Jul. 23rd, 2009


TITLE: There's No Rhys Here...
WHAT: Jack and Gwen in Private
WHERE: Jack's private sleeping quarters.
TAKES PLACE AFTER: Kirk reuniting them.
CHARACTERS: Jack Harkness. Gwen Cooper.

And then there were two... )

Jul. 18th, 2009


Who: Gwen Cooper, James T. Kirk, and Jack Harkness
Where: Captain office
When: Now?
Why: So she can get to and see Jack.
Open: To Jack
Rating: Medium - Gwen has a habit of cursing.

We Build Then We Break )

Jul. 10th, 2009


Who: Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, and James T. Kirk
What: Bringing Martha to Kirk / Discussing the Doctor
Where: Kirk's Office
When: After Jack finds Martha and Spock has told him that the Doctor is in a holding cell.
Rating: TBA, swearing and fighting may occur

But he's the Doctor, duh )

Jul. 8th, 2009


[Vulcan Logic versus 51st Century Omnisexuality]

Who: Spock and Jack Harkness
What: Researching the Rift
Where: The Science Labs
When: After Kirk and Spock Visited the Holding Cells
Rating: TBD

“I do not believe it is appropriate for me to call you ‘Jack’. Nor is it appropriate for you to appraise my anatomy as we proceed to the science facilities.” )

Jul. 6th, 2009


Who Martha Jones and open
What Yet another new arrival
Where Some fairly quiet part of the Enterprise
When Whenever?
Rating TBD, unlikely to be high.

*imagine something witty or intelligent here* )

Jul. 4th, 2009


Oh Hai Thar

TITLE: Oh Hai Thar
WHAT: Meeting the newbs.
TAKES PLACE AFTER: Two new arrivals, lost in time.

He had a moment to ponder all of this )