June 13th, 2019



Private to Jean

[A selfie of him and Slowpoke fishing at the river. Flash has a homemade looking fishing rod that is busted af, while Slowpoke is using his tail???]

My Pokemon is psychic so you guys should see if you can talk to each other through your brains.



So is everyone getting one of these things? I'm starting to feel left out.

Okay, now that I'm back on my feet, anyone wanna go through the doors with me? I heard they have a beach.



You lot are all talking about these cute little creatures you went out and got, good as any dog or cat or whatever else, yeah?

So I go out and look (like you do) and you're all right, of course. They're these adorable little fucks, every last one of them. Little lizards and fish things and birds with wings literally made of clouds, and I thought. Wow. Presh.

Never been a pet person myself. Just never seemed like a thing I want, no matter how cute.

So of course this absolute bloody demon follows me home.

Think I'll call him Chas.