19 August 2009 @ 09:05 pm
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "Return of the Snape" by Snakeysnape  
Title: Return Of The Snape
Artist: [info]snakeysnape
Team: Snitch (Ballz, we got 'em!)
Genre(s): GenderBender/Crossdressing, Fandom Crossovers/Fusion
Prompt(s): Last Hope
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG13; Highlight if you wish to know: * Avoid if you are sensitive to latex or allergic to hairy guys in harem costumes. Contains 100 % industrial strength crack. Not to be taken with food or drink as there is some risk of choking and/or snorting diet Pepsi out your nose. (Ouch!) Also not to be taken seriously. May be hazardous to the health of your computer, not to mention your mind, should you ignore these precautions. If you experience any side effects, take two naked Snapes and call me in the morning. Accidental overdose may be countered with canon. Or laser cannon. Repeatedly. Oh, and I am NOT responsible. :evil grin: For anything.*
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers/Thank you to DISCLAIMER: The Harry Potter universe and its recognizable characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Films. Star Wars belongs to George Lucas. This is a work of fan art from which no profit is made.
A/N: Having discovered (in Episode V: The Death Eaters Strike Back) that Nagini's venom is only deadly to males, Severus The Sky Walker takes a temporary gender switching potion, enabling him to survive an otherwise fatal trap. What he does not know is that one of the elixir's rare ingredients was contaminated, turning him into a true hermaphrodite. It also activates any latent Creature genes the user might have ... and the change is permanent.
Media used: Poser, Photoshop and Corel Graphics Suite
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): May be archived wherever the Snarry Games art is archived, may be used in the Tribute video. Permission is also given for use in icon/tag making, provided the artist is properly credited. Any other use, please ask first.

Returning to his home world of Slytherin in search of a cure, Severus must rescue the Rebel Order's only remaining hope of destroying the Dark Lord, Voldemort, from the harem of Malfoy The Slutt. But will the Boy Who Is Badly Disguised As A Princess even recognize his hero and secret love in this beguiling new shape? )
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18 August 2009 @ 08:17 pm
Team Snitch Entry (FIC): "If Only" by Jadzialove  
Title: If Only
Author: [info]jadzialove
Team: Snitch!
Genre(s): Time Travel
Prompt(s): Consequences, Seeking Knowledge
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: Rated NC17; Highlight if you wish to know: *EWE, Character Death(s) ... sort of ... but not really .... You'll see, just trust me. Brief, non-explicit, non-Snarry pairing.*
Word Count: ~13,500
Author Notes/Disclaimers/Betas: In this tale you will find bits of dialogue from the books. Specifically (and in order of appearance), an excerpt from the chapter of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix called, Snape's Worst Memory and from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter Eight, called, Flight of the Fat Lady. So I must credit J.K. Rowling with that, as well as Harry Potter's world in its entirety (I do not own Harry Potter, he owns me.). As this story is Snape's POV, only the actual dialogue was borrowed, and in both instances, not the entire thing, since the time lines are altered. Hopefully this will make sense after you've read it. Huge Thank Yous to: our esteemed Capitan, [info]joanwilder for her SuperBeta skillz, and for once again taking the reins and being our fearless leader; to [info]blamebrampton for Brit-picking and wordsmithing as well as her knowledge of 1970s London; to [info]veridian_dair & [info]torino10154 for early reading, inspiration (art! even), and general encouragement; and to Team Snitch for the sharp eyes and support. Biggest thanks of all go to DJ and the other Games Mods for inviting me to play! It's been awesome. Thank you!

Summary: Things look rather dire for Severus Snape, until he awakens in a strange room, where he learns 'What Might Have Been' and whether or not he has the mettle to embrace 'What Could Be'.

