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Posts Tagged: 'warren+bishop'

Nov. 1st, 2020



[No Subject]


secrets come to light
Mid-October - night | the diner | PG-13
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Cassidy sat in the diner booth with a cup of coffee as he waited for Warren to arrive. The two had some catching up to do, that much was clear - but the fact that they both didn’t really have to admit to the other that the information was more intended for in-person conversation rather than text was interesting.

His conversation with Kitty had ended up well - the hype had been mostly in his head for how she might have reacted. Cass could only hope that Warren took things the same way. It wasn’t like he kept the secret the whole time because he didn’t care - quite the opposite.

When he noticed the familiar, fellow dark haired man walk through the door he raised his hand a little and waved. There was already a cup of coffee waiting for Warren, and surprisingly he hadn’t ordered any food yet but had all intentions of late night binging.

“Hey, welcome back to the insanity,” he joked weakly with a smirk.

Warren snorted as he slid into the booth opposite Cassidy, shrugging out of his leather jacket and shoving it off to the side. “Hell of a welcome home,” he remarked with a shake of his head. “And here I thought New York was wild.”

He’d spotted the cup of coffee and said his thanks before he reached for it, taking his first sip.

“How’d you fair?”

Cassidy couldn’t put his finger on it, but something seemed different about Warren. It was subtle, almost like the other man had the flu and drained some of the color from his face. Or maybe just the sickly glow from the neon signs on the outside of the diner playing tricks with his mind. Still, he laughed quietly as Warren’s comment about the wild reputation Seven Devils was no doubt racking up.

“Not bad at all,” he admitted, “though I spent a good majority of it in the library of St. Thomas with my nose in a shitton of books trying to figure anything out.” It was frustrating to say the least, not having answers, which was why it was so easy to make a go for Gen.

“Couldn’t stay away from the siren song of Seven Devils, huh?” he asked teasingly though he was grateful to see the familiar face return.

“You find anything?” He asked, doing his best to ignore all the small insignificant sounds that as a human had never bothered him but now? Now, he heard it all and Jesus, did people really need to eat so loudly?

He inhaled, exhaled, and just flexed his fingers around his coffee cup that should have been scalding but was now a welcome distraction from all the sensory input that was bombarding him.

A soft chuckle escaped him and he lifted his eyebrows. “Mm hmm, something like that.” He cleared his throat and reached up to tug on his ear, a nervous habit from when he was a kid that he’d never been able to quite squash.

“The number of ancient beasts capable of putting places in total darkness is a surprisingly long list,” he replied with somewhat of a grin. Which, made him remember the other more pressing reason as to why they were meeting.

Eventually Cassidy had to come clean about his Men of Letters membership. But..

He noticed the vague tick. Cassidy gave a nod at Warren; “You coming down with something?” he asked, more out of concern than suspicion.

“Hm?” Warren looked up, confused apparently. It was then he realised what he was doing with his ear and dropped his hand away like he’d just been burned. “Uh, maybe. I don’t know.”

He knew he needed to come clean, tell Cassidy about what happened, but fuck, it was easier said than done. It really was.

Upside, Cassidy had been cool about Kitty’s magic so hopefully maybe he’d be cool about this as well? It wasn’t like Warren was planning on slaughtering the innocent and drinking their blood.

“I mean, you’ve certainly looked better,” Cassidy added, his brow furrowing as he looked at Warren closely. It was starting to bug him, and he’d figure it out eventually, but for the moment he tried to press on.

“So uh.. I know about our dear Katherine,” the Men of Letters trainee admitted after a thoughtful pause. “And I mean, I really know. She showed me the secret bookshelf,” he added, unable to help but smirk faintly because it sounded silly to say it out loud. “And.. well she knows about my whole training with the Men of Letters thing,” he said quickly and quietly before taking a drink of his coffee, eyeing the other man over the rim of his mug to gauge his reaction.

Warren was not surprised, was that weird? He and Kitty had their suspicions back when Cassidy had let some things slip when he was drunk. Warren was certain that as difficult as it was for Kitty to tell Cassidy her secret it was a lot easier than confessing to being a bloodsucker of the night. Witches weren’t automatically painted as “evil” whereas he had found that vampires tended to be regardless of who they were.

“Well,” he began as he cleared his throat and thumbed at the side of his mug. “I’m not that surprised. You said a lot of weird shit when you were drunk that one time and honestly I’m just happy that you didn’t come out and tell me that you were a hunter.”

At the mention of their night out, Cassidy suddenly found his coffee cup far more interesting than Warren’s expression or anything above table-level. “Yeahhh… that was reckless of me, not proud of it,” he admitted. “Great time though,” Cass chuckled. The memories, what vague ones he remembered, were fond ones.

Still, Warren’s casual reaction was a huge relief and something he should have anticipated from the other man. “I don’t think I could cut it as a hunter,” Cassidy confessed with a shake of his head, his shoulders carrying a little less tension and he realized that it wasn’t going to be an issue, him working for the Men of Letters. “I’m perfectly fine with wanting to study things rather than stabbing them,” he added.

“Though mowing over shadow demons with a stolen car is something completely different,” Cassidy quipped with a faint grin.

