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Posts Tagged: 'gabriel'

Sep. 14th, 2020



[No Subject]

the end of the czernabog plot
the anciet beast is sealed back into the nexus
Sept. 14th | Nexus | G
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Unable to tolerate simply standing by any longer, Gabriel found himself standing at the Nexus in full archangel armor, staring into the void where the Czernabog stirred. His expression was almost unnaturally stern as thunder rumbled through the dark sky above. Four days was more than enough of fear and unnecessary suffering for the townsfolk of Seven Devils. Furthermore, it was enough for Gabe to have to witness. As an archangel he was forbidden (though if you asked him, forbidden really meant ‘strongly discouraged’) from interfering with human affairs. But… this technically wasn’t a solely human affair. It was supernatural in nature, and specifically in this case… it was an ancient beast nearly breaking free too soon before the End Times.

Given that Gabriel was the one to blow the horn to signify to all beings the start of the apocalypse, it was only fair to counteract the Czernabog trying to make a premature break for it. Seeing Ainsley struggle to keep people safe at Town Hall had been the last straw, honestly. For a Fae to have to work that hard to keep their footing against the demonic spirits - it was clear to him that intervention was needed to stop it all.

Being able to do it all quietly was key, however. Gabriel reasoned that a merciful intervention was justified if he kept himself, and thus his siblings, secret while allowing the people of Seven Devils to still choose whether or not to work together or fend for themselves.

“Haven’t done this in a while so just-” the Archangel said as he held his hands out and looked between the two as they began to spark. “Give it a second.” Within a moment his eyes glowed a brilliant light blue and lightning began to crackle around his fingers, moving its way up to his shoulders. Gabriel took one last consideration.

“I’m sorry,” he said quietly to the ancient beast, ever merciful, “but it’s not time yet.”

With a single flap of his wings he took off into the sky, summoning his archangel blade - which he also hadn’t done in a good while save for formal events when he needed to instill some credibility to his claim of celestial being.

The archangel took a dive for the ground, free-falling as lightning cracked and splintered in his wake. While he was sure that no one was in the immediate area, to anyone outside able to witness it from a distance - it simply looked like an impressive storm with a few brief moments of intense lightning strikes ending in a brilliant pale blue light illuminating the sky. For the more supernaturally inclined; those connected to nature in some manner would likely feel the change in the atmosphere caused by the holy light. The Czernabog would rest for another few thousand years, and by morning all of the shadow creatures would weaken and disappear.

Jul. 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

your typical small town festivities
4th of July weekend | St. Verdiana Church + park | PLEASE RATE IN SUBJECT LINE
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4th of July
at st. verdiana's church bazaar
CHURCH BAZAAR The town's Fourth of July celebration is centered around St. Verdiana's Bazaar and the charitable "Firecracker Mile" walk/run and parade. While the Church's doors are always open for worship, this weekend St. Verdiana is home to a huge craft fair in a fun family atmosphere.

Each day festivities vary, with Saturday the 4th being the longest and most event-heavy day. There's watermelon eating contests and dance-offs, a "Patriotic Pets" competition, water balloon fights, plus bounce houses and small game stands for kids. Amidst all the games and fun, there's a heavy focus on the town's own history with volunteers from the local historical society dressed in period clothing and happy to talk about their heritage.

The main event happens after dark, though, with the dazzling display of pyrotechnics. The sound of the explosions echoing off the surrounding mountains adds an extra fun element. There's a picnic setup in the nearby park with food trucks before the big fireworks extravaganza begins.
schedule FRIDAY
Bazaar starts at 3pm
Fireworks display @ 8pm
Church doors close shortly after
“Firecracker Mile” walk/run @ 11am
Parade @ 1pm
Fireworks @ 8pm
Church doors close shortly after
Bazaar starts at 3pm
Fireworks Finale @ 8pm
Church doors close shortly after
CHARITY There's no sort of entrance fee to the bazaar, though there is plenty of opportunity to donate to multiple charities; as well as St. Verdiana.
ALCOHOL POLICY While there is no alcohol blatantly sold at any of the events or stands, there is nothing stopping folks from bringing their own. As such, no alcohol is permitted in the Church and you will be kindly asked to finish or check your bottle/can at the door.

Jun. 21st, 2020



keep the earth below my feet


an angel and a fae take tiny humans hiking
JUNE 10th - 11am | Blue Ridge Mountains | PG-13
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Taking over for the kids summer classes wasn’t exactly what Ainsley had in mind when she’d started working officially in the city hall, she’d been largely expecting clerk work -take this folder to this council person, take that form to this person, go check that this was done, get me a coffee and a bagel. That kind of thing. But when the woman who usually ran the program went off on maternity leave and it turned out that no one else had been picked to run the whole thing, well Ainsley wasn’t great at saying no.