If Only, by Jadzialove )

Mod note: If you rec this story, please link this POST, not the story url, or the author will not get her proper vote tally. Thank you!
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17 August 2009 @ 08:02 pm
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "Sanctuary" by Zephre  
Title: Sanctuary
Artist: [info]zephre
Team: Snitch
Genre(s): Literary/Historical
Prompt(s): Man in Uniform, Sanctuary
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG13; Highlight if you wish to know: * *mild battlefield gore**
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers/Thank you to Special thanks to K who probably won't ever see this, but helped break my block. The Literary and Historical influence for this piece is the "Sharpe" series by Bernard Cornwell, about a British rifleman during the Napoleonic Wars (thus the green uniforms).
Media used: *photoshop.
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes

Sanctuary, by Zephre )
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16 August 2009 @ 09:10 pm
Team Snitch Entry (FIC): "The Snidget" by Acidburn and Sinick  
Title: The Snidget
Author(s): [info]sinick and [info]ac1d6urn
Team: Snitch!
Genre: Alive and Kicking (EWE)
Prompt(s): Last Hope, Skin Deep
Rating: NC-17/Adult
Warnings: Highlight if you wish to know: *Character Deaths, Violence, Swearing*
Word Count: 34000+
A/N: Thanks VERY much, to [info]naatz and to our Fearless Leader [info]joanwilder, for sterling beta work under tight deadlines.

Summary: After the Dark Lord's victory, Headmaster Snape is living under a sword's edge, when hope flies in past his shields.

The Snidget by Acidburn and Sinick )

Mod note: If you rec this story, please link this POST, not the story url, or the author will not get her proper vote tally. Thank you!
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16 August 2009 @ 12:02 am
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "Shifting" By Andreanna  
Title: Shifting
Artist: [info]andreanna
Team: SNITCH!! ftw
Genre(s): Genderbender
Prompt(s): Second Impressions and Coming Home
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG13 for dirty...language
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers/Thank you to Oh god! There are so, so many people to thank! From nitpicking to cheerleading, to just listening while I complained. This thing is without a doubt the most complex piece of art I've ever taken on and I couldn't have done it without everyone's help from Team Snitch. Specifically, thank you to [info]veridian_dair, in whom I have found a new friend, to[info]lizardspots for letting me whine, to[info]joanwilder for keeping me on track, and finally to [info]djin7 and the other Games mods without whom this wouldn't be possible. It was a labor of love; I hope you all enjoy it!
Media used: SAI PaintTool, Photoshop, Wacom tablet
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes to Tribute Video, all other usage including icons and archiving, please ask first :)

*Dial up users beware of multiple images under the cut*

Shifting, by Andreanna )
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14 August 2009 @ 07:42 am
Team Snitch Entry (FIC): "Bids and Pieces (of Harry's Life, Post-Happily Ever After)" By Ziasudra  
Title: Bids and Pieces (of Harry's Life, Post-Happily Ever After)
Author: [info]ziasudra
Team: Team Snitch
Genre(s): Alive and Kicking
Prompt(s): Highest Bidder, Secret and Lies
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Highlight if you wish to know: * Infidelity (and various characters' different levels of acceptance/indifference about infidelity); Harry/OC (non-explicit but central to story); Epilogue compliant, so there's Harry/Ginny as an established pairing (non explicit)*
Word Count: 9,600~
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize from the Harry Potter books belongs to JKR. I only play with them.
A/N: Thank you to the members of Team Snitch, particular el capitan [info]joanwilder, [info]rons_pigwidgeon, and [info]whitecotton for your feedback and beta!

Summary: Harry's family and old and new friends are somehow all entangled into a web of interconnectedness, spun at the center by a mysterious potions brewer. Who could that be?

Bids and Pieces (Of Harry's Life, Post Happily Ever After) )
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13 August 2009 @ 07:33 am
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "Feel" by GredandFeorge  
Title: Feel
Artist: [info]gredandfeorge
Team: Snitch
Genre(s): Mentor
Prompt(s): Hold my hand, Symphony
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG; none
Artist's Notes: There is something super sexy and intimate about Snape teaching Harry to play an instrument. Piano would have been good too... mmm.
Media used: Pencil
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Yes

Feel, by Gredandfeorge )
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12 August 2009 @ 08:11 am
Team Snitch Entry (FIC): "D For Defender" by Amand-r  
Title: D For Defender
Author: Amand-r ([info]amand_r)
Team: Snitch
Genre(s): Alive and Kicking (EWE)
Prompt(s): Green Lantern, Enemy At The Gate
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17; Highlight if you wish to know: *contains fisting, some violence. Some canon deaths ignored. Also? Kinda cracky.*
Word Count: 28,000+ some
Author Notes/Disclaimers/Betas Thanks to [info]jadzialove for being the best sidekick beta evar, cleaning up parts 1-3. [info]joanwilder, aka Alfred, hit all of it, especially part 4, with a batarang of spag. All italicized bumper quotes from The Tick: The Animated Series.

