
Snapedom Summer Exchange Fest Submission

The World of Severus Snape

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Snapedom Summer Exchange Fest Submission

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Here’s my submission (finally!) for  [info]alienor77310 in the Snapedom Summer Exchange Fest. I chose to create a doll since costumes and dolls are what I do--my OTP!   This project was a joy, I’m quite pleased with how it turned out. I'd love to know what you think...
Title: Snape as a mer-man
Recipient:  [info]alienor77310
Artist: [info]spidermoth 
Snape is not mine.
Warnings: general man-bits
Author's notes: 
I had been intending to make a Snape mer-man, so was thrilled that one of the artses Alienor gave as a prompt was just that!  Go here to see her wonderful art!

It was fate—I’m sure of it! *g* 

I took liberties with the hair. My merpeople all have long hair—the mermaids, down to their tails. (…the flipper ones, you naughty things!)
Here’s my little swish and flick… He’s about 12” overall height.

A close-up front view…
Back view. I like the way the cheeks turned out!
Detail of the dark mark, which was my big disappointment. I’d made an arm where the mark came out perfect(!), but the arm itself was too long. When I shortened it, the mark smeared and I had to start over. The 2nd try wasn’t as nice. Oh, well…
Naughty bits…yummm!
ETA: Photobucket busted me on the manly bits. Go here for a peek.
  • OMG! That is just awesome! I love his hairy chest - and the nipple piercings! And what a great Snape expression! :D
    • Thanks! So glad you liked. I was pretty nervous about the expression--I'm not an artist, and don't usually try for the darker emotions! Most of my dolls are for kids. *wink* I'm so happy you think he's got a "Snape" expression!
  • Mer!Severus is absolutely adorable. Such a cute little sneer, too. You are very clever!

    I love his "cod" piece charm ;)
    • "cod" piece! *snort* I'll never get that out of my head now!

      Thanks for the compliments. Glad you liked!
  • OMGs that's awesome!
  • Wonderful! I particularly like the sparkly bits on his tail and his (mer)man-bits ;-)

    PurpleFluffyCat x
    • Oh, thank you! I'm glad the sparklies worked. I spent a ridiculous amount of time adding them in, and kept wondering if it was worth it. Now I'm happy! Had to have the other bits merman worth his seasalts would be 'caught' without them. *groans at bad puns*
  • I love the contours of his body, especially that luscious bum! Mer!Snape is just gorgeous.
    • Oh, thank you! I'm glad they can be noticed. Like potions, doll contours are a subtle art. *rolls eyes at self* Plus, then I had to photograph them! Not really one of my high skills. I'm so happy you liked.
  • OMG the Sea Prince!

    Oh. My. God. I am so in love with this doll! He's gorgeous, he's Snape, he's utterly adorable. I love his white penis, it reminds me totally of a seal oosik* which is so perfect for a merman! With the little bush around it and the treasure trail... *sighs happily*

    His sea-blue sequined tail is sheer beauty. I think his dark mark is pretty awesomely good - the other one must be perfection itself! It makes a fabulous Sailor-tattoo for Seaman!Snape. His nipple rings and belly-necklace and chest hair simply beg stroking and petting. As does his long luscious hair. His cheeks simply beg for a two-handed squeeze!

    Last but not least, his half-smirk half-smile, piercing dark eyes and flaring eyebrows... OMGOMGOMG he is divine! You have made the world's most awesome doll. I so totally want my own. Can you at least make (or let us make) some icons? I'm just ... lovelovelovelove love!

    * a baculum, or penis bone; when I worked in the Arctic I learned walrus and seal oosiks were avidly sought for their porniness, their beauty, and their magic power - like a wizard's wand!
    • Re: OMG the Sea Prince!

      Holy crap! *gulp* That's like, the most awesome response in the whole wide world! Give me a minute to get up from my swoon!


      First... the Sea Prince. The Sea Prince! *dies* He's got to have that name! Perfect! And all the ways you tied in the nautical lore to the wizarding aspects--you are awesome!

      then... Your comments are divine. I hope you know how happy you've made me. I'm absolutely intrigued too, about the baculum and seal oosik. (I'll be off to wikipedia right after I post. I feel like Hermione on a mission. *hugs self*)

      And you are so welcome to make icons but I hope you'll share with me! My exchange partner in this fest is giving me icons as her gift as I'm so completely lame at getting to the point of figuring out how to do them myself! It was not to be believed how long it took me to post these few photos! gah!

      So, thank you so much for making my day.

      I'm gonna go pull myself down from the ceiling now...