“You could’ve been seriously hurt, you know that, right?” Warren challenged, arch of his eyebrow accompanying the worried yet stern tone of his voice. “You might not be so lucky next time if you decide to keep playing hero for the damsel in distress.”

He slung his arm across the booth. “Hopefully she was worth it.”

So, Cassidy worked for the Men of Letters, okay, cool, Warren could definitely roll with that. Of course there were still secrets between them, on Warren’s side at least, but he was still working out how to tell the other man.

“I uh actually have something I need to tell you.”

Cassidy understood where Warren’s stern concern was coming from. Kitty had worried all the same, as well. “She’s my co-worker, I couldn’t leave her stranded,” he explained. Despite the Men of Letters being mostly passive in supernatural affairs, there was a very strong leave none behind mentality among the younger members.

Warren’s statement sounded just as hesitant as Cassidy’s had earlier. He gave an encouraging nod. “Alright yeah, your turn,” he insisted, putting his coffee mug down so he could give full attention to his friend across the table. Though he assumed it all had to deal with Warren’s impromptu trip back to New York a few weeks ago.

“By co-worker I’m guessing you mean another Men of Letters person?” He asked, but at this point the question was rhetoric as what else could it mean? He knew Cassidy worked over at 8-Bit, but he’d never recalled a Genesis working there. Then again he had been gone a while so lots will have changed in town.

Oh, shit, so this was it, this was the moment.

Warren wondered how it was fair that technically he was dead, but he could still feel nauseous, like what was that?

“So, what Kitty told you about herself? Also applied to me for a long time. Up until my twenty-first birthday in fact.”

He nodded in confirmation, though Warren wasn’t a dumb individual and had already basically jumped to the right conclusion.

Upon Warren’s sort of, half-admittance, Cassidy’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head for a moment before his gaze narrowed somewhat jokingly. Though if that was the case he got the crap end of the stick because his magic studies portion of training had been horrible. Like Seamus Finnigan horrible. “Jesus, is everyone in this town… spiritually gifted?” he blurted out, though his tone got a lot more hushed at the end to keep the sparse number of patron oblivious to their conversation.

“What happened on your twenty-first birthday? Did you get so drunk you yeeted your own magic?” Cass added with a faint grin.

“Well, neither of my parents knew about my magic until it manifested. Surprise from my biological parents to you my new adoptive parents, I guess?” He glanced over in the direction of the kitchen as he heard something shatter, but he knew from the distance that it wasn’t actually in the kitchen but out back, near the bins.

Ugh, stupid supernatural hearing.

He snorted. “I wish.” He looked visibly uncomfortable and his hand unconsciously lifted to rub at his neck as if by repeating the story again he’d somehow start bleeding to death all over again. “I was out celebrating my birthday and it had gotten real late, later than I even thought. I was trying to hail a cab which in hindsight was a really fucking stupid idea considering how busy they are that time of night, so I figured fuck it, it’s only a few blocks, I’ll walk it, no big deal.”

“Only what I didn’t account for was… one really out of control and super feral vampire that had picked up my scent and was stalking me from the moment I left the bar.” He bit out a soft brittle laugh. “Really shitty luck, wrong place, wrong time, but next thing I knew I was being dragged into a really dark alleyway and this thing was latched onto my neck and was just-” He cursed faintly as the obvious trauma of the event caused him to exert a little too much strength and he broke his coffee mug. “Fuck,” he cursed and hurriedly grabbed napkins to mop up the liquid. “I’ll um pay for the mug,” he said quickly to the person behind the counter so they didn’t come over and fuss. That was the last thing he needed or wanted right now.

Once he was certain there were enough napkins to capture the liquid he glanced up at Cassidy. “That night I died and when it brought me back all connection to my magic died with me.” It was clear he was nervous, traumatised in all kinds of ways, and ready for whatever happened next.

He let out a quiet chuckle. “Yeah I’m sure they loved you during puberty,” he joked weakly. Warren’s body language changed, though, as he began to tell Cass what he needed to hear.

The story that his friend recounted made it difficult for the Men of Letters trainee to remain neutral-faced throughout. Really at “stalking me” he started to subtly react with concern. Of course, the sudden shattering of the coffee mug made him actually jump in his seat. He quickly did his best to toss some napkins on the mess, but noted that Warren was always rather fit but not that much.

Cassidy quickly put two and two together and— “Holy fuck.” His eyes widened in shock as it settled in. Warren had been turned.

As he leaned away, his back flushed against the booth cushion - taking his friend in. The pale complexion, the secrecy and lack of communication while he was gone… It all made sense. Still, he was familiar enough, and accepting enough, of the supernatural that he knew just because Warren was technically classified as the undead, didn’t change who he was. Cassidy’s brow furrowed. “Are you okay?” I-I know that’s stupid to ask but.. Listen, I can help you,” he insisted, leaning forward again and tapping the table top with his finger. “The Men of—” He stopped himself before saying too much, again, in an overwhelming moment. “We have access to resources, if you need them.”

