Jul. 23rd, 2009


TITLE: There's No Rhys Here...
WHAT: Jack and Gwen in Private
WHERE: Jack's private sleeping quarters.
TAKES PLACE AFTER: Kirk reuniting them.
CHARACTERS: Jack Harkness. Gwen Cooper.

And then there were two... )

Jul. 18th, 2009


Who: Gwen Cooper, James T. Kirk, and Jack Harkness
Where: Captain office
When: Now?
Why: So she can get to and see Jack.
Open: To Jack
Rating: Medium - Gwen has a habit of cursing.

We Build Then We Break )

Jul. 12th, 2009


Who: Gwen Cooper
Where: Corridor
When: Now
Why: Bringing her in the game
Open: Everyone?
Rating: Medium - Gwen has a habit of cursing.

everything will be fine )