July 21st, 2012

[info]sayheylopez in [info]stoneybrookayr

We used to.

Katie hadn't talked to Marty in a long time. Before Alan, before everything, they had been pretty tight, hanging out and even throwing parties together, but they'd had a fall out and just stopped hanging out. When she saw him on the other side of the mall, she realized how much she'd missed his company. She felt a bit apprehensive, would he want to talk to her? She wasn't a cheerleader and the cheerleaders didn't exactly think highly of her. She was popular, that wasn't the issue, but she wasn't one of them. Still, she decided to walk up to him. Because once upon a time he listened to her tears.

"Hey, Marty" she said trying to sound casual.

[info]andinoelle in [info]stoneybrookayr

Cellphones are love.

Andi was playing with her cellphone, taking pouty lip pictures and sending them to boys for fun. She was bored. It was a Saturday morning and she knew waking Sheila would be suicide, but she really wanted to talk to somebody. She went through her contacts. Hate him. She hates me. Ugh no. Cheerleader, she decided. She was worried about not making Varsity; she'd probably commit suicide if she didn't. Skating was important but cheerleader was her complete identity.


She dialled the number. She and Darcy weren't close like her and Sheila, or her and Penny, but she liked the co cheerleader alot.

"Darcy? It's Andi!"