So she’d had about three weeks to get everything set up, apparently there was a yearly hike that the group did and that at least had been booked by the previous person, so she wasn’t flying blind. It just happened that most of the volunteers were friends with the lady who just had a baby and were now apparently all needed to help one woman with one child rather than dozens on a hike into the mountains.

The stress levels of making sure 23 children were not killed by bears, wolves or mountain lions (or worse) in the dense trails of the Blue Mountain Ridge were really something.

Thankfully she’d managed to find a few volunteers, one of which seemed to do well with the kids and had some kind of medical training just in case someone wandered into poison ivy or fell down a ravine (were there ravines in the Blue Mountains? She hadn’t looked into that) and Ainsley managed to stop panicking while they were on the hike.

As everyone settled down at the picnic spot, pointing out wildlife or plants they could see and talking about the walk up and some telling stories of monsters in the mountains, Ainsley took a seat next to Nate, or Gabe, she hadn’t worked out how that came from anything ‘Nate’ related or involved sports, but okay.

“Thanks again for coming, I really appreciate the extra eyes.”

Gabriel had missed doing the Big Brothers Big Sisters program ever since leaving the city. He had his issues with family growing up, but knew how important they were to him — he couldn't imagine kids not having a role model to turn to. The opportunity to help out in the community, before the supernatural melting pot bubbled over, was impossible to pass up. Especially after his conversation with Lucifer.

If he could do anything to help protect the children of the town, he would.

Imagine his surprise when he saw the young woman he'd spoken with over the forum was in fact, a Fae. He really had nothing bad to say about Fae — they were mostly jubilant, and knew how to throw a great party based on past experiences. Gabe wasn't overly obvious about his true identity, though, apart from mentioning everyone just called him 'Gabe'.

After doing a quick count in his head — just to be extra sure all kids were accounted for, he took his sunglasses off and clipped them on the hem of his tank top. Gabe chuckled quietly as he watched a couple of kids start to throw grapes at one another. "Don't mention it, I'm happy to help," he insisted before taking a quick swig of water.

"They're a great group, so that helps," Gabriel added. "For all I know you could have been setting a trap to pawn off twenty-three tiny monsters on me," he joked with a faint grin.

Given her inexperience with other supernatural beings, Ainsley wasn’t sure what Gabe was. She could sense a degree of power -more than fae, more than witches, different really. And he was out in the sun, so he definitely was not vampiric. But she felt it was probably rude to ask ‘so what are you’, when you’d just met someone. It seemed on the level with asking people what was in their pants.

Just so rude.

“I thought about it, I did. I had that thought just before the bus left that I could just run away and no one would notice until you all got up here.” She was grinning through it all, beaming really, just to pass off that she was, indeed, joking.

“But no, they’re really sweet kids, just so excitable and some of them are proper little mischief makers.” She’d already seen plans for some of their adventures this summer, she’d need to make sure the lifeguards at the pool were ready for treasure hunting attempts. “I’m far less worried about losing one of them now. I mean, if I lose one I’m pretty sure their parents wouldn’t mind for at least a few days.”

The image of her suddenly turning and hightailing it in the other direction before they left made the archangel laugh. Honestly he would have just gone along with it — probably would have freaked the kids out though.

As one of the kids, who had scarfed down his food with impressive speed, ran by waving a stick around at another - Gabe reached out and casually snatched the small branch. “You know I think you might be onto something about some parents not minding,” he agreed, flashing her an amused grin.

“Plus I’m still not convinced that all of this wasn’t a setup somehow,” Gabriel said in mock suspicion, pointing the stick at her accusingly - although jokingly. “If one of them does run off what’s stopping you from disappearing and leaving all the blame on me? Then I have to get questioned by police and explain that this little blonde agreed to let me, a practical stranger, around a bunch of kids for the summer… I get put in jail because I don’t have an alibi and start a rambunctious breakdancing gang that only dance to New Kids On the Block,” he explained, purposely painting a ridiculous picture so she knew he wasn’t the least bit serious.

“So, you know—” Gabe said, making a motion with his free hand of his fingers in front of his eyes, then pointing at her. “Watching you.”

Ainsley’s laugh was soft and melodical, the sun helping her mood just as much as the children playing and the jokes her newfound friend was making. “I’d go wandering in the woods, pretend I got lost trying to find them, get points that way.” The more ridiculous the whole thing got, the more relaxed about the entire situation she felt.