Warren watched Cassidy closely and despite his best efforts not to eavesdrop he couldn't exactly stop himself given that his hearing just seemed to naturally pick up on the subtle changes in heartbeat, breathing and other signifiers that he now knew was all part and parcel of being a predatory creature. He busied his hands with continuing to mop up the mess he'd made, careful not to cut himself even if it didn't really matter, some habits died hard. Also the less injured he got the less chance he had of losing control or needing blood. Cassidy was shocked, taken aback, but that was understandable, it was a huge bit of news.

"Pass," he replied dryly as he added a few more dry napkins to the pool of coffee. "It's been a couple of years but it feels like it happened yesterday."

Thankfully Cassidy wasn't running in the opposite direction as fast as his legs could carry him and wasn't looking at him like he was some sort of monster. "Resources?" He asked, finally looking at Cassidy after having avoided eye contact for a long time.

Cassidy was impressed with how well Warren had disguised his vampirism. Though he supposed if there was ever a demographic that could make being a vampire work - it was younger adults. The up all night, sleep all day kind of crowd.

“I could imagine time, other than being pointless for you now, passes differently,” he sympathized, watching as the former witch finally seemed to calm. At least he was finally looking at him again.

He gave a glance around to make sure none of the wait staff was in ear shot. “Blood,” he replied plainly. “If you need it. I guess sometimes the members either.. end up in similar predicaments or aren’t exactly human when they join so, they have a few resources for feeding. I can see if I have access to them?” he offered.

“Really different,” Warren said with a nod as he picked up the shattered remains of the mug and continued his clean up work as he’d always been taught that if you make the mess then you were responsible for cleaning it up.

He did glance up however at the mention of blood and whilst he wanted to jump at the chance of not having to worry about getting blood he was nervous as he figured that somebody might start asking questions or looking at Cassidy weird if he started poking at that.

“You’re not going to get into trouble for asking about them, right?”

Warren brought up a good point. “Actually..” he started, reaching up and running his hand through his dark hair idly. “They might start asking about how you were turned, and require an interview or something with you. I could see them having issue with your turning, Hell, even I have issue with it,” Cassidy admitted.

“But it might turn into them wanting to track down this sire of yours. Not that there are any laws for the supernatural, not yet at least, but they don’t take kindly to those kinds of attacks.”

“Yeah, let’s not,” Warren said with a shake of his head. “I have enough going on without having to worry about what might happen if my Sire ends up dead.” He’d read books, knew what that could mean and he definitely wasn’t ready for an aching loss to replace the uncomfortable constant feeling of knowing that there was somebody else out there that he was connected to in a way he had never been connected to anything or anyone before, save for his magic, probably.

Somebody had brought over a trashcan and cleaning supplies which Warren was grateful for as he could finally clean the table up properly.

“I’ll figure something out.”

Cass frowned somewhat, but understood Warren’s decision. He imagined that if their roles were reversed, he would take similar precautions. He definitely wouldn’t be handling things with the calmness the former witch had. Save for the whole mug-breaking, that is.

Still, he wanted to help and show his support.

“What if I…tried to get something arranged with St. Augustine? Kitty’s a nurse, she might know if someone in the lab is willing to let a few expired blood bags disappear every so often?” he suggested.

Warren had during the time Cassidy had been talking cleaned up the mess he’d made and shot the lady who came over to collect it an apologetic look, but felt better after it was no longer something he needed to worry about.

“That’s a better idea.” Definitely better than the idea of being the subject of an intense questioning round with the Men of Letters. And he didn’t have to break the news to Kitty because she knew and had known the longest as a result of being in New York when it happened.

Well that and she’d refused to leave him alone.

The former warlock’s agreement caused the lightbulb to go off above Cass’ head.

“Wait did Kitty know this whole time?” he asked, unable to help the surprise in his tone of voice. Though really, he wasn’t too surprised. He knew they’d spent time in New York together and well.. If Cassidy ever found himself suddenly without a pulse he’d be reaching out to the nurse as well.

The Men of Letters trainee smirked faintly and shook his head. “How’d we end up with so many secrets between us?” he questioned with a small laugh. Honestly though he chalked it up to them getting older, and parting somewhat to different career paths.

“Despite my valiant attempts at avoiding her and keeping her away from me she was very persistent and would not take no for an answer,” Warren remarked, dryly. “Have you ever tried to say no to Kitty? It’s near impossible. If she doesn’t kill you with stubbornness she’ll get you with those big doe eyes of hers.”

He chuckled softly and leaned back into the booth, hand vanishing into dark strands of his hair.

“Hell if I know, but new rule, we try to be more honest with one another. Deal?

Cass couldn’t help but smirk faintly at Warren’s answer. “Yeah that’s true,” he admitted of their blonde witchy friend. “It looks like she’s about to cry, all the time,” he added, shaking his head as he could hardly believe how one could accomplish such a look.

The Men of Letters trainee paused only a moment to give a nod, holding his hand out across the table to his friend. “Deal,” Cassidy agreed. “And… that if any of us need help with anything, we have no excuses to ask,” he added.

He was, of course, talking mostly about Warren and by association Kitty, but Cassidy knew (just didn’t want to admit) that it was expected of him in return. He wasn’t the greatest at asking for help. But at least now, Warren and Kitty were in on his secret life he’d hidden for so long.

“And it doesn’t help that they’re so big and bright,” Warren said with a shake of his head.

