July 16th, 2009

[info]deadsexy127 in [info]spacetime

Who: Spike&OTA
What: Trying to hunt up some food
Where: The kitchen like area?
When: Afternoon
Rating: TBD for now.

Anyone ever tell you that you remind them of a slayer? )

[info]faceof_evil in [info]spacetime

Who:Sylar and Elle
Where: Wherever sylar was being held at;ending in elle's room
When: the next day after this thread
Why: Does sylar really need a reason?No,no he does not
Rating: Hard R.It issylar after all.

Oooh,he's mad now! )

[info]faceof_evil in [info]spacetime

Who:Sylar and Q
Where: somewhere?
When: During this thread
Why: because?does that work for you?
Rating: TBD for the moment

what fuckary is this? )
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