The children did this regularly, trips up the mountains, and there were tour guides around, and the sheriff’s office likely had plenty of experience with missing hikers. If something happened, the solution would likely be quick and efficient. “I can look far more adorable and depressed and pathetic, I’m sure.” She pouted, as if to prove it.

More of the kids were finishing up eating and taking to running around, playing games in the area they were allowed to move about in. “At least none of them seem to be adventurers, like that Bear Grylls guy. It’d be worse trying to figure out who was going to have to keep that child on a leash.” Taking a bite of her own sandwich, Ainsley let that settle for a second before adding, “Literally.”

He gave her another suspicious look in return for her pout. “You know, I had assumed you were more innocent when we first met the whole hour and a half ago,” Gabriel began to say. “I can see now just how wrong I was.” It was all in jest, of course, as they continued to tease one another and enjoy the break from child wrangling.

“Personally, I can appreciate a good detour now and then, but not for these guys,” he admitted. Gabriel was more than guilty of detouring, constantly in life. And his responsibilities. But when it came to tiny, mostly defenseless, humans - that was just out of the question.

The archangel laughed at the idea of one of the kids being so brave as to wander off, willing to eat bugs and things to survive in the wilderness. “I doubt any of them would survive a day without their phones.” Although they had done quite well so far, to his surprise. “So how long have—”

Just as Gabriel was ready to start breaching the subject of Ainsley, and how little he knew of the fae, one of the children running around tripped; skidding their knee pretty good on the dirt and gravel area of their picnic spot.

“I get that a lot, I have to project an air of innocence all the time, it’s a real trial.” Lots of people told Ainsley that she had that somewhat cherubic look; it wasn’t an insult at all. There were definitely worse things to be called, not that Ainsley was too fussed with that.

Overall, the kids weren’t too bad, and Ainsley was sure that if this outing had been at the end of the program, she would’ve been completely fine with the whole thing. But given she was still riding the adrenaline of just planning things, she couldn’t say for sure.

As one of the kids went down, Ainsley’s attention split from Gabe to the little one that fell. “Oops,” at least no one tumbled down a ravine. “Hey, y’okay buddy?” She was still learning their names, but the playing had at least slowed down while the fallen soldier pulled himself up.

Gabe rooted around in his pack for a moment, retrieving a bandaid from the first aid kit. “I got it,” he reassured Ainsley before grabbing his water bottle.

“Here let me see that battle wound,” Gabe offered, holding his bandaid and water bottle. The archangel crouched down as the boy sniffled a little. “Hey, it’s alright. You can tell everyone at school that you got hurt on the mountain, when you go back,” he insisted, distracting the kid as he doused his little leg with water to clean the dirt off.

He steadied the boy’s knee by holding it, swiping his thumb across the wound and healing it over quickly. A perfectly placed bandage and no one would question it. It was a small thing, and the kid wouldn’t know any better at the end of the day. An exchange of smiles and the kid was running off again, although more cautiously.

“Crisis averted,” Gabriel said as he looked over to Ainsley.

Grinning broadly, Ainsley waved as the kid ran off to play again, “Look at you, coming in with those first aid skills, showing off.” Although it wasn’t like someone had lost an arm, it was still great that Gabe had managed to counteract the potential freak out from an injured child.

“I really could just, slink off somewhere, sunbathe for the rest of the day.” Not that she would, but it was very comforting knowing that Gabe could definitely take care of things like minor bumps and bumbles.

“I’m really glad you opted to come with us, it’s super nice,” and he was so helpful, the other volunteers were good of course, but they were with a little group that they were here to help, not really just volunteering. “Really helped take the stress away, but um… Did you just get like a little tingly there?” She wasn’t sure if that made sense, but she felt some kind of weird charge just there. Like power.

He would have easily hoisted the kid up onto his shoulders for the remainder of the hike, had it come to it and if he hadn’t been able to carefully work his healing abilities.

Gabe’s brows knit together with exaggerated confusion at her rambling and eventual question. “Umm.. tingly? How do you mean?” Playing innocent perhaps wasn’t his strong suit, he had numerous tells, but he gave it a decent try. Knowing she was fae, he didn’t exactly mind if she figured out his true identity. “Like it’s going to rain or something possibly?” he continued, shrugged a little and holding his hand out as if expecting rain drops to fall into his palm.

The archangel caught her gaze and gave her a small, mischievous-yet-knowing- smile.

“So I might’ve fibbed a little?” he squinted, cringing lightly. “My real name is Gabriel… as in archangel.” Another awkward but endearing smile stretched across his face.

