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Posts Tagged: 'zania'

Sep. 13th, 2023



Who: Zania and Gabriel
When: night, Tuesday, July 17th
Where: the salon, car
Status: complete

I think I got like, jumped? )

Aug. 3rd, 2023



Who: Zania and Shan
When: middayish, Monday, July 16th
Where: the new studio!
Status: Complete

You’re like, the coolest looking bitch I’ve seen around here so far. )

Sep. 19th, 2022



Who: Zania and Phee
When: early afternoon, Thursday, July 5
Where: the Castells’ place
Status: complete

a lot has happened this summer already )

May. 11th, 2022



Who: Gabriel and Reagan and Nic, joined by Zan and Caius
When: Morning, Wednesday June 27th
Where: The Castell house, then the carnival
Status: Complete

What happened last night? Where were the two of you? Were you messing around with magic? )

Apr. 7th, 2022



Who: Zania (in Reagan!) and Caius
When: Morning, Wednesday, June 27
Where: the D’Onofrio residence
Status: Complete

If you’re not Reagan, then who the fuck are you? )

Mar. 29th, 2022



Who: Zania and Gabriel
Where: The Carnival
When: Tuesday evening, June 26
Status: complete

Sexy Fire Babe )

Oct. 18th, 2021



Who: Zania, Gabriel, Nic, Lem, Vex, Shane, and Reza
Where: The Castell's Backyard
When: Night, Thursday, June 21st

Zania had been looking for a reason to have a fire party and when she realized that the summer solstice was upon them, she decided the timing was perfect. She was already going to have to close off the backyard to potential onlookers, so why not celebrate while refreshing the wards? She and Nic sectioned off the property, creating a basic glamour to hide the activity within, then built a large bonfire in the back. She put out several bottles of wine, some finger food for anyone that was feeling hungry, and brownies and cookies, being careful to label which brownies had more than sugar in them. It was a small group, not really a full fledged party, but she still felt obligated to feed her guests. It was a part of her upbringing that she couldn’t quite shake, a hostess even when playing with fire was the main event. And because she couldn’t stop herself, there was music, low in the beginning, but available if anyone wanted to dance.

Sep. 29th, 2021



Who: Zania and Reza
When: night, Monday, June 18th
Where: Mercy, the Castell house
Status: complete

My sense is it's just Point Pleasant being a bitch. )

Aug. 3rd, 2021



Who: Zania and Gabriel
When: evening, Thursday, June 14th
Where: the spice shop, then home
Warning: turns NSFW
Status: complete

A number of the local witches are… worried. )

Jul. 11th, 2021



Who: Anyone attending the PPPD Cocktail Party
Where: The Overlook Country Club
When: Evening, Friday, June 15th

Apr. 3rd, 2021



Who: Zania and Rylee
Where: The Castell House
When: Friday, June 8
Status: Complete

Hopefully all of my exciting news will be void of scary weather. )

Mar. 22nd, 2021



Who: Zania and Reza
When: Morning, Thursday, June 7
Where: The street market
Status: Complete

Have you ever heard of the American Institute of Research -- goes by AIR? )

Sep. 1st, 2020



Who: Zania and Gabriel
Where: The Castell House
When: Mid-March
Status: Complete

I’ll provide plenty’a escapism whenever you need )

Jun. 29th, 2020



Who: Nic & Lem & Zania
Where: The Castell House
When: morning, Thursday, January 25th
Status: complete

We tried to save them, to suck the bad out of them somehow. But it didn’t work. )

Apr. 22nd, 2020



Who: Zania and Gabriel
Where: The Castell House
When: Morning, Saturday, January 21
Warning: NSFW
Status: in progress

So… I didn’t say anything last night, ‘cause I was hoping it would go away, but… )

Apr. 21st, 2020



Who: Zania, Gabriel, Nic
Where: The Castell House
When: Night, Friday, January 19
Warning: Blood, animal death
Status: Complete

I couldn’t see it, but I sure as fuck could feel it )

Mar. 23rd, 2020



Who: Zania and Gabriel
When: evening, Wednesday, Jan 17th
Where: Gabriel’s apartment
Status: Complete

We have to stop this before it escalates more )

Jan. 18th, 2020



Who: Zania and Gabriel
Where: Gabriel’s Place
When: Evening, Tuesday, January 9
Status: complete

If we survive, it’ll be a great story to tell. )

Dec. 30th, 2019



Who: Zania and Caius
Where: Caius’s Office
When: Tuesday afternoon, January 9
Status: Complete

You wouldn’t happen to have a copy of Baron’s spell, would you? )

Dec. 5th, 2019



Who: Sebastian, Caius, Reagan, Shayna Mae, Knox, Nate, Brianna, James, Phee, Zania, Harper (NPC), Nic, Liam
When: early early AM, Sunday, Jan 7th
Where: Caius’s Overlook house
Status: complete

Are you really so weak that you need the whole town to face me? )