could see she was hot. But attracted to her attitude, the way she talked, acted, everything.

Even if it frustrated the hell out of him. 

He had to do something, anything though, to get this fascination to end. He couldn't really see them dating, although a part of him wondered what that would be like. So it was with determination he headed over to Cokie's house that night, determination directed toward what, he didn't know, but determination.

This time, he got out of the car, walked up to the front door, and rang the bell.

Jun. 30th, 2012


Driving Miss Mason

After talking to Sunny, Logan had headed home, right into a massive fight. His parents had been fighting because his Dad forgot to buy tomatoes, and so Logan volunteered, mainly to get out of the house. He took his Dad's car, and planned on taking his time. He didn't want to be there. Although the A&P was within wlking distance, he found himself taking a detour, one he wouldn't even allow himself to think about, until he was outside, with the engine off. 

This was crazy, seriously crazy. He went to turn the engine on again, and drive off, but she came outside at that second and saw him. He was caught.

Jun. 29th, 2012


Sunny had to admit that she'd been laying low ever since the prom and that perhaps the oversized hoodie she'd taken to wearing wasn't due to any cold weather that Stoneybrook had been having, but she had -- as per usual -- found it incredibly easy to revert back to hiding, rather than actually facing up to things.

Still, she knew that eventually she would have to face the real world again. She knew that she was the only person that still cared that she'd gotten drunk, that she was beating herself up over nothing. Talking to Katie had helped, of course.

She'd been planning on heading to Dawn's -- at least to reassure her best friend that she was still alive and that she hadn't run off again -- but she'd spotted Logan outside a house that was on the way. She hadn't known that he lived near the Schafer-Spiers, but she supposed starting with Logan would be easier. At least he wasn't slightly prone to judging her.

She called his name hesitantly, taking down her hood.

Jun. 8th, 2012


Junior Prom 2012

Let the Junior Prom of 2012 begin!

May. 21st, 2012


Logan and Sunny...Take Two

Sunny Winslow walked through the halls of Stoneybrook High School with a purpose. She was bored, and she wanted something to do after school. She didn't want to be home alone, and she didn't have tutoring, and she didn't want to irritate Richard and Sharon by pathetically showing up at their house again, so finding a friend she could hang out with was paramount.

Fortunately for her, she spotted Logan Bruno. He was standing by what she presumed to be his locker, and -- most importantly -- he was alone. There would be no awkward encounters for her with any of his jock friends, and -- best of all -- no competitors for his attention. Sunny hated being the third wheel.

So, she walked over, plastering a happy grin on her face. "Logan Bruno," she said, hoping to capture his attention. "Do you have some time for the sunshine in your life?" Yes. She knew it was cheesy. But it got his attention.

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