Ainsley’s eyebrows were pinching together while she was trying to work out how she could possibly reword what she could describe that power tingle as. It wasn’t like she thought it was going to rain, it wasn’t even like she felt like it was heat on her or anything.

Like when people got pins and needles.

But when he fessed up, Ainsley’s head tilted to the side. “Gabriel,” she mouthed the word ‘archangel’, because it seemed like that was maybe a secret type thing. “Oh, okay, and that’s… Okay.” She knew there was more in the world than she knew, like the werewolves and the vampires and all those. “Huh. I wouldn’t have thought that.”

But it did explain the tingle, and the vibe she got from him. “So um, is that like… Special? I mean, I’ve never met someone like that before.”

No adverse reaction, which was good, but then again he didn’t really get a negative vibe from the young fae. At all.

His eyebrows lifted in surprise at her question. He honestly never had to explain it before to anyone. “Yeah it’s.. well my sister Lucifer was created first, then my brother Michael, then Raphael, then me so…. sort of?” he cleared his throat, casting a glance toward the kids to make sure none of them were eavesdropping.

“It’s probably a good thing you’ve never met an archangel before,” he admitted, making a slight face. “We’re not all as funny and ruggedly handsome,” Gabriel joked and snickered. “But no seriously, not all of us are exactly.. Nice..?” Part of him felt bad for it but it was the truth. “A lot of my siblings haven’t really adjusted to humanity and Earth and interacting with them… but if anyone ever gives you a hard time just tell them you’re friends with me.”

At the mention of Lucifer and Michael, Ainsley’s mouth dropped. She wasn’t exactly big on the church scene, but her mother had been. Heck, most people when she’d grown up have been big on the church scene. “Lucifer like…” She made little horns with her fingers, giving them a wiggle and looking less like the Devil and more like a deranged bull. “Huh.”

She supposed she shouldn’t have been too surprised. It wasn’t like it was that out of the world view for Angels to be a real live thing. Even if Ainsley hadn’t really figured that it would be something that was actually going to swoop into her life -rather literally right there.

“Really?” She couldn’t exactly picture mean angels, but if they weren’t like Gabe, who just seemed to be so very friendly and normal, well okay if they weren’t like that then yeah, she could see them being mean. Maybe a bit high and mighty. They were being of Heaven after all.

Gosh, what was Heaven like? Probably all white and bright, maybe fluffy like clouds.

“How would… How would I know though? If they were… your siblings?” He’d said brother and sister, so she assumed they counted as family. “Do they have like… like the vibe you have?”

Ainsley’s Devil mime made him laugh, probably way more than he should have. “Yeah exactly like that,” he snickered still. He hadn’t done that to Lu in a while, and suddenly got the urge to send her numerous SnapChats of him making the same gesture and face.

“They’re all my siblings, technically,” he admitted. “We have an obscenely huge family.” Though he was still only really close to a handful.

“Well…” Gabriel pursed his lips together and wrinkled his nose, trying to think of how to explain it. “A bit more bland-feeling?” he finally said. It wasn’t a dig at his siblings by any means, it’s just he was better in tune with humanity and his vessel than most.

He took a quick drink of water and cleared his throat. “So you’re a.. a fae, right?” he asked, since they were talking about themselves candidly.

If they were all siblings, sure, she could see how he’d have the biggest family in the history of ever. Supposedly, Fae families were rather large, but she couldn’t exactly say much to that, since she never met any of her blood relatives.

“Is that because you’re like, one of the first ones?” It’d make sense, Archangels were meant to be the biggest and best of angels, right? The point of them was that they’d have the most power or sway with God. Oh, man. Did this mean God was real? Talk about worrying about barely paying attention to the stuff in Church. “You have a sort of… strong but light vibe, you know?” She felt out the general aura that Gabe was giving off. Comforting, but giving off the awareness that there was power in there.

At the question about her, Ainsley nodded, feeling entirely fine in admitting she was -he’d clearly guessed, probably like she could tell he wasn’t just a human. “I am, I’m not really sure what kind I am, I’m told I’m probably a Seelie.” But she had no idea what that was, if it was good or bad or not.

“Not quite,” he chuckled softly. It was a fair question, really. “I’m different because I have a habit of sort of… bending the rules a bit.” Gabriel paused and pulled another face as if to say well… “A lot.”

But he did it right in that he rarely got caught — and he had always had free roam of Earth, anyways. Probably because he was the original ‘baby’ of the family and able to get away with more. And then after Lu threw her hissy fit, well the others stopped paying such close attention really.

