July 13th, 2009

[info]tennish in [info]spacetime


Who: The Doctor (10.5) and YOU! (by which I mean, OPEN.)
Where: Starting near sickbay, but he's roaming the halls, so god knows where he'll end up.
When: Mid evening
Why: Because he's here. He's a time-lord/human biological metacrisis. And he's got no idea on God's green earth (or any of those other ones) where or when he is.
Rating: TBD. But unless some scantily clad young ensign throws herself at him as he wanders the halls of the Enterprise, I'm going to go ahead and clock this one at like, PG-13 max. Though, given the questionable ethics of the MPAA... but I digress.

...Are you.. looking for something in that medical supply closet? )

[info]oriongaila in [info]spacetime

Who: Gaila
Where: Computer Lab/Jim's Quarters
When: Er, late night
Why: They need to have a talk, that's why!
Rating: NC-17 for sexual situations.

We need to talk )