He nodded. “A-fucking-men.” Like literally no excuse to ask except of course if any of them felt like being total idiots. It was possible. Nobody was perfect after all. “So, the next time you feel like driving through a dark monster infested town to rescue your co-worker you hit me up.”

“That’s some serious dedication by the way,” Warren pointed out. “I don’t think I’d go to those sorts of lengths for some of the people I’ve worked with.”

Cassidy smiled at the sudden distraction of the topic of Kitty before shaking his head, and doing his best to carry on in conversation.

“Hey my driving is not that bad,” he defended. “I hit more monsters than public property, any way.” Which was entirely true. Plus the driving would have been a lot easier if there were any lights, and the headlights on the car hadn’t been malfunctioning because of the creatures. “But yeah, next time I decide to break multiple laws I will gladly call you,” Cass said with a smirk in Warren’s direction.

“Everyone else is old and decrepit basically,” he joked in return - knowing full-well that they weren’t. But the organization did have a lot of senior members. Intelligent beyond comprehension almost, but senior nonetheless. “I’m all about competition but I wouldn’t ever wish anything bad on someone who doesn’t deserve it.”

“Okay good because that’ll make Kitty feel a lot better. She was really worried about you.” Kitty tended to worry about the people closest to her especially after what had happened with her father but her worry for Cassidy was on a very different level. More evident, more palpable.

He snorted gently. “Yeah, next time definitely call me.” Especially now that he was a vampire and more durable than he had been before.

Not that it would have stopped him.

Cassidy paused thoughtfully, for a moment, letting Warren’s words about Kitty sink in before cracking a joke and lightening the heaviness of it all. “She’s going to bedazzle my jacket with charms,” he informed the other man.

“If we’re ever caught I’ll be sure to throw you under the bus almost instantly,” Cassidy insisted with a smirk and a wink - letting the former witch know he was only joking. Cass had much more appreciation and loyalty to his friends than that. Besides, with his squeaky clean record in this town, he could afford a couple warnings before any serious charges were tacked on.

“Wouldn’t put it past her,” Warren replied with a snort.

He flipped his friend off playfully and then chuckled. “And if you ever feel like I dunno going toe to toe with any big monsters then be sure that you call me. I’m less squishy than you or Kitty.” Still able to be killed but it took a lot more effort now than it had done before.

Still sucked that he couldn’t enjoy the sun any longer.

Cassidy gasped in mock offense, his hand laying over his chest dramatically with the flashed obscene gesture in his direction. “How dare you call me squishy,” he claimed. Though he was well aware of his mortality. Maybe not as much as he should have been, but he knew he wasn’t invulnerable. And sometimes rock climbing reminded him of that quite abruptly, and from a decent height.

“But Bigfoot is mine and no one else will have him,” he countered jokingly. “I get it though, and thank you.”

Oct. 16th, 2020



Log: Warren & Kitty


Kitty returns Warren's camera & talk turns to a cryptid hunt
16th October | Warren's place | PG
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Ever since he’d become a vampire Warren found that his body clock had definitely shifted. No longer was he an early bird but a night owl which he assumed stood to reason considering the sun was certain death whereas night was in many ways a lover’s embrace in comparison.

That did mean his sleeping habits were decidedly out of sync with the rest of the world (which thankfully didn’t affect his work as he could do that whenever) but it resulted in him being clad only in a pair of dark sweatpants as he opened the door to regard one Kitty Davenport blearily, desperately in need of a brush being put through his hair and squinting even though those issues with his eyesight? Cleared right up. Go figure.

“Hey,” he rumbled, voice husky and heavy from residual sleep. “Come on in.”

He swept his arm in welcoming gesture, figuring she was here for a good reason and it wasn’t even that early to be fair to her.

Honestly, it wasn’t that early at all: Kitty had waited until after midday to come and see Warren because the sun was on the other side of his house to the front door and therefore there was less chance of him being hit by direct sunlight. She’d been tinkering with charms since he told her that he was coming back to Seven Devils - things she’d been working on since he was turned but hadn’t had any real success and she wasn’t willing to even experiment a little bit with her friend’s safety.

“I start work in a couple of hours,” she said, by way of apology. “Otherwise I’d have waited until at least sunset to come over. At least the nights are getting longer, you’ll be less house-bound soon.”

She shut the door behind her and shrugged out of her jacket, walking confidently through Warren’s place with her tote bag still over her shoulder. She headed into the lounge and rummaged a brush out of his drawers, clicking her tongue and sitting on the couch, waiting for him to come join her.

“Come sit down?” Kitty waved the brush invitingly.

Warren watched with some amusement as Kitty moved about his apartment as comfortably as he did, but that wasn’t a huge surprise. They did spend a lot of time in one another’s company after all. “My hair’s that bad, huh?” He smirked and wandered over, settling on the ground in front of the couch and between Kitty’s legs before reclining back so it was easier for her to reach him.

“I am really looking forward to being less house-bound soon, starting to feel like I’m going to climb the walls soon.”

Not even an exaggeration.

“Yeah, it’s really that bad,” Kitty said, bracketing his shoulders with his knees. He felt cold, something she’d never associated with him before: he and Cassidy were warm, and Jesse (by comparison) was burning hot. She knew it was just part of his new life now, being a vampire, but still, she missed the body-warmth that came from a full hug from him.

