November 13th, 2012

[info]maridrabek in [info]stoneybrookayr

Handed to Cary before classes on Tuesday )

[info]jefferson_wood in [info]stoneybrookayr

togas are not all they are made out to be

Woody couldn't help but feel uncomfortable as he made his way around school Tuesday. His mom had constructed a toga out of an old white sheet and Woody had it wrapped around his regular school clothes. Since it was starting to get chilly outside and Woody had more than enough clothes on, the toga felt plain awkward and bulgy. He tugged at the belt around to loosen it.

So much for school spirit. He thought as he passed by a girl who was also clad for the day. They exchanged knowing glances and he grinned, "Nice toga."

He shook his head. It was too warm.