Summary: There's a man stalking the Wizarding world. Or a bat. Maybe a Man-Bat. Severus is probably having an affair, Harry's tired all the time, oh, and those drunks out in East Anglia are complaining about the green lights. Again.

D For Defender by Amand-r )

Mod note: If you rec this story, please link this POST, not the story url, or the author will not get her proper vote tally. Thank you!
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11 August 2009 @ 07:45 am
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "You Can't Win 'Em All" by Accioslash  
Title: You Can't Win 'Em All
Artist: [info]accioslash
Team: Snitch
Genre(s): Crossovers/Fusions and Alive and Kicking (EWE)
Prompt(s): Luck of the Draw
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: G/Humor/None
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers/Thank you to Many thanks to the mods, Team Captain, [info]joanwilder and the Snarry gods for waiting until *after* I finished this drawing for me to fall and sprain my wrist. ;D
Media used: Pencil, Photoshop
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Only for the video. All others, please ask.

Although he loved magic, Harry always suspected wizards got the short end of the stick when it came to the really cool rides... )
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10 August 2009 @ 07:54 am
Team Snitch Entry (FIC): "The Bed You Made" by Meri  
Title: The Bed You Made
Author: Meri ([info]meri_oddities)
Team: Snitch
Genre(s): Mentor
Prompt(s): Pride & Prejudice and Consequences
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG13, none
Word Count: +/- 28,000
Author Notes/Disclaimers/Betas I had a lot of help with this story in its many iterations. So, many thanks to: Regan_V, bethbethbeth, Suzan, Leela_Cat, Florahart and raewhit. All mistakes after their hard work are all my own.
Disclaimer: I completely acknowledge that JKR created this world and everything in it and that I'm using it without her permission. I'm sure she'd be horrified.

Summary: Harry is cursed. And when it's all over, he's left to deal with the aftermath. He gets some help from an unlikely source.

The Bed You Made by Meri )

Mod note: If you rec this story, please link this POST, not the story url, or the author will not get her proper vote tally. Thank you!
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09 August 2009 @ 10:43 am
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "Thoughts that you'll never read" by Ano_Iro  
Title: Thoughts that you'll never read
Artist: [info]ano_iro
Team: Snitch
Genre(s): Mentor
Prompt(s): Pride and Prejudice, Achilles Heel
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: G; None
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers/Thank you to There's no point in reading thoughts if you can't decipher feelings. There's no point in getting closer if you can't open your heart.
The dialogue between Harry and Snape comes from "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix".
Media used: watercolors
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): yes, but let me know, first!

Thoughts that you'll never read, by Ano Iro )
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08 August 2009 @ 09:51 am
Team Snitch Entry (FIC): "Connecting the Dotty" by I Got Tired of Waiting  
Title: Connecting the Dotty
Author: I Got Tired of Waiting ([info]igtow)
Team: Snitch!
Genre(s): Alive & Kicking (EWE)
Prompt(s): Love and Marriage, Sands of Time
Rating: 14+ for language and a smidgeon of adult themes.
Warnings :: Kinks: Highlight if you wish to know: *Mention of past MPreg :: Kink-free unless one counts old folks feeling frisky*
Word Count: ~19,200 and change.
o My undying thanks and blocks of rich dark chocolate go to Aseneth, RaeWhit, and White Cotton for their kick-ass beta. May we all grow old gracefully and wear purple.
o To my fellow Snitches, who put up with my grousing, and to the Snarry Game Mods, who suffered my lateness and gave me, once again, a lovely place to play: you are everything wonderful.
o Snape's famous potionmaking speech is quoted directly from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by JK Rowling, American Version, First Edition. Other passages from that same scene have been paraphrased as needed.
o No octogenarians were harmed in the creation of this story. Anything you don't recognise as canon is probably mine. No money, no harm, no foul.