“Uh.. well I tend to stand for hope and truth and communication. Dad used to call me His little storm bringer,” he said, his fist swooping in front of his torso in an ‘aw shucks’ kind of motion. “Lu’s the light bringer, Raph has got fire, Mikey is… a bringer of headaches, to be honest, but regardless of all the fancy titles I’m basically just a holy mailman with a fancy sword and fancy horn-thing,” he said, waving off his status for sake of learning more about her.

Gabe couldn’t help but look at her oddly. She was bright, and young - and he was confused on how she didn’t know what sort of fae she was, “You don’t know what kind? What do you mean?”

“Ah, so you’re the troublemaker.” She was teasing, but it was funny to think of an Angel who broke the rules just to have some fun. Still, she could see that about him, impish in a way maybe. “You know, hope suits you, really well.” Communication maybe meant more in different times; if she remembered the Bible right, wasn’t Gabriel the one who visited Mary and all that? It probably wasn’t historically accurate, but the fact that the Bible might actually be at least semi-non fiction was amazing.

Her mom would’ve loved this. Maybe.

“It’s still pretty fancy, being a mailman is exceptionally important, people get gifts in the mail, you bring holy happiness.” It wasn’t like Ainsley was terribly worried about offending Gabe at this point, he seemed rather okay with poking light fun. Even if he was downplaying the fact that he was a freaking Archangel.

A Celestial being. Crapsticks, it didn’t really matter if he shrugged it off, it was pretty impressive.

“Well, I was raised by a human family, a long time ago. And until I was maybe a teenager, I didn’t really know how different I was. And then I changed forms and I started leaking light, and that was when we sort of knew I was odd.” Her wings had been strange, and sometimes they still were, when she couldn’t focus on her form. “I met some people later, who kind of told me little bits, enough that I know what a Fae is, and that there’s a realm, but,” Ainsley shrugged, somewhat exaggerated. “It’s all Greek to me.”

The archangel gave her a big smile in response to being called a troublemaker. He mimed zipping up his lips and throwing away the key is if he’d never tell his trickster ways. His smile softened, though, as her compliment wasn’t completely lost in the humor of it all.

Holy happiness made him nearly spit out his water though, as he started to laugh. “Thank you,” he told her quietly, kindly, for her words.

“Hm. Leaking light.. I know the feeling,” he nodded in understanding. It was rare, but it did happen when a vessel was wounded with celestial-sensitive weapons. An angel’s grace tended to leak out of said wounds and the vessel then had an expiration.

Gabriel looked at her with an undeniable sympathy. He couldn’t imagine growing up and not knowing his real family, or who he truly was. She must have so many unanswered questions. “Have you ever tried to reach out to the fae? Witches can sometimes be a good help, if you’re unsure how to do it on your own,” he insisted. Personally, he had never tried, angels weren’t really supposed to go to the Fae realm for any reason. “Or… are you alright with not knowing?”

That, while odd, was completely possible as well.

It’d taken Ainsley a while to get a grasp of things when her powers had grown to the point where she hadn’t been able to ignore them, when she wasn’t sure how to do anything that wouldn’t result in whatever powers she had just flaring. Now, it was much easier to manage. “I’m so much better now, y’know, not leaking and stuff.” Although she’d never been able to shift all the little sparkle dots off her shoulders and back, she was able to play it off as a make-up choice now. Wiggling her fingers, Ainsley let a tiny bit of her power bleed out into her fingertips, shining softly. “Luckily, I absorb light too.” She was like a solar panel, so trips like this just helped her top up her powers.

She didn’t really mind the sympathetic look, few people knew she was adopted, few people knew she was approaching her 80’s, young by Fae standards, she knew, but old by human ones. Talking about it was still somewhat new, “I’ve met a couple, but they’re usually so cagey and distrusting.” And Ainsley had never been that bothered with following them around until they did trust her. “I’m not too sure what it’d tell me either, you know? It’s like if you were born in Mexico, but lived your whole life in America, and then you were going back to Mexico with no family or friends who knew anything about your life.” She shrugged slightly, “It feels like a place I came from, but not home, you know?”

Sure, she was curious about her parents, about whatever family she might have in the Fae realm. But then she remembered how she’d been left on the doorstep of a human family and it wasn’t too big a deal in her mind.

Her family might not have been perfect, but they at least loved her. Rather than leaving her for strangers to deal with.

The little display of lights at her fingertips made him smirk faintly in amusement. Her powers were unbelievably fitting, he noted, as meeting her for the first time a couple hours ago all he could think of was how she was a walking ray of sunshine pretty much. Like a much more innocent version of Lucifer, almost. “I like it, it suits you,” he admitted.

