St. Margaret's


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Posts Tagged: 'location:+the+raconteur'

Nov. 26th, 2017



Party for those that remained

Who: Any student who remained at the academy over the break BYOT
Where: The Raconteur
When: Friday after Thanksgiving
Warning: It's a party

There were many people already on the dance floor, some having arrived intoxicated already )

Jan. 16th, 2017



Thread: Three Years Immortal

WHO: James, his birthday party guests, and their +1
WHEN: January 15, 9pm-?
WHERE: The Raconteur

The last hours of their weekend winded down and dwindled into nothing. )

Aug. 8th, 2016


Thread: A quiet afternoon to talk

WHO: Thierry Gravois and James Weatherby
WHEN: A little bit after this conversation.
WHERE: The Raconteur

You all settled? Need any'ting to drink? )

Mar. 7th, 2016



Engagement Party

Who: Students
Where: The Raconteur
When: Saturday 3/5 (Backdated)
Rating: It's a party

The engagement of an angel and a demon )

Bring your own threads

Feb. 12th, 2016



Speed Dating

Who: Anyone who signed up for the Speed Dating
When: Friday evening
Where: The Raconteur
Rating: You be the judge lol

She hoped everyone would have a great time, and possibly even find some couples going home together )

Jan. 15th, 2016



Thread: Turning Two

WHO: James and all students!
WHEN: January 15th, night time
WHERE: The Raconteur

Trouble would be the perfect birthday gift. )

Nov. 2nd, 2015



Thread: Grandmother, What Sharp Teeth You Have

WHO: Fred & the Hunters (Bethany and Martin)
WHEN: Monday, Nov. 2. Early evening.
WHERE: The Raconteur

We may not have time to wait for the others to get here. )

Jan. 15th, 2015



Thread: Turning One

WHO: James and Everyone who was invited and their +1
WHEN: January 15
WHERE: The Raconteur

He wanted people to be comfortable, to not have to put on airs, to mingle and interact, and he wanted to see how well they did. )

Nov. 20th, 2014



Pink haired hind in the library

Who: Alicia and Corinna
Where: Library
When: Thursday after classes

she did the only thing she could think of. She waved and smiled brightly at the other girl )

Aug. 23rd, 2014



Thread: Bring the Beer

WHO: Jack Cavanaugh and Micah Kaden
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: The Raconteur

So. Is tonight the night, Jack? )

Mar. 18th, 2014



Log: Mutual Trust

WHO: Connor & Lily
WHEN: 16 March 2014
WHERE: The Raconteur

Patience was something he'd developed and nurtured over the last thirty years and Connor's tastes were picky, so much so that he would gladly wait until he saw a perfect fit. )

Jan. 5th, 2014



Thread: Normal Night at the Movies

WHO: Bark and Ash
WHEN: Saturday December 4th [backdated]
WHERE: Martin & Marvin's Modern Theatre, Camden Wharf

A dragon thwarted by dwarves and a hobbit? )

Nov. 9th, 2013



Log: Sure Fire Win

WHO: Matt Riley and Valentin Graff
WHERE: The Raconteur
WHEN: 7th November 2013

Tonight, that wasn’t necessary, fortunately. Valentin had procured a bottle of whiskey from one of the Ladonites who’d been willing to part with some of her stock following Halloween )