She raked a hand through his hair before starting to brush it out almost absent-mindedly. She hadn’t done this in ages, but it was just as relaxing for her as it was for him.

“Guess that’s why vampires sleep during the sunlight hours,” she offered, one hand resting on his shoulder. “Less boring.”

It probably would have helped if he’d bothered to put a top on but he hadn’t. Then again layers did fuck all good for the lack of body heat considering he’d essentially been killed and brought back to some sort of weird undead state. Honestly the less he thought about it the better.

As she began to brush his hair he closed his eyes and just relaxed into the touch, head tipping back a little.

“Sleep is good for that,” he agreed softly. “I am definitely keeping weird hours these days.”

His hair wasn’t that long, it took her only a couple of minutes to brush it but she knew he found his relaxing, and when he tipped his head back she kept going just softly. He was tactile, like Jesse, and being turned into a vampire had limited the amount of physical contact he’d been able to get.

She couldn’t do much for him, but she could do this.

“You should get to know some of Cassidy’s ghost hunter friends,” she said after a moment, “they keep the same weird hours. You might feel less lonely.”

“I’d have to hide the fact that I am now a-” He proceeded to wiggle his fingers and in his best Transylvanian accent got all up in his dramatics, “vampire.”

The simple act of having Kitty brushing his hair and touching him in a way that honestly he hadn’t experienced in a really long time was reassuring and comforting in so many ways that he couldn’t even express it in words.

“Which shouldn’t be a problem provided I’m properly fed and stuff.”

Kitty rolled her eyes. “If Cassidy knows, you can work on other people knowing too. But there are a lot of vampires around that keep it quiet, as do the werewolves. Since you still have a reflection and don’t hiss dramatically whenever you’re near garlic, I think you should be okay.”

She leaned forward and kissed the top of his head, alternating fingers and brush in his hair, bracketing his shoulders with her knees.

“And with- with feeding, you’re doing okay, right?”

“It would really fucking suck if I couldn’t have garlic again,” Warren drawled before his lips curled into a smile when Kitty kissed the top of his hair and replaced bristles with fingers on occasion.

He shrugged. “I think I’m doing okay. I still have some left over from the… supply I brought with me from New York and uh, I mean, there’s always Thirst.”

Cassidy had suggested speaking to Kitty given where she worked but Warren hadn’t got round to it yet.

“There’s someone at the hospital that can help you, too,” Kitty said. She was pretty sure she’d seen vampires heading in and down to the morgue, but she wasn’t sure who it was down there. Maybe one of the morticians. “But Thirst is a safe place and I’m- well, I’m sure there are places we can go that’ll be able to give you some supplies so you don’t always have to visit there. Plus once you get settled, the vampires here will have tricks and tips.”

Watching his shoulders sag as she kept fussing, Kitty didn’t stop. Warren and Jesse were both pretty similar in that sense: touch kept them grounded though it came from very different base needs.

She squeezed his shoulders between his knees.

“I’m glad you came home,” she murmured softly. “I know it’s hard. But you’re still not alone, and now Cass knows the two of us can help you.”

“I met one,” Warren shared. “At Thirst. She seemed pretty cool, definitely didn’t give me psycho vibes and she’s kind of helping me out.” Thirst was a safe place but it also felt weird, feeding on people that were there because they either got paid or they just really enjoyed being fed on by vampires.

He supposed it was something he was going to have to get used to though.

His arms lifted to rest atop of Kitty’s thighs and his hands curled around her knees, squeezing gently. “Yeah, which I appreciate. I’m lucky to have you guys as friends.”

“At least Thirst exists here. And it’s much less seedy than some of the affordable ones in New York,” she pointed out, humming a little as he squeezed her knees. She remembered not long after he turned, when he finally let her see him, he wouldn’t hug her or stand near her at all, afraid of himself, of his strength, of his self control slipping. It was so much better now.

She hummed. “And honestly, if there are people willing to let you feed from them straight from the vein, isn’t that the better source for you anyway?”

“Yeah, it is,” Warren said as he tipped his head back to look up at Kitty. “Just feels… really fucking weird. Like, hi, my name’s Warren and for the next however long I’m just going to suck on your neck and drink your blood.”

His eyes shut again when Kitty’s nails dragged over his scalp.

“I mean, I guess it’s sort of the same as paying for other services?”

“It’s vampiric take out,” Kitty replied. “There’ll be people who get off on it too, if you wanted to make it like, y’know, a massage with a happy ending or whatever. But you’re probably not in the place where you’re comfortable crossing that line. And when you find someone you want to be with - in that way - maybe they can help top you up.”

She nudged the back of his head with her nose before sitting up straight again. “If you’re ever desperate, as long as you accept that Jesse will shout at you for it, I don’t mind helping out. But only when you’re desperate. I know you wouldn’t want to normally. But, like, if we’re trapped in a cave and it’s been three days kind of desperate. Which, if Cassidy lets me drag you along to his cryptid hunt with his friends, might actually end up happening.”

Warren’s cheeks flushed as apparently even undead he could still blush, shock of the century. “Yeah, no. I definitely am keeping sex and feeding very separate. I mean, first of all, I need to be having sex for me to even be thinking about how I mix the two.”