Summary: A gentle tale of growing old together.

Connecting the Dotty by I Got Tired of Waiting )

Mod note: If you rec this story, please link this POST, not the story url, or the author will not get their proper vote tally. Thank you!
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07 August 2009 @ 08:11 pm
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "Buttercream" by Veridian Dair  
Title: Buttercream
Artist: Veridian Dair
Team: Snitch all the way!
Genre(s): Alive and Kicking (EWE)
Prompt(s): Love and Marriage, Eat Cake
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: R/NWS. Potential cavity promotion due to sugar content?
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers/Thank you to Harry has a sweet tooth. Snape knows just what to do about it. Viewers: Please allow time for the second image to load. Real icing was licked off fingers in research for this art (and I'm not ashamed to admit it). Big thank you's to my marvelous Snitch teammates. Believe me when I say I fangirl each of you! Super big hugs to [info]chaosraven, [info]andreanna and [info]jadzialove for your support and advice. Mods, thanks for all your hard work to put the Snarry Games on! Lastly, huge smooshes and Reeses to Team Captain and friend extraordinaire [info]joanwilder - what in the world would I do without you?
Media used: Photoshop CS3, graphic tablet
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): yes

Buttercream by Veridian Dair )
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06 August 2009 @ 08:53 pm
Team Snitch Entry (FIC): "Thrice Turned" by ThreeSidedOrchid/Synn  
Title: Thrice Turned
Author: ThreeSidedOrchid ([info]synn )
Team: Snitch!
Genre(s): Genderbending/cross-dressing
Prompt(s): Consequences, Some Enchanted Evening
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17; Highlight if you wish to know: * Het intercourse, implied non-Snarry pairing, Harry is 17*
Word Count: ~ 3,100
Author Notes/Disclaimers/Betas A HUGE thank you to the Snarry_Mods, who have been, as ever, super patient, and to [info]joanwilder for the Beta assistance and support -- all remaining errors are entirely my fault.

Summary: Severus has always been bad at making decisions, when left to his own devices.

Thrice Turned by ThreeSidedOrchid )
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05 August 2009 @ 09:01 pm
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "The Hero's Return" by Cluegirl  
Title: The Hero's Return
Artist: Cluegirl ([info]cluegirl)
Team: Team Snitch
Genre(s): Historical / Literary
Prompt(s): Fire and Sword, Code of Honour
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: Rating, PG13 for boys kissing whilst half-dressed. No particular warnings
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers/Thank you to In Ireland's Ulster Cycle of myths, you may find the story of Nuada Silver-Arm, High King of the besieged Tuatha DeDanann in their war against Balor of the Evil Eye, and his Formoire army. Just when the black sorcerer's treachery seemed poised to triumph, a fiery young hero, Lugh the Longhanded, appeared on the scene to thoroughly upset everyone's expectations.
Media used: CGI colour treatment of a pencil drawing.
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded):Yes, you may archive with permission, yes it may be referenced in the Tribute Video.

The Hero's Return by Cluegirl )
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04 August 2009 @ 08:42 pm
Team Snitch Entry (FIC): "Sex, Lies, and Audiobooks" by RaeWhit  
Title: Sex, Lies, and Audiobooks
Author: RaeWhit [info]joanwilder
Team: Snitch!
Genre(s): Alive and Kicking (EWE)
Prompt(s): Secrets and Lies, Coming Home
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: NC-17; Highlight if you wish to know: * *mild bondage, whipping, There is a 213 word scene in this 48,000 word story that describes a non-Snarry aborted one-off. As it has offended someone, I'm adding this warning.**
Word Count: 48,000+
Author Notes/Disclaimers/Betas A/N: The village of Lochdubh and its inhabitants in this story are the property of BBC Scotland (from the series Hamish Macbeth). All things Harry Potter belong to J.K. Rowling et al.
The [info]snarry_games have the best Mods in fandom—they've worked so hard for years to give all of us such a supportive environment in which to play—thank you! Also, my heartfelt appreciation to [info]jadzialove for the excellent beta reading, to [info]whitecotton for help with Scottish-izing my Scottish, and to [info]sestra_prior for her assistance with British questions. Team Snitch, thanks for your input, your team spirit, and your love of Snarry. It's been a privilege and honor to cavort with you all and wield my big stick. Lastly, I'd be remiss if I didn't express my appreciation to Rudyard Kipling for his masterpiece, Captains Courageous.

