
we put a stopper in death

The World of Severus Snape

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No fanfic or art posts, but you can promote your fanfic and fanart, or post recommendations, every Friday.


February 15th, 2009

Summerfest art: "Thanks, Dad!"

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Title: "Thanks, Dad!"

Artist: [info]venturous 
Media: pastel
Rating: G
Characters: Severus Snape & daughter Edie
Warning(s): none
Disclaimer:any recognizable characters don't belong to me; I am just borrowing them for entertainment.

Artist's Notes: For BohemianSpirit, who wrote a series of wonderful Snape/OFC fics that soothed my heart post DH. In Light Through the Cracks, Severus has a secret life, unbeknownst to all the wizarding world, until his eldest gets her letter for Hogwarts. In Knowing Jack, Harry describes her nose as "unfortunate." I have tried to make her both Snapey and pretty. Actually, the real challenge was to draw Severus as pleased and a proud father!

This is only about 6 months late. **hangs head** BohemianSpirit, I hope you enjoy it as much as I loved your stories, and making this drawing.

Image heavy -- link to journal

January 5th, 2009

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I've updated the Summer Fest 08 masterlist to include the fic [info]bohemianspirit recently posted ("Ask Someone Who Cares"). If I've understood right, that was the last piece still outstanding and the list is complete.

I think [info]sylvanawood may have wanted to post the list under her own name, as the mod (since only a poster can edit a post, not even the mod) so there might be a copy-paste reprint of it, or something. But until then it's accessible at the link above.

If I've missed anyone's work, please let me know so I can add it in.

December 30th, 2008

Summer Fest fic: Ask Someone Who Cares

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Here, at last, is the second of my Summer Fest stories. Dollar-chan, I hope you find it worth the wait!

Title: Ask Someone Who Cares
Author: [info]bohemianspirit
Genre: Gen, Post-war AU, Coming-of-Age, Humor
Characters: Severus, Draco
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Severus helps Draco build a new life for himself after the war, and in the process finds his own way towards healing.

Notes: Written for Dollar-chan, for the [info]snapedom Summer Fest 2008. This story was inspired by these pictures of Severus and Draco: On the Run (gen), Childhood (gen), and Study Session (slash, work safe).

Writing Draco sympathetically was a challenge for me. Unlike Severus in this story, I've never been particularly fond of Draco. However, I do think that in the last couple of books he showed (along with his more negative traits) signs of change for the better, glimpses of a potential, eventual maturing in perspective and behavior, so I built on that side of him in developing this story.

I took the idea of Severus fleeing Hogwarts with Draco at the end of HBP, combined with the idea that Severus had been a friend of the Malfoy family since Draco was a child, and came up with Draco accompanying Severus on a post-DH exodus from Britain's wizarding world. The relationship of Severus to Draco in this story is that of a mentor or father figure, but the Severus/Draco picture gave me the idea to write them as gay men; not, however, in relationship to each other.

Gen story about gay characters. Nothing explicit. DH Epilogue cheerfully ignored, of course. ;-) Severus lives!

December 20th, 2008

SummerFest Fic: Merry Meet Again

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Here's the first of my two SummerFest fics. Finally! (Real life circumstances delayed finishing and posting sooner.) I meant to have this brit-picked for the marijuana slang, but at this point I figure I'd just better get it posted. If I got anything wrong, just pretend this is the American edition of the tale. ;-)

Title: Merry Meet Again
Author: [info]bohemianspirit
Genre: Humor. Weirdness. And Slash. Probably. Maybe.
Pairing: Severus/Harry. Probably. Maybe.
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Harry, in search of a post-war sandwich, encounters Draco Malfoy, a stash of weed, and an unexpected reconciliation.

Notes: Written for [info]venturous for the [info]snapedom Summer Fest 2008. Inspired, very loosely, by Venturous' Beltane bonfire picture (NOT work safe!) as well as by a fair amount of back-and-forth brainstorming with [info]esmestrella on her LJ. I strove to incorporate related spiritual/religious themes thoughtfully, though I can't vouch for how intelligently the characters handled the religious aspects. The end result: slightly hallucinatory, but I hope it pleases. Beltane themes, California grass, and the closest I'll ever get to writing a Snarry. ;-)

November 10th, 2008

Summer Fest Masterlist - final!