Which he was not and had not for a very, very long time.

“They’re doing what?” He asked, eyebrow lifting. “Seriously? After what just happened? Jesus.”

“Give yourself some time, Warren. In twenty years, a dry spell like this will feel like a week.” Kitty tightened her knees around him again, squeezing his sides a little. “You’re hardly rusty, just need to take some time to be comfortable with you again. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

She clicked her tongue in displeasure, “Yeah, they’re going after the thing in the mines. It’s some kind of bat cryptid, I think Cassidy said. He’ll let me help with the research, and I want to go with them when they actually go into the mines. You never know when a potion or two, or a w-” she cut herself off, cursing internally. She’d done such a good job of not talking about magic near Warren.

She leaned forward again, kissed his shoulder in apology and then slung her arms around his neck in a loose hug. It was natural for her to be tactile with her friends, after growing up with Jesse.


“It’s okay,” Warren was quick to reassure, his hand lifting to squeeze her forearm and head turning to press a kiss to her temple. “I don’t want you to feel like you can’t talk about magic or be your authentic self around me, okay?”

He nudged the side of her head with his nose and huffed out a breath.

“I really do not like the thought of either you or Cassidy facing off against some sort of bat cryptid without some sort of supernatural something around. Like me, for example. I might be sort of new to this whole vampire thing but nobody and nothing fucks with my friends while I’m around.”

“I mean I was hoping he’d let me drag either you or Jesse along anyway,” Kitty admitted. “Or at least let me tell Eli where we were going. I don’t- it’s hard enough being somewhere like this when there’s a gathering of people like us for those that aren’t to be safe.”

She just hugged him with her whole body, as best she could.

“I’m glad you’re here, with us, where you belong.”

“Agreed.” Warren reached up with his other hand and soon his arms were braced against hers with both of his hands curled around Kitty’s elbows, grip firm but not too firm.

This was nice, really nice. He’d almost forgotten what easy affection was like. Between Allegra and Kitty he really had no excuse to be lacking in that area of his life now that he was back.

“It’s good to be home,” he said softly. “Even if telling everybody what I am was definitely the least fun thing ever.”

“At least, for the most part,” Kitty pointed out, kissing his temple. “you’re around people you don’t need to hide from.”

Warren hummed in agreement and tipped his head into the kiss on his temple. “Amen to that.” He squeezed Kitty again and relaxed into the easy affection and comfortable company, grateful for good friends.

Jul. 16th, 2020



Narrative: Warren Bishop


Warren Bishop
Is it really exhaustion or something else?
16th July | Warren's place | PG
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Warren Bishop was exhausted in every conceivable way there was to be exhausted.

Apparently not even coffee was a long term fix to insomnia or in his case a terrible penchant for working long hours that involved him being out on location but then he had made the decision to move from New York back home after the death of his aunt so travelling was to be expected. He had waited for the anniversary to pass before he'd accepted a job that had taken him far from Seven Devils, but he was home now and that was what really counted. Of course any joy he'd felt at being home was immediately replaced by concern when despite no sign of a break in he couldn't help but feel that somebody had been in his space. It was odd, nothing was out of place, and yet he still felt like his home had been invaded.

He'd never thought that he would need wards in Seven Devils but he was starting to think that perhaps that had been an error of judgment on his behalf.

Still, maybe just maybe he was being paranoid?

He had been up for hours after all and lack of sleep had proven to be more than just detrimental to your physical health so it might be wise for him to sleep on it and see how he felt in the morning. That was if he could sleep. Warren inhaled and for his own peace of mind more than anything else he drew from the well of magic that filled his veins and with a few intricate hand movements a manifestation of glowing silver barriers appeared over all entry points into his home before vanishing, invisible to the naked eye.

Grumbling under his breath he reached upwards to run a hand through his hair which was by now far past the point of tousled and heading more in the direction of bedhair before simply collecting his suitcase and carrying that through to the bedroom where it was tossed to one side, it was a concern for future!Warren, one that wasn't running on fumes. He passed by his answering machine and let it play the messages he'd missed before he simply helped himself to something to eat accompanied by a glass of juice rather than coffee because he was certain that if he drank anymore then he was going to poison himself with the stuff.

Thankfully he hadn't missed anything important but he made a mental note to swing in on the parentals, see how his mom was doing and hopefully take her mind off everything just by being around. Now if he could just shake the feeling that his home had been trespassed on then he'd feel pretty good at being home though admittedly his place was as silent as a tomb now that the messages had stopped. A shudder ran the length of his spine and he immediately remedied the situation by instructing Alexa to play Spotify and he felt the tension drain from him allowing him to slump into his couch where the cushions did their best at pillowing his weightless body as sleep finally claimed him.

Not that his dreams were peaceful, far from it, and Warren jerked awake hours later with a sudden tightness in his chest and he pushed out a breath that he'd apparently been holding. Seriously, what the fuck? Warren hunched forward to regard his space with a narrowed gaze that resulted in him getting to his feet and beginning to pick through things in the hope it would shake the feeling of paranoia and concern for his safety.

He could hope, right?