His own personal experience with the Fae was only positive — they threw amazing parties that were fun to crash, and given he enjoyed dancing and having a good time he wasn’t exactly ever forced to leave. Still, the further she explained her reasoning to him, the more he understood. “No I get it,” the archangel insisted.

“That’s an excellent point actually,” he added. “Family isn’t necessarily by blood, after all.” Gabriel was guilty of getting attached to humans more than some of his siblings, after all. He certainly preferred humanity as of late, it seemed. Though the talk of family matters tended to be a rather sensitive subject. Not so much mentioning his brothers and sisters, but when it got down to dissecting their family relations and dynamic… well it was less than ideal and full of prejudices. Much to his dismay.

“So there’s got to be an embarrassing story about your powers first coming to fruition,” he insisted, grinning faintly. “I’ll tell you about the time I messed with Moses?”

Her ability did suit her, and sometimes she wondered if that was the way of the Fae, that they grew into their ability the way their personality formed. If she’d been a bit more morose, would her powers be darker? “Yeah, I like them.”

Even if it took her some time to figure out how to use them, how not to hurt people, how not to plunge a room into darkness by draining all the light. Although she did compensate that by being a bit of a night light herself. “I loved my family, you know. And I’m okay with the one I had.” She didn’t really need to know any of her blood relatives, she could make a family for herself.

“Messed with Moses? Like, the burning bush messing?” She couldn’t help but snort at the image of it all. “I mean, I did smack a vampire with my wings, he was glittery for about a week. His friends kept calling him Edward.” And he was in a mood with her the entire time, but it was totally worth it.

“Burning bush,” he confirmed with a snap of his fingers and a laugh. He was glad that others found it as humorous as he did — at the time it took everything in his power not to laugh as he spoke to the young, high-strung prophet.

“I’m sure he stumbled on a fangirl or two eventually,” he insisted. Gabriel couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh at the imagery of her hitting a vampire with her sparkly wings. Glitter everywhere, her apologizing profusely, that vampire living the worst possible week of his undead life.

Annnd...” he cringed lightly, ducking his head as if the possibility of someone overhearing him might get him in trouble. “He really shouldn’t have taken forty years.” The archangel sat up straight, shrugging his shoulders in an oops kind of way. “You have to have a good laugh every now and then, though. Taking everything so seriously all the time? It’s no way to enjoy life.”

As a child the story had always amused her; Moses talking to a bush. It seemed strange, and really a lot of the stories from the Bible seemed like maybe they were metaphors that people had translated very literally. But knowing that people, sort of, were behind the things that happened, it made a little more sense that maybe they were just messing around to have some fun.

“It’s so true, when you can’t enjoy life what else is there?” Especially if you were going to have to live a very long, sometimes lonely life? Find the little things that made you happy. Even if it was sending a prophet on a journey using the very, very scenic route.

“You’ve probably seen so much happen over time,” and he still seemed rather happy and easy going, which was comforting to know. If an Angel that had been around since the times of the Bible was still able to see joy in things, a Fae that could live a few hundred years shouldn’t have a problem. “That’s pretty exciting. And I thought just experiencing the 60’s was cool.”

“It’s going to sound really pompous of me but… you get used to it,” the archangel admitted. “The bigger milestones, yeah, I remember them fondly,” Gabriel shrugged haphazardly. “But you’ll find as time goes by that a lot of little things tend to run together.” If he wanted he could sit down and dissect his entire past, right from The Beginning. But unless it was to recount his time with Lucifer and Mike and the others when things were simpler… he tended to just let things pass.

“The sixties were awesome, spent a lot of time in California,” he agreed, smirking although he tilted his head to the side in curiosity. He wondered if over time, that light would fade as she got older or just get brighter. “So how old does that make you?” He knew she was a young Fae, he could feel it, but he didn’t want to possibly offend her and guess.

Time probably became such a chunk, the moments that really hit were big ones. She only had a few decades, Gabe had over two millennia. “I suppose if you didn’t narrow it to the big moments, you’d go a little crazy, right? Remembering that much in lots of detail.” The brain would probably explode.

“I was there too! I was in San Francisco for most of it, I met such sweet people, it was so nice.” Coming out of the War had been a big change for people, and even with the struggle against Vietnam, there was such hope in people.

“I’m nearly 80.” Not that she looked it, she grinned broadly, a little of that light sparkling, her blond hair shimmering. “The most millennial looking 80 year old there is.” She hadn’t really aged much past her mid-twenties yet, and she wondered how much longer it’d take her to look distinguished. Probably a century at least.

