St. Margaret's


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Posts Tagged: 'location:+around+town'

Nov. 7th, 2015



Thread: Parasites

WHO: Cressida possessed by Hecate, then EVERYONE!
WHEN: Saturday evening, right after dinner time
WHERE: The hunter’s lair, the school, the graveyard, the woods
NPCs: Ms. Menides, hunters

This wasn't just a threat to St. Margaret's. )

Oct. 26th, 2015



Thread: This City Never Sleeps

WHO: Winifred & Leon
WHEN: Saturday early afternoon [backdated]
WHERE: Around Camden

Leon didn't think Fred was all that chatty, anyway, so he may get by with just a nod. )

Sep. 24th, 2015



Costumes and Pumpkin Spice Fun

Who: Kana, Sara and Jae
Where: Costume shop in town
When: Friday (forward dated)
Rating: Low

What do you want to look at first? )

Sep. 19th, 2015



Narrative: Beginning Of The End.

WHO: --
WHEN: Sept 15. After THIS
WHERE: Unknown
NPCs: Bethany, Martin, Jonah Myers

A school for the supernatural, hidden all this time. )

Sep. 15th, 2015



Thread: Fairy And A Bear Hunt A Vampire

WHO: Therese & Kaden
WHEN: Sept. 15, close to midnight
WHERE: Center of town, Camden

A were-creature was lying if they said they had complete control over their animal. )

Sep. 9th, 2015



Thread: Girls and Shopping

WHO: Caitlin, Katherine, Bushara, Alicia, Vixey, and anyone else that wants to tag-along
WHEN: Late afternoon, September 9th
WHERE: Outside Ladon house and then Camden Wharf
WHAT: Shopping and introductions

This would be a welcome distraction from yesterday's reunion with Fred... )

Jul. 9th, 2015



Thread: Too Small Town

WHO: Thierry & Leon
WHEN: July 9th, early evening
WHERE: Streets of Camden

Leon scowled at the tourists, hating them and their normal lives. )

May. 1st, 2015



Thread: Preserved Pieces

WHO: Bushara & Lucia
WHEN: Friday afternoon
WHERE: Museum in town

She looks sad. )

Apr. 1st, 2015



Thread: OJ Ain't Free

WHO: Jae & Davian
WHEN: March 28 [backdated]
WHERE: Camden Police Station, then all around town

Fucking PO says I need to get a summer job. )

Mar. 13th, 2015



Skate the pain away

Who: Adrian and Oliver
When: After classes Thursday
Where: Streets of Camden and the park

If there was anything that could help his mood this was it )

Mar. 4th, 2015



Thread: Drivers Ed

WHO: Victoria, Caleb, and Leon
WHEN: March 3d, 11pm [backdated a day due to pending full moon]
WHERE: Empty parking lot near Camden

What is it called again? )

Jan. 31st, 2015



Thread : New

WHO: Osreor Kastner and Ben Proctor
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: around town

unsure about the direction )

Jan. 30th, 2015



Thread: Rites

WHO: Leon Vincent & Lilie Hoch
WHEN: Friday night
WHERE: Camden post office, The Raconteur

Tomorrow he would be the undertaker and bury the past once and for all. )



[No Subject]

Who: Bushara and Lilie
When: Wednesday during classes
Where: Around town

Girls having fun )

Dec. 21st, 2014



Thread: Backgrounds and Futures

WHO: Victoria and James
WHEN: Middle of last week, backdated
WHERE: Around the shops at Camden

He offered her his arm when they got on the sidewalk in the main square of Camden. )

Dec. 13th, 2014



Thread: Welcome to Camden Town

WHO: Valentin Graff & Victoria Vazquez
WHERE: Camden Town, in front of Mrs. Craddocks
WHEN: Saturday, around 3

Valentin stepped outside of the narrow shop, bidding Mrs. Craddocks a good day. There was a little silver bell and then door shut. It had been a quiet day, and she hadn't minded her only employee leaving. Around, in Camden Main Street, the stores were open, the Christmas decorations and the shoppers making it seem lively, while the snow made it seem like a fairytale. Valentin breathed in the cold air, feeling it enter his lungs.

Upside of being a vampire was that the cold didn't bother him anymore. Valentin grinned, somewhat unseasonly dressed in his jeans, his leather jacket and his lack of gloves, scarf and a hat. He grinned at the passing people, loving Camden during this time of year. It looked like something out of a Dickens novel. Or something out of snow globe.

When Valentin saw Victoria approach, he grinned. "Hey! Welcome to our town! 'Tis the season. You want to... eat something?"

Dec. 6th, 2014



Thread: Demonic Errands

WHO: Jae & Davian
WHEN: Dec 6, Saturday 10am
WHERE: Police Station, around Camden

Brace yourself. This place smells like piss. )

Nov. 18th, 2014


Thread: Shopping Buddies (Claire & Lilie)

WHO: Lilie Hoch & Claire Fox
WHEN: Tuesday afternoon
WHERE: Camden Wharf, various shops
WARNING: Eh, we'll put it here for girl talk because Claire's in heat, y'all.

We should hit up Dustin's at some point for . . . reasons )

Oct. 13th, 2014



Girls' Day

Who: Sara and Bushara
When: Friday afternoon (backdated)
Where: Camden shops

See anything you like, gorgeous? )

Sep. 1st, 2014



Thread: Running Around

Who: Gabriel Martin and OPEN
Where: Camden Wharf - Pier, Marina, along coast
When: Monday, September 1st

The freedom of the summer was always intoxicating... )