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Here's the completed Summer Fest masterlist. According to [info]sylvanawood, there are still a couple pieces outstanding since pinch hitters got until the end of the year, so there are probably updates pending, but hopefully this lists everything that was already posted.

If I missed anything, please let me know... there was one post that never got tagged (I fixed that) and not everyone mentioned Summer Fest in their subject lines, so since I didn't click on absolutely every link from the calendar view, it's possible I missed something.

All posts are (hopefully!) also accessible via the fest tag:
However, I noticed they hadn't all been tagged with "fan fiction" or "fan art" as appropriate.

List is in alphabetical order by title, divided by fic and art/craft.

Updated Feb 16, 2009 to include [info]venturous's last piece of art.

Fic )

Art )

September 10th, 2008

Summerfest Quilt for [info]drachenmina

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I finished this a little while ago, and [info]drachenmina just got it in the mail, so here are the photos.
The center piece is an illustration from Mina's fic "A Most Impractical Cat" and there are some choice quotes from the piece free-motion quilted into it.

Snape Quilt up close

You can see the whole process at my Craft Projects Flickr Set

more under cut )

September 4th, 2008

Summerfest art: Prince Family Portrait

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For Everyone at [info]snapedom 

Title: Prince Family Portrait, 1975
Artist: [info]venturous 
Media: pencil and photoshop
Inspired by: Family Obligations (Severus age 15, Eileen, G, gen) by [info]esmestrella 
Rating G
Warning: sullen teen, family obligations
Artist's Notes: many thanks to esmestrella for the prompt -- this little ficlet dredged up some memories of unpleasant family portraits of my own. I wrote about Eileen earlier this year and became quite attached to her, and she has continued to grow more vivid. I was intrigued that she had a brother. What was he like? And I could imagine the matriarch Madame Prince, disapproving of Eileen's marriage but insisting that her grandson was properly brought up. Tobias was not even invited, *g*.
I also have much gratifude for my excellent teachers, Gustave Courbet and John Singer Sargent, whose drawings and paintings inspired my characters.
Left to right: Eileen Prince Snape, Madam Prince, Eileen's brother Phillip Prince and Severus Prince Snape

Prince Family Portrait, 1975

August 31st, 2008

Summer Fest Art

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Title: Happy Birthday, Severus
Artist: [info]the_bitter_word
Rating: G
Media: Micrografx Picture Publisher (from 1995!) on an endlessly crashing computer
Recipient: [info]geri_chan
Notes:  This is an illustration of [info]geri_chan's delightful short story, "Happy Birthday, Severus."  It is a pop-up book, but I still have to print out the pieces on medium-weight paper and assemble them, so I just put the pictures together as they would look, minus the 3-D effects.  These are screen shots.  The real files are huge.

Here )

August 27th, 2008

Presents for [info]spidermoth

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[info]spidermoth asked for icons. Snape and fandom-related, but also more general themes.


1. 2. 3.

Snape and boyz

4. 5. 6.
7. 8.


S for Severus

White ferrets for Draco
10. 11.

And quidditch bodies for all of us

Some icons inspired by [info]spidermoth's interests

13. 14. 15.

Astrology and tarot
16. 17. 18.

Books and reading
19. 20. 21.

Flowers and gardening
22. 23. 24.

25. 26.

Just because I liked those images
27. 28. 29.

And last, but not least, a big thank you for my Mer!Severus

ETA: 31.

August 26th, 2008

Snapedom Summer Exchange Fest Submission

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Here’s my submission (finally!) for  [info]alienor77310 in the Snapedom Summer Exchange Fest. I chose to create a doll since costumes and dolls are what I do--my OTP!   This project was a joy, I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. I'd love to know what you think...
Title: Snape as a mer-man
Recipient:  [info]alienor77310
Artist: [info]spidermoth 
Snape is not mine.
Warnings: general man-bits
Author's notes: 
I had been intending to make a Snape mer-man, so was thrilled that one of the artses Alienor gave as a prompt was just that!  Go here to see her wonderful art!

It was fate—I’m sure of it! *g* 

I took liberties with the hair. My merpeople all have long hair—the mermaids, down to their tails. (…the flipper ones, you naughty things!)
Here’s my little swish and flick… He’s about 12” overall height.