Summary: Belonging and deserving, needing and wanting—desires of the human heart that Severus and Harry must face when they're forced to the little village of Lochdubh to settle a very late codicil of Albus Dumbledore's will.

Sex, Lies, and Audiobooks by RaeWhit )

Mod note: If you rec this story, please link this POST, not the story url, or the author will not get her proper vote tally. Thank you!
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02 August 2009 @ 09:25 pm
Team Snitch Entry (FIC): "The Shadowless Hereafter" by Perfica  
Title: The Shadowless Hereafter
Author: [info]perfica
Team: Snitch
Genre(s): Literary, Alive and Kicking (EWE)
Prompt(s): Candle in the Window
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: PG15; Highlight if you wish to know: *Infidelity, Character Death*
Word Count: ~10,000
Author Notes/Disclaimers/Betas Without [info]joanwilder’s encouragement, I would have ground to a halt. She, [info]accioslash and [info]loupgarou1750 (who always knows what I want to say no matter how badly I botch it) were responsible for putting the final touches to this story and I am, as always, immensely grateful.

Summary: "Mr Woodlock is a reporter from a very important periodical. He is here because he wishes to interview me on my time in the Great War."

The Shadowless Hereafter by Perfica )
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01 August 2009 @ 10:17 pm
Team Snitch Entry (ART): "A Fair and Firm Hand" by Ponderosa  
Title: A Fair and Firm Hand
Artist: Ponderosa ([info]ponderosa121)
Team: Snitch!
Genre(s): Historical
Prompt(s): Stormy Weather + Man in Uniform
Rating/Warnings/Kinks: R. Spanking implied.
Artist's Notes/Disclaimers/Thank you to Thanks to everyone, participants and watchers alike. And an extra thank you to the mods, for making the Games so damn fun. :D
Media used: Digital. Photoshop CS2.
Archiving/Usage permission, including the Tribute Video (only after the polls have closed and medals have been awarded): Derivative usage and redistribution encouraged under a Creative Commons Attribution/Non-Commercial/Share-Alike license. (http://creativecommons.org) Share-Alike not required for inclusion in any tribute work.

A Fair and Firm Hand by Ponderosa )
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06 May 2009 @ 09:17 pm

Please watch as our past champions come back to duke it out for what may be the last time!

Posting begins AUGUST 1, 2009!

We have an AllStar reunion this year for you, with our new mixed media Games! With *all new* Genres!

Without further ado, we introduce:


The 2009 Snarry Games!

Games Marquee 2009 Teams 2009 Games! Snarry Bold!

Support the 2009 Games! )

Support your favourite teams! )

CREDIT FOR ART/BANNERS/ICONS: Thank you to the most excellent 2009 Guest artist, [info]ponderosa121 for our Art for this round!
Thank you and credit goes to [info]swtlamnd, our queen of graphics, for the lists of love, banners and icons, and ♥ to [info]xingou, our other queen of graphics, banners, icons, and her layout-fu! You guys rock! Thank you.

We will be posting the Prompts and Genre post tomorrow night for our teams, so stay tuned to see what your favourite authors and artists will be choosing to do for their gold winning entry this year!


Champions are to pick a total mix of three (3) of both genre(s) and prompt(s). This means they can pick either two (2) genres and one (1) prompt, OR one (1) genre and two (2) prompts.


The Snarry Games Mod Squad