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Posts Tagged: 'jai+x+zach'

May. 3rd, 2022



Who: Jai and Zach
When: Wednesday, early evening, June 27th
Where: Home
Status: Complete

I couldn’t lie, the truth was coming out too fast. )

May. 26th, 2021



Who: Jai and Zach
When: late afternoon, Sunday, June 10th
Where: their apartment, Moxie’s
Status: Complete

What does that even mean, an actual relationship )

Dec. 6th, 2020



Who: Jai and Zach
When: Memorial Day, May 28th
Where: parade, home
Warning: NSFW
Status: complete

What're we going to do at a parade? Besides the both of us getting drunk and bringing shame to the family name? )

Aug. 10th, 2020



Who: Jai and Zach
When: approx 6 years ago, summer
Where: their apartment in Castle View
Warning: turns NSFW
Status: Complete

I think spotting is basically just an excuse to stand there and drool over someone while they're on their back and grunting. )

Jun. 25th, 2020



Who: Jai and Zach
When: 10 years ago, summer, evening
Where: PP beach, the Fallows, home
Warning: semi-NSFW
Status: complete

If it’s wrong with you, it’s wrong with me too. )