July 10th, 2009

[info]ex_screwdest167 in [info]spacetime


Who: Fred and Captain Kirk
What: Discussing the New Arrivals
Where: Kirk's Office
When: After Dean's Arrival
Rating: TBD

Now she just needed to work out if she was supposed to salute. )

[info]imseventeen in [info]spacetime

How Many More?

TITLE: How Many More?
WHAT: So Many New Faces
TAKES PLACE AFTER: everything so far

It bothered him )

[info]charming_rogue in [info]spacetime

Who: Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, and James T. Kirk
What: Bringing Martha to Kirk / Discussing the Doctor
Where: Kirk's Office
When: After Jack finds Martha and Spock has told him that the Doctor is in a holding cell.
Rating: TBA, swearing and fighting may occur

But he's the Doctor, duh )

[info]science_first in [info]spacetime

Who: Spock and Ushas
What: Discussing the Doctor
Where: Spock's Office
When: A whole bunch of stuff
Rating: TBA, unlikely to be high

She'd done well to pretend she didn't know the old fool )
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