Jun. 26th, 2020



[No Subject]

ok, but first, coffee
old friends run into each other after years of silence
june 25th | fondate's inferno | pg
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Warren was exhausted. He really was. He’d been up late the night before working on a piece for a very demanding client who honestly couldn’t make their mind up about anything until last minute then expected Warren to “make it work” so sleep was a luxury and a privilege it would seem.

This obviously meant for him to feel something approaching human he needed coffee, lots of coffee, and Fondante’s Inferno was at the top of his list for being the perfect place to obtain and secure that.

As always he cut a dark figure against the light interior of the coffee shop and would have been in pretty much black, greys and whites if not for the titanium and gemstones embedded in them on his fingers and the blue tinted sunglasses. He said his thanks now that he had coffee in his hand, dropped a generous tip in the jar and made for the door.

Only to stop dead mid step as he came face to face with a Dallas Reid. The same Dallas Reid he’d hung around with and done a lot of rather… embarrassing and intimate things with a very long time ago. The exact same one that had for a while kept in touch when he’d joined the army but then had just stopped and whilst relieved to see that he was still alive Warren couldn’t help but be pissed that the other man had just ditched him. He’d hoped they were better friends than that.

“So, you’re alive, I see,” he remarked dryly as he lifted his to go cup to his lips and took a slow considering slip. “That’s good to know.”

The bonus to doing the coffee run usually meant that Dallas got a little extra time before Rex would give him shit if he was late. And he tried not to be late, mostly. He was an adult, he had responsibilities, he could show up to work on time, with coffee and breakfast.

Of course, most mornings he had two breakfasts, because one for him and then the order for the others. That was just being forward thinking, he needed a shot or two of caffeine before he was going to give coherent responses to any of Rex’s questions or manage to keep up with Riggs.

He was still contemplating his own breakfast when a semi-familiar voice cut through his musings. “Oh,” okay, so, Dallas was used to getting shit for what was, basically, running away when he was 18. He knew that there were better ways to do something with himself than vanish for basic training barely any time after he could legally enlist. But similarly, he was kind of tired of taking shit for basically doing something with his life, “um, yeah. Mostly.”

He wasn’t about to drop into casual conversation that it was hit and miss for a minute or two, or that he knew guys not as lucky as him, but he made an abortive hand gesture anyway that just ended up with him scratching his nose and dropping it. “Got kinda caught up with stuff. Figured you’d hear anyway.”

Seven Devils was not short on gossip. “Visiting from New York?” Since the last that Dallas had heard from Warren he was setting down roots in a big city.

“Well, that’s good,” Warren countered as he regarded Dallas from behind the protective glare of his sunglasses which were catching the sunlight just right. “And, uh, no. Not visiting, I live here now.”

He probably wouldn’t have come back to stay if not for the death of Georgie, his mom’s younger sister, a very unexpected very sudden death to say the least. The anniversary of that was fast approaching but that wasn’t really something to drop into idle awkward conversation with a blast from the past.

“And you? What brings you back to town?”

Dallas made what might’ve passed as an understanding face, or maybe he just looked like he was holding in a hiccup, it was hard to tell. “Big change, right?” He wasn’t sure if going from small town to big city would be too much, or if maybe it was just that small towns had a nicer atmosphere.

Scratching the back of his head, Dallas just went through the age old explanation he’d churned through during the first month he’d been home, “Medical discharge, I’m home now.” Due to the traumatic brain injury the Army couldn’t say for sure that he wouldn’t face complications at some point. The migraines had taken a while to calm down, and even now there were still some fairly intense headaches at times.

It wasn’t like they could throw him into a combat situation and hope for the best.

A cough from behind him had Dallas noticing that they were ready for his order, so he ignored his earlier indecision and just asked Callie for his usual. He’d been home long enough to have that down again. “Um… I’m sorry, about not writing more or at all really.” Syria was fucked up, but he should’ve at least asked Montana to let his friends know he was okay.

There was an inkling of concern when Dallas mentioned a medical discharge because ordinarily the injury had to be pretty intense to be given a discharge like that. Meant he’d probably nearly died and was still dealing with some fallout of… whatever had happened. Not that it excused his shitty communication skills, but still, Warren was relieved that despite all of that Dallas was still alive and kicking.

“Yeah,” he said with a nod, “me too. I mean, I could’ve- I dunno, tried harder.” Or something. Whatever. “But seeing as we’re both back in town then it should be easier to keep in touch.” If that was even a thing Dallas wanted to do as they were both in very different places in their lives and neither of them - Warren assumed - were much into causing trouble.

He cleared his throat. “How’s Montana doing?”

At first it had been pretty easy to do, keeping up the writing, managing the chaos around him with the steady stream of communications. But then things started to get more serious, one tour ended and another started and things were so different that it fizzled to the point where Dallas barely even let his parents know he was still alive. And he knew it was shitty, but he’d never really expected that he wouldn’t be able to visit home before deploying again, or that anyone would be visiting him in a hospital.

It wasn’t a great excuse, but he didn’t really have anything else.

“Totally, yeah. I mean, it’s not like it’s New York where we have five boroughs to miss each other in.” Although with Dallas working for SDPD he really hoped he wasn’t going to be seeing Warren where he used to see Warren.