      *hugs you*
  • I can't say how much that last picture surprised me! I was happily scrolling down and admiring all the details and then I just burst out laughing! :D

    What I really want to know is how you made his body hair. That's the most amazing detail to me. Did you thread each strand through his body or is it glued on somehow?
    • Whoa! That's a bit risky--laughing at a man's treasure like that! *grin*

      As far as the chest hair...since the doll is so small (12 inches) it wasn't feasible to sew it on. I experimented with different glues until I settled on good ol' Elmer's water glue. (So actually, Severus had better not return to the sea!) It's made the feel of the hair a bit stiff, but I think it looks realistic. I made the hair itself by snipping a piece of wool yarn into very short shavings. The pubic hair is a piece of that yarn, unraveled. All in all, I'm kinda happy with the result!
  • He is... he is... absolutely gorgeous! There are no words...
    (~iz starting at all the different bits, glittering and not~)

    • No words? Well, "absolutely gorgeous" does it for me!

      Thanks! I'm glad he's being appreciated for more than just his mind. *g*

      Now, don't you think a partner is in order? Perhaps a little plot bunny will whisper a name in your ear......
      • His mind? Er... Yeah, I guess, that's appreciated, too. ;)
        Partner? Ooooooh. OO
        • Partner? Ooooooh. OO

          Be still my heart! *nudges bunny towards you*
          • I'll feed it. But in the state I'm in right now, it's living dangrously. My writing sucks big time (hopefully only at the moment).
            • My writing sucks big time

              Surely not! Maybe being hard on self?
              • Dunno, sometimes it goes like pulling teeth...
                But I've been bitten by a plot bunny which is currently running through my head, flippers, gills and all. There will be something, but it may take some time. ;)
  • OMG, that's awesome! I am blown away by all the intricate detail on the doll--from the sequin-scales, to the nipple rings, his man-bits, the chain and medallion covering those bits, and wow, you even gave him the Dark Mark tattoo! Also, the expression on his face is perfect--it's amazing how you can convey a Snape-like sneer with just a bit of thread!

    Oh, and I love long-haired Snape! I'm sure your recipient will be thrilled with the doll!
    • Thank you so much for your comments. It means so much that the little details are noticed. You probably know what that means from your own art.

      I love long-haired Snape too! And I had a lot of fun experimenting with the expression and the manliness aspects. I was pretty happy with the end result. I do hope my giftee is pleased, of course, but mostly I did it for love of the character--sexy Snape is lurve!
  • He is absolutely gorgeous and I'm dead jealous of alienor. You are very talented.
    • Thank you so much! I have to admit it will be hard packing him off to Alienor. Sometimes procrastination works in our favor! *g*
  • The details are amazing. What a great job you did.
    • OMG! Your icon! Minerva, that's hot! I'd love to drool over the original--do you have a link?

      And, oh yeah...thanks for the compliments. *blink*
      • found it on deviantart, the artist's name is "the gwyllion". Sorry not to privide a direct link, but I don't have time to look for it.
  • The doll is absolutely awesome. I am impressed with your talent and craft. u haz mad skillz. ;-)

    I also had to laugh because, by the time I got a chance to view the pictures, Photobucket apparently deemed Sev's merman-bits to be a violation of TOS. ;-) Really. I can understand that they don't want to host porn, but are the naughty bits of a stuffed doll of a cartoonish merman really that offensive??? Jeez. Shades of Janet Jackson's boob at the Super Bowl...

    I guess you'll just have to make a merman-bits icon and post it in place of the Photobucket image. ;-)
    • I guess you'll just have to make a merman-bits icon and post it in place of the Photobucket image.

      Ha! Great idea! wasn't even turgid! (I don't get to use that word often enough! *wink*)
      • Strangely enough I can still see it. I was wondering... maybe a DeviantArt account would work... have to look into that.

        On that account: I was trying out a few things for archiving the fest entries a few months ago, to make linking easier - and tried out Google pages. I can't even remember what I uploaded there, but the whole page was deleted because of violation of TOS. So that is not an option.
        • Strangely enough I can still see it.

          I'm pretty sure that when you look at something its stored temporarily as a cookie for you. When you clear your cookies it will prob go away.

          Melusin just suggested google picassa for mature images. Wonder how that factors in with your google experience. hmmmm.....
    • Just in case you need to see this...

      Mer!Snape's manly package.
  • That's awesome!
    • Thank you! He was a "doll" to make. *snickers at bad pun*
  • Dude. I am attracted to a doll's treasure trail. I have problems.
    • Ha! Like I haven't run my finger down it a few extra times! *sits on hands*
  • wow, wow, wow - look at those details! look at that chest! look at those manly bits!
    He's so awesome!

    I haven't read the other comments yet so maybe you've already answered this, but does he have an armature or is that all fabric and stuffing?

    • Thank you! Your compliments mean alot since I so admire your art!

      Actually, not too many inquiries on the "how". I've been able to make it seem all complicated and mysterious!

      But to answer...He's all stuffing, then under-the-skin sculpting with string and thread. I start with wool stuffing in a tubular gauze and go from there. I did put some very soft metal in the arms for posing, though. On the next one I make I'll experiment with making the tail posable. I'd like to make them able to hold a sitting posemore easily. To get this one to sit I went light on the tail wool.
  • (Anonymous)
    it would be funny if the medalion thing covering his private parts would have slytherin sign on it :D
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