September 24th, 2005

[info]snapetoy in [info]sshp_prophet

SS/HP News: 21-24 September

Original poster: murklins

[x] Cheated (NC-17) by [info]flessan
[x] Sunday Morning Breakfast (PG) by [info]jadzia7667
[x] Gets It from His Father (NC-17) by [info]the_con_cept
[x] Kink #11 (R) by [info]stellahobbit
[x] Never Mind (PG-13) by [info]naatz

Works in Progress
[x] Le Petit Chat by [info]coeur_de_ma_vie is a new WiP with four chapters

Drabbles & Ficlets
[x] A Very Demanding Harry (R) by [info]magdelena1969

Art & Icons
[x] Between A Rock & A Hard Place (PG-13) by [info]lizardspots. SS/HP/LM
[x] Facing the Worst Together (PG) by [info]matyas_adina

[x] [info]stainedpaper discusses the suitability of A Perfect Circle songs as Snarry fic soundtracks
[x] [info]reddwarfer brings you some Wizarding Top Forty hits, Oops, I Hexed You Again and Legilimens Me One More Time
[x] [info]silverphoenix69 is looking for werewolf!Harry/Severus fics

[x] The Silver Snitch appears to be down.
[x] [info]domharry has issued the Cocktober Cockslapping challenge, in which your mission is to have Harry cockslap someone male
[x] This week's challenge at [info]snarry100 is Post-HBP bad Snape

Send your Snape/Harry news to!
