[info]claucita wrote
on January 10th, 2015 at 08:01 pm

SS/HP Prophet for January 4 - January 10

If we missed an entry, please comment on the latest newsletter and it will be added to the next edition.

One Shots
[x] alisanne: Hawaiian Holidays [NC-17]
[x] lilyseyes: Alcove of Amour [NC-17] Repost
[x] lilyseyes: An Auror Christmas [NC-17] Repost
[x] magicalthings: Severus' Thoughts [G]

Completed Chapter Fic
[x] starduchess: Twelve Days After Christmas - parts 7 - 12 / 12 [PG]

Works In Progress
[x] Cjr2: The Most Powerful Magic - Chapter 14 [Explicit]
[x] sheankelor: Dreams 8/15 [M] Chan

Drabbles And Ficlets
[x] alisanne: A Supernatural Interest [PG]
[x] alisanne: Fixing Canon [PG]
[x] alisanne: Morning Fortune [PG]
[x] alisanne: Truth or Dare [PG]
[x] lilyseyes: Little Surprises [R]
[x] lilyseyes: Setting Traditions [PG]
[x] rycolfan: Fighting the Darkness [R]
[x] rycolfan: Turning the Page [PG]
[x] torino10154: How to Spend a Rainy Day [NC-17]

Art And Icons
[x] AnastasiaMantihora: snarry_sketch_2 [Unrated]
[x] Anonymous: Midnight Snack [R]
[x] Ma-kosh: Happy Valentine's Day, Professor [Unrated]
[x] Ma-kosh: This mistletoe, Professor? [Unrated]
[x] Yuki-Almasy: What Do We Have Here? [Unrated]
[x] iago-rotten: Snarry Christmas [Unrated]

[x] snarry100: Has Issued Challenge 457 - Charm

This Newsletter
[x] Send your Snape/Harry news to sshp.prophet@gmail.com!

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