May 7th, 2013

[info]shs_knights in [info]stoneybrookayr

Prom nominations

Prom nominations are being collected today guys! Each person will need to nominate one guy and one girl for the Prom court. Good luck!

((Nominations to Kylie))


[info]melia_white in [info]stoneybrookayr

"Prom!" Amelia read happily, locking her phone and looking up at Kara happily. She knew Kara would think she was crazy for being happy about Prom, and Brock and Ty probably would too.

"It's so close. Just another sign that we are almost out of here!" she said, shaking her whole body happily.

[info]dave_m_griffin in [info]stoneybrookayr

To: [info]wallingford
From: [info]dave_m_griffin
Subject: (none)

Hey Dori,

Was wondering if you already had a date for prom and if not, would you like to go with me?