August 24th, 2008

Summer Fest Art

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Title: Christmas Spell

Rating: G
Media: ps 07
Recipient: [info]bohemianspirit- Illustration for 'Severus Evans'.
I really wanted to illustrate the birthday fic too, but RL stopped me from doing this one earlier, so now I have one week to do the other and if I rush it it's better not to do it at all.. So instead I guess I'll do it whenever I have the time and just post it here as a normal friday rec.. The openID thing was really complicating my life so instead I just created an IJ account and now I'm a member. Probably gonna keep lurking, though..



August 19th, 2008


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The other day, someone asked me if it was ok to crosspost their Summer Fest entries.
I'd say: go for it. Pimp as much as you can. Stating that it was done for the snapedom summerfest and including the prompt would be nice, though.

August 18th, 2008

About the Summer Fest

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Two more weeks, except for some lovely people who pinch hit.

Click on the tag 'Summerfest 08' and look at the lovely entries. Don't forget to review (I know, I'm one to talk...) - and if that gift is for you, saying thank you is also a very good idea!

Summer Fest fic: Acceptance

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Title: Acceptance
: [info]drachenmina
Rating: NC17
Word Count: ~23,500
Pairing(s)/character(s): Severus Snape/Remus Lupin
[info]snapedom Summer Fest fic for the very talented [info]zephre: I hope you like it, my dear! And I apologise in advance for making you read through 20k before we even get close to the scene in your lovely artwork! I hope you find a couple of other things to enjoy along the way. *hugs*
Summary: At school, their relationship failed because of Remus’ need for his friends’ acceptance. Twenty years on, will it be scuppered by Severus’ inability to accept Moony?


August 10th, 2008

Summer Fest Art: To Know Her Is To Love Her

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Title: To Know Her Is To Love Her
Artist: [info]ghot
Characters: Snape, Lily
Rating: G
Summary: For [info]snapedom's Summer Fest. Done for [info]white_rat who asked for unrequited Snape/Lily. I hope you like it (I swear it looks better in the paper than it does in the computer. I even tried to fix it a bit with Photoshop but I just fail. If you want the original I can mail it to you!)

Read more... )

August 5th, 2008

The SummerFest Master List -- so far!

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Wonderful fic and art happening at Snapedom! </span></font>
 Here is the Master List-so-far as of August 5:

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August 3rd, 2008

Ride of the Valkyrie

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Title Ride of the Valkyrie
Author mary-j-59
Genre Genfic, short story, about 2,000 words. Severus Snape and OC, g-rated.Brief Summary: J.K. Rowling told us it would be important to know something about the staff members' families, and whether or not they were married. Well, guess what? Severus was, and his wife is a woman of some skill and resourcefulness. The events of May 2 from her pov.
Thanks and Dedication This is for Sigune, and was inspired by two of her drawings, one of which can be found here:
I'm afraid I don't have a link for "True Love's Kiss" on the snape art contest site. If you have it, Sigune, could you let us know? Thanks for the wonderful art!
And thanks to my sister and Cardigrl for proofreading this one for me.

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August 1st, 2008

One month to go...

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Just a reminder: there's one month left for your Snapefest entries. No pressure. ;)

If you haven't heard/can't find/lost contact with your assigned partner, or want to drop out (no problem with that as long as you tell me) - drop me a line at sylvanawood [[[[AT]]]]

Of course you can also drop me a line to tell me that everything goes well - that'd make me happy, but you don't have to. ;)

And another reminder, should it apply: pinch hitters don't need to meet the end-of-August deadline. They have time to post until the end of the year.

July 21st, 2008

Summer Fest Art: Coordination Is Key

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Title: Coordination Is Key
Artist: [info]ghot
Pairing: SS/RL
Rating: NC-17
Summary: For [info]sweetmelodykiss' drabble, "Coordination Is Key".
A/N: Melody, I hope you don't mind that I took your cute, PG rated drabble and drew a porny pic for it... but I just couldn't help wondering what must have happened after Snape said "On the other hand, it is a convenient position." ;)

Coordination Is Key )

July 20th, 2008

Summer Fest Art: Lullaby

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Title: Lullaby
Artist: [info]sigune
Rating: G
Media: Staedtler pens, Chinese ink and watercolours on cold-pressed watercolour paper.
Recipient: [info]mary_j. This is my illustration to her story All Hallow's Eve, which immediately inspired me :-). I hope you like the result!


Lullaby )
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