“She’s good, still a little mad at me, but she’ll probably get past that when Mom’s birthday hits.” Because she tended to forgive him when their parents got mushy and shit. “How’s your family? Bet your mom’s glad to have you home.”

“Yeah, I gotta admit I miss the space.” It was a huge change, coming back to Seven Devils after New York, but it was the right thing to do. That and staying. His mom had been totally broken by Georgie’s death and Warren just couldn’t leave her or his dad. Family was very important to him, more so given the fact he’d been adopted and the Bishops hadn’t needed to give him a home but they had.

He smirked at the thought of Montana being mad at Dallas, he could see that, he really could. Twins had a special connection after all.

Warren stumbled not so much physically but rather verbally when Dallas asked about his family and it was clear that for such a simple question it was taking far too long to answer. “Oh yeah, she’s really happy. I mean she was supportive of New York but I always got the feeling that she was also super upset by it, you know?”

Dallas wouldn’t really know what space was, to be fair. Sure there was a whole lot of space in the desert, but even on base, they were smooshed together rather snug, especially when they were taking in displaced refugees and civilian contractors. It did mean that he didn’t need to get used to less space with his own place, instead getting used to more. It was probably harder the other way around. “I’ll bet, it’s a pretty big change to readapt to.”

Callie handed off his order, a warmed breakfast roll and a large black coffee and he paid and waved off the change she was about to get him.

“Oh, I know that very well.” He knew his parents were proud of what he chose to do, but at the same time they were deeply worried about that choice all the same. He figured it was likely the same with any and all parents of enlisted forces members. Throw in that he did it without talking to anyone and then was instantly shipped off, yeah, they’d been a tiny bit upset too. “I’m sure your mom is just as proud of what you accomplished though.” Since they’d been such utter idiots in their teens that people probably thought that would never change.

“Mm, it is,” Warren agreed though less weird than everything else in his life. Magic had been one hell of a surprise when he’d been younger, not just for him, but also for his poor adoptive parents.

He’d graduated at the top of his class in college and managed to make a very successful career in New York which had thankfully transitioned with him to Seven Devils, but it wasn’t like serving your country or anything like that.

“Yeah, I think she is.” She hadn’t been as communicative since Georgie’s death but that was to be expected, it had hit her really hard, and honestly she was still recovering. “She’s just got a lot going on.”

“An adjustment for everyone.” Coming home after time away was big, but having kids home after they’d been gone was probably just as big.

He wasn’t saying that his mother was hovering or anything, but he knew she wasn’t thrilled with his idea of working with the police either, even if it was one of the only places his skills fully transferred. He couldn’t work in a garage because of the smells and he wasn’t about to try and go to college now.

“It’s kinda weird how little this place has changed, you know?”

“I guess it figures it’s just fine as it is so why change if you don’t need to,” Warren offered before he realised that he and Dallas were causing something of an obstruction so he gestured off to one side so they weren’t so much in the way of others.

He inhaled and reached up to remove his shades to rest them atop his dark hair so rather than looking into glass Dallas was now looking Warren in the eye.

“But I guess that can be comforting in its own right.”

Although it was unlikely that the town hadn’t gone through some changes since the 1600’s, it made sense that there wasn’t an instant change. Dallas had been gone for eight years, and it wasn’t really like much was different. A few new buildings, some new businesses, upgrades and people. But overall it seemed like a lot of it was the same way when he graduated high school.

“I guess, or worrying.” When Warren removed the glasses, Dallas was mostly thankful that he wasn’t staring at his own reflection in the lenses. “We should get proper drinks, you know, rather than just bumping into each other.”

He should at least try to reconnect with people after all.

“Yeah, we can do that,” Warren agreed with a nod of his head. “Sooner rather than later.”

Things were approaching later, anniversaries, and things like that, stuff that didn’t exactly make for the most social Warren Bishop. It was the first anniversary after Georgie’s death after all and he imagined it was going to be tough on everybody.

“But I’ll let you get back to your day and whatever that entails.”

He did however reach into his jacket and pulled out a business card which held details of his contact details. “Text me sometime.”

If he wasn’t on late shifts this week he’d try and make a point of going out to catch up with Warren, he felt a little like it was the least he could do since he dropped off the face of the planet on the whole.

“Yeah that should work, my boss will have my ass if I’m late.” And if he was late without coffee then he’d be dead (probably), but there were plenty of other places to get coffee for Riggs and Rex anyway.

“I’ll text you later, okay?” Which he would make a concentrated effort to remember to do. He might even set a reminder for himself so he did it at a decent time and everything.

Warren reached up to pull his shades back into place and nodded his head, resting a hand on Dallas’ shoulder where he squeezed lightly. “Look forward to it.” He gave Dallas a parting smile and paused as he approached the door.

“I meant what I said,” he shared as he turned to look at the other man. “It’s good to know that you’re alive.”

He lifted his coffee in parting and headed out into town.

Jun. 20th, 2020



Log: Cassidy, Kitty & Warren


Cassidy Marsh, Kitty Davenport & Warren Bishop
Just a couple friends grabbing food after Singles night
After Singles Night | Diner| RATING OR WARNINGS TBC
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Placeholder - Scene to follow

Mar. 25th, 2020




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