“Exactly,” Gabriel said, rather excitedly. “My sister Urie remembers it all though,” he told her with an unmistakable fondness in his tone. “She’s like a little computer and every so often she goes into this buffering mode which is just.. adorably fun,” he chuckled. Mainly it was fun for him, really.

During the sixties Gabe had bonded even moreso with humanity — their loud protests against the war was something he felt mirrored his (much) younger years as an archangel. “Did you go to Woodstock at all?” It was on the other side of the country, but it seemed like something she would have enjoyed.

The archangel made a low whistling noise when she said her age. With her little shift he finally noticed the faint shimmer to her hair and smiled. “Not even in the triple digits yet,” he teased. “You know, after climbing a mountain together I better be invited to your centennial.”

Computer brain would probably be the only way to cope with that, “She must be really handy during pop quizzes.” The amount of information that would be stored there would be intense.

Woodstock had been fun, “I did, I got to glitter the whole time, everyone was so high no one even cared that I was shimmering.” And if she was making friends with Archangel who was used to these things she wouldn’t even need to worry about shimmering every now and then herself.

“You can come to all my birthday parties now.” Climbing a mountain or not.

“Oh she’s insufferable!” he gushed jokingly. Trivia nights were indeed fun with Uriel — until she got too competitive, of course. It was an interesting thing, having to break up a scholarly fight.

It was easy to picture the young fae in such an environment. Woodstock had been an incredible feat, and its impressive turnout was entirely due to word of mouth and radio - some of his best communication work in the last hundred years. “I bet,” he smiled, impressed to hear just how much she had lived in her mere 80 years.

“Good deal,” he nodded, idly scratching the side of his beard. “Think the tiny humans are ready to make a break for the summit?”

Ainsley knew that she wasn’t ever going to get to the point of knowing everything, that had to be a very special kind of power, but she was looking forward to being a whiz at quiz nights someday.

She was mostly just glad that she was starting to meet people she knew would be around as long, longer really, than her. People who wouldn’t get old while she didn’t, people she wouldn’t need to leave behind in five, ten, fifteen years and never see again. Longevity would get terribly lonely if she couldn’t rely on making friends elsewhere.

Watching as most of the kids were running around, playing and laughing, Ainsley gave a nod, looking at her watch. “Yeah, they should be ready now. Let’s go conquer the mountains!” At the very least that’s what they’d be playing it as anyway.

Jun. 18th, 2020



dancing in the street


two archangels walk into a bar...
Friday JUNE 19th - evening | Temptation | PG-13
Read more... )

Gabriel had promised to go easy on Azrael for his first outing of fun and... well, things had taken quite a turn as both archangels were now in the nightclub Temptation. The music was loud and the dance floor was crowded with bodies moving in rhythm — a perfect atmosphere to let loose and not think about anything serious for a few hours.

Which was Gabriel's current mission. At the very least, he wanted to get Az laughing and just, enjoying life in all its abundance and utter ridiculousness. Initially, he had every intentions of taking him to say, an animal shelter and just locking him in the room with all the kittens for an hour, but the post on the forum about a Single's Night? Well, that was just too good a party to pass up.

Settling into an empty spot at the bar, Gabe ordered two shots of tequila, and two vodka-cranberries to get the night started. Leaning his back against the bar as they waited, he gave Az a big smile in reassurance. "Loosen up, it'll be fun!" he spoke loud enough for his brother to hear over the music. "I'm going to have you dancing the Macarena by midnight!" The petite bartender was quick about it, sliding both sets of drinks toward them in exchange for the money Gabe had in his pocket. All of it — as he told her to just keep them coming, basically.

"Drink this one first," he said pointing, "then this one."

Jun. 8th, 2020





unexpected family reunion
JUNE 3rd - 9pm | The Lookout | PG-13
Read more... )

Gabriel’s cellphone number wasn’t exactly one that was easily found, even on accident — mainly because his phone was actually his horn. As in, the one he needed to sound at the start of the Apocalypse to call forth the Horsemen. (Not exactly something you wanted to misdial on, for sure.) So his surprise when he got a strange smattering of texts from an unknown number, was also met with understandable suspicion.

Still, he gladly agreed to a blind date of sorts. Much out of curiosity and the inkling that he knew the phantom texter.

He had been tapped out of angel radio for a few weeks, keeping his movements low key as per usual. Except with Uriel, she was always the exception to his whereabouts. Then again, she always seemed to be able to find him, any way. As he approached the hunter dive bar, he straightened the suit jacket and ran his hand through his hair. The Archangel couldn’t help but feel a familiar presence growing stronger. It was old, like him, and one he hadn’t felt in a long time.

