St. Margaret's


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+jamaal+jacobs'

Aug. 3rd, 2014



Frost Me By Letter

WHO: Jamaal and Sara
WHEN: Earlier last week
WHERE: Origins of the Alphabet class

Special Delivery: Brain Food )



Thread: Float Like A Butterfly, Sting Like A Bee

WHO: Jamaal and Sara
WHEN: late afternoon
WHERE: Courtyard of the school in the shade

When Jamaal suggested that his training could be turned into dancing, she had to see it with her own eyes. )

Aug. 2nd, 2014



Thread: Settling In

Who: Daniel Dyami and Jamaal Jacobs
When: late Sunday morning ( after Ms. Menides and Mr. Pheres's return to the school )
Where: Ladon House
NPCs: Daniel's father and little brother, Ms. Menides, Mr. Pheres

on his own )

Jun. 24th, 2014



Slightly Homesick...

Who: Jamaal and Ambriel
What: Checking out the town
Where: Fair
When: Tuesday afternoon, June 24th

he would probably trade almost anything for a Sonoran Dog )