[info]snapetoy wrote
on September 21st, 2006 at 01:16 am

SS/HP Prophet for Sept 20

Original poster: magic_helmet


[x] A Unique Guest by [info]mimbulus (PG)
[x] Barbie Boy by [info]gauriel (NC-17)
[x] Excerps from On the Plethora of Uses for Zingiber officinale by phiucusmalfoy HP/SS/DM
[x] It Began with a Carrot by [info]xremusxgalx (NC-17)
[x] Waiting by [info]book_worm37 (NC-17) Warning: Under 18
[x] Coming Unwrapped by [info]gauriel (R)
[x] Harry Potter and the Good Prince Severus the Pouty by [info]psyfic (NC-17)
[x] Small Snapes by [info]unbroken_halo (R)

Completed Fics and WIP's

[x] A Summer Like No Other by [info]aspenlight (R)
[x] Darker Shades of Grey II: Descent into Madness by [info]gauriel (NC-17) HP/DM/SS
[x] Of Masters and Madness by [info]eriador117 has been updated with Chapter 9 (NC-17)
[x] Price of Magic by [info]ac1d6urn has been updated with chapter 11 (R)
[x] A New Drug by [info]nuavarion has been updated with chapter 9 (NC-17)
[x] Snape Family Values by cousin_giry has been updated with Chapter 9 (G)
[x] Something to Fight For by [info]nuavarion has been updated with Chapter 25 (R)


[x] After Harry by [info]lilliputian722
[x] A Snarry Moment by [info]amandasaitou (PG-13)
[x] Cracky Birthday by [info]jadzialove
[x] Date Night by [info]gauriel
[x] Once Upon a Peacocks Feather by [info]opaquevision (PG)
[x] Rosemary for Fidelity by [info]lesyeuxverts00 (NC-17)
[x] Sobbed by [info]lilyeyes (NC-17)
[x] Firsts by [info]medawyn
[x] Paycheck by [info]florahart (NC-17)
[x] Relaxed by [info]florahart (NC-17)
[x] A Losing Battle by [info]accioslash (G)
[x] Intoxication by [info]anorielle (PG)
[x] 7 Snarry Drabbles by [info]rakina (PG - NC-17)


[x] Books by [info]ac1d6urn (PG)
[x] Dreaming Spires Illustration by [info]ac1d6urn (PG)
[x] Harry's Birthday/Snapes Surprise by [info]empress_miyu (PG-13)
[x] Knockturn Alley by [info]perselus (PG)
[x] Let Go by [info]miyoung_boz (G)
[x] Little Death by [info]chrysos (NC-17)
[x] Love Triangle by [info]tripperfunster (NC-17)
[x] Lumos by [info]swtalmnd (PG-13)
[x] Rain by [info]yukipon (G)
[x] Separate Worlds by [info]fushiafishes (G)
[x] The Cure by [info]ac1d6urn (PG)
[x] The Traitor and His Savior by [info]cnary_crem_dght (NC-17)
[x] Illustration for The Law of Sexuality by [info]undun (PG)
[x] Untitled by [info]froggie (R)
[x] HP Doodles by [info]kittehkat (G to NC-17)
[x] 3 Artses by [info]gloredhel04 (G to PG)
[x] Woes in the Graveyard by [info]pnkrockbigmouth (G)
[x] Mine by [info]snakeysnape (R)
[x] The Blood on this Hands by [info]tasha_neko (PG)
[x] A Tender Moment by [info]matyas_adina (PG-13)
[x] Occulumency by sally avernier (G)


[x] Chasing Cars by [info]eriador117 (PG-13)


[x] More Snarry Olympic Interviews As well, a FAQ has been posted for those of you who have questions about the Olympics.
[x] potionssnitches has posted their weekly fic list.
[x] The Sorting Hat is now open for voting.
[x] Walking the Plank has posted their weekly updates.


[x] Please send all of your Snarry news to sshp.prophet@gmail.com


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