It actually took him walking into the building to finally realize just who it was.

There was a strategy in the location that was chosen. Lucifer hadn’t seen her siblings in quite some time. Feeling out Gabriel was the best idea, even if she could sense she wasn’t the only Angel (former) who’d found their way to Seven Devils.

It wasn’t terribly surprising, given the power that lay here, the feeling she could sink into that it was more than just the leylines overlapping, the nexus beneath the world, the magical veins that transected everywhere. No, there was something else, that was what had grabbed her curiosity, as much as the potential of harnessing the power of the leylines had her there, this other thing was part of it.

Gabriel was the easiest to approach, she wasn’t terribly surprised that he’d answered her messages in the affirmative, he’d always been inquisitive too. But she chose the Lookout for a reason. Should things with Gabriel not work out, should he be averse to her company, well, she’d probably need to break one or two things.

Hunters and their drinking den seemed the best place to do it.

Although they didn’t know what she was, the hunters that were in the bar gave her a wide berth, despite her intruding into their haven. She had a somewhat sticky table to herself, several others around her vacant while every gnarled old sod crowded the bar and pretended to ignore her. Anywhere else, they’d have been falling over themselves to offer her drinks, the leather and corset and devilish looks all but assuring she rarely paid for her own drinks. Not tonight, and she didn’t rightly care.

Least of all as she felt her little brother approach, sitting up a little straighter, clearly in line of sight of the door, Lucifer absolutely did not hold her breath.

He should have assumed, just as much, that he would be seeing Lucifer at some point. With how unique Seven Devils was turning out to be, it was only a matter of time before the small town was overrun with them. Which, Gabe wasn’t entirely sure what that meant, or how things would go with so much family around. Part of him wanted to remain hopeful, though. When he finally walked in through the door, Gabriel zeroed in right away. Of course, it helped that pretty much everyone else was sitting a good distance away from her, but the familial power she was radiating was like a beacon.

A bright one, still, in his eyes.

Luci,” his voice boomed deeply, his expression mostly blank though given his stature it made him look stern, intimidating — a few hunters turned to glance at him before minding their own. For all they knew he was a scorned ex.

The younger archangel quickly crossed the bar to Lucifer, looking as if he had something dire to tell her, or an age old score to settle. Instead, he said nothing. Not that he didn’t want to - it had been a good hundred years since he saw her in an actual vessel and not just speaking through one.

Gabriel pulled her up out of her seat and into the air in a warm bear hug, laughing.

He’d been working on his poker face.

For a few seconds Lucifer was sure, despite the affectionate nickname (which she much preferred over another nickname that was lesser spoke of), that Gabe was mad at her. And while about a century or so whirled by in her head to figure out maybe what it was that could’ve gotten him bothered, Gabe had crossed over and Lucifer was pulled upwards and…


She forgot about those.

It was awkward for a blinding second before she just sighed, raising her arms to pat Gabe’s shoulders, “Really?” He was still an overgrown retriever, he probably did that weird thing dogs did with their heads when he was confused too. “Okay there’s a lot of contact going on here and it’s cute and all but people are staring and I don’t want to have to incinerate the whole bar, Gabriel.” She would, she really would.

“Oh,” he said laughingly as he looked around. Some patrons were indeed staring at them. Gabriel gingerly set her down on her feet once more, his hands reluctant to let go of the shoulders of his older sibling - worried she might run off. Even so, he eventually let go and took a seat next to her at the bar.

He waved off the offer of a drink as kindly as he could, his gaze fixated on Lucifer. Her vessel was oddly fitting, and it made Gabe wonder how she got it and what exactly her motif was for being in Seven Devils but… “Aren’t you a few states too North?” he asked teasingly. “Georgia is about four hundred miles away.”

He couldn’t resist.

Lucifer, on the other hand, ordered a scotch on the rocks, because if they were going to do this whole thing, and he was going to be friendly, she might need alcohol more than if they had a fight.

Gabe was her favourite. That wasn’t even a surprise to most people. She was the worst at hiding things like that anyway, and of all her siblings, Gabe was definitely the one she valued and missed the most. The others, well, she had her moments, but on the whole she gave them second thoughts very rarely.

“You laugh, but I picked this one up in Georgia.” Somewhat, they’d been a little outside of Georgia at the time, but finding Shawn wasn’t difficult. As much as Lucifer didn’t care too much for the so-called ‘Satanists’ on Earth, they had their uses. Obtaining a willing vessel that could house her for a long period of time, well that was just the icing on the cake. “So I’ve already been there. I’m actually working.”

A little, sort of, a little.

Gabriel smiled, glad he didