March 11th, 2009

[info]magic_helmet in [info]sshp_prophet

SS/HP Prophet for March 7 - 11

One Shots
[x] gypsyflame: Look Who's Stalking (NC-17) Snape/Draco/Harry
[x] lesyeuxverts: To Wake the Sleeping Prince (PG-13)
[x] lilyseyes: The Triad (NC-17) Chan
[x] softly_sweetly: Sex Changes (NC-17) Harry/Draco/Severus
[x] swtalmnd: Strange Creatures Chapters (NC-17) Story is in 3 parts.
[x] torino10154: Roundabout (NC-17) Severus/Harry/Draco Harry/Draco

Works In Progress
[x] eriador117: Apprenticed to Love is now up to Chapter 14 (NC-17)
[x] lucius_complex: The Portrait is now up to Chapter 2 (G)

Drabbles And Ficlets
[x] alisanne: Thirsting For More (PG)
[x] lilyseyes: The Way You Feel (NC-17)
[x] lilyseyes: The Way I Feel about You (R)
[x] lilyseyes: Truths (PG)
[x] torino10154: The Big Day (PG)
[x] unbroken_halo: A Unique Relationship (NC-17)
[x] unbroken_halo: The Art of Communication (PG-13)

[x] potionssnitches: Weekend update for March 9th

This Newsletter
[x] Send your Snape/Harry news to!