October 18th, 2012

[info]badgirlheather in [info]stoneybrookayr

Heather campaigns.

Heather had a test during the period before lunch and was able to leave once she was finished so she decided to eat earlier than usual. Once she finished eating it was time for lunch in the cafeteria. She could use the time to talk to people and try to get them to vote for her. Much to Heather's surprise, she found herself wanting to win the election and the only way she was going to have a chance was to talk to people. Luckily Heather was in a social mood.

She went over to different classmates and talked to them. She didn't deliberately approach people she had no chance of getting votes from, but she didn't complain when they come to talk to her. She had just finished talking to Dorianne Wallingford and moved on to the next person. "Do you have any idea who you are voting for class representative?" she asked.

OCC: Open to anyone who doesn't mind being campaigned at or just wants to talk to her briefly. :D

[info]kmauricio in [info]stoneybrookayr

TO: [info]melia_white
FROM: [info]kmauricio
SUBJECT: new job possibility? )

[info]shankilbourne in [info]stoneybrookayr

Climbing out of her car, Shannon was surprised to see her father's vehicle in the driveway as well. She checked her watch as she walked to the front door. It was a little before five, which is when she usually arrived home from school after one of her various club meetings. She wondered what he was doing home so early. It was usually seven or eight before he got home. Opening the front door, Shannon was immediately greeted with the muffled sound of her parents arguing. They'd been doing so much better lately, she thought, and now this.

Whatever. She didn't want to be there to hear it. Dropping her backpack on the small chair just inside the entryway, she headed for the phone in the kitchen, looked up Brock's address in the phonebook that was next to it, and exited the kitchen door. It wasn't until she was halfway to Brock's house that she realized he might be out or something. She really should have called, but she wasn't thinking very clearly at the moment. Pulling to a stop in front of his house, she hurried up to the front door and rang the bell. When she didn't get a response, she tried knocking. Still no answer. She didn't want to go to one of her girl friends' houses, not wanting them to worry about her, so instead she sat down on the front porch and waited. He had to come home sooner or later.

[info]caryret in [info]stoneybrookayr

Cary put down his binoculars and sighed. Nothing interesting was going on in his neighborhood. For reasons unknown to him, his neighbors decided to be boring tonight. It was a shame too. He thought it was going to be the night the unmarried couple two doors down were going to break up.

With a frown, Cary climbed down his fortress where the Riddler, his dog, was waiting for him with his leash in his mouth. He took the leash and petted the Riddler affectionately. "I get the hint. It can't be anymore boring out there," he said as he attached the leash to his dog's collar.

Once he was sure the Riddler wouldn't break free, Cary led his dog out of the yard and down the street. When they reached the corner of his block, the Riddler decided they needed to go left. Cary let the dog lead the way. It was much more preferable than sitting around waiting for his neighbors get interesting. Two blocks later, Cary saw a classmate walking around and gently got the Riddler to go in the right direction. "Good night for a walk," he commented, deciding not to go with 'the eagle has landed' for his opening. "Do you do this often?"

[info]missbouvier in [info]stoneybrookayr

Sabrina did one last warm up stretch before she jogged out of her yard. Normally she didn't jog twice in one day, but she was starting to feel restless and if she stayed at home all she would have done was drink wine and read Sweet Valley High books. That was not a habit she wanted to start, at least the wine drinking part.

She turned off of her street and headed toward the park. She would circle it three times before she would go home. Much to her surprise, there was another jogger out. Sabrina figured she would be the only one out. She decided to jog over to them, not caring who the person was. She just needed not to be alone for once. "Mind if I join you?" she asked.