April 29th, 2013

[info]sunnydwinslow in [info]stoneybrookayr

Lunch With RJ

Sunny had finally mustered up her courage to have a conversation with RJ -- Katie was right, she really had to stop acting like a preteen with a crush on him -- and she had decided to do so during lunch.

She slid into the chair across from him and beamed at him.

"Can I sit here?" Sunny asked, hoping the answer was yes.

[info]miss_c_mason in [info]stoneybrookayr

Cokie wanted to stab herself in the eye.  With a rusty fork.  Repeatedly. 

Being ten days overdue was akin to torture.  She was never comfortable, she still couldn't stand the baby's father, and she was sick of being as big as a cow.  But maybe the day had finally come.  After suffering through excruciating contractions a better part of the day, she telephoned her mother who was rushing home to take her to the doctor.  Taking a deep breath as another contraction subsided, she made one more phone call.

"Can you meet me at the hospital?" she whispered urgently into the phone.