November 22nd, 2005

[info]snapetoy in [info]sshp_prophet

SS/HP News: 19-22 November

Original poster: atrata

[x] Catching the Snape (PG-13) by Qzeebrella ([info]qzee)
[x] Icon by [info]rantipole_ (NC-17): Part one and part two
[x] Smoky Memories (R) by [info]arachnethe2

Drabbles & Ficlets
[x] His Only Joy (G) by [info]melora98
[x] In Anticipation of Grief (PG) by [info]reddwarfer

Works in Progress
[x] Strange Attraction by [info]atrata is a new WiP with two chapters so far.
[x] The Cleanest Piece of Smut You'll Ever Find is a three-part series by [info]rakina. Part one is posted.
[x] Shattered Souls by [info]eriador117 is now complete. 28 chapters, rated M+.
[x] The Law of Sexuality by [info]rakina is now complete. 61 chapters, NC-17.
[x] Scenes from a Mentorship by [info]gaeta is now complete. Gen.

[x] Marked, Defiled (R) by [info]trifles

Art & Icons
[x] Happily Ever After (G) by [info]shariot
[x] Snarry in Satin (G) by [info]yorugami_ahou
[x] The Fool & The Moon (G) by [info]miyoung_boz. Two separate pieces.
[x] [info]lament_du_lamia posted some Snape icons. Some of them are even pervy!

[x] [info]gothic_kaiba has made a Yukipon-inspired colourbar
[x] Remember the Snape Chocolate Harry Addiction League? Now it's a community: [info]schal. The mods would love everyone to join and post reviews of Snape/Harry stories and chocolate.
[x] now allows authors to respond to reviews. No more review responses in the text of chaptered fics!

This Newsletter
[x] I am in the process of tagging this community. Regular posts (like this one) will be tagged by month and year, which is largely an exercise in redundancy. However, the special WiP editions are all tagged as such, and therefore easily accessible.
[x] I'm reserving the right to take the rest of the week off due to the Thanksgiving holiday here in the States. If there's actually stuff going on, I may post, but don't be alarmed if this is the only post for the week.
[x] The SSHP Prophet is very pleased to announce our collaboration with the After Class mailing list. This means two things: First, our issues will be going out on the mailing list. Many subscribers don't have LJs, so we're hoping this will help bring together the different corners of the Snape/Harry fandom. Second, [info]snapetoy, [info]nimori and [info]magic_helmet, the lovely After Class mods, are joining the Prophet's editorial team. Yay! We're still working on scheduling and logistics, but I'm sure they'll do an excellent job. [info]murklins and I are absolutely thrilled to have them aboard.
[x] Send your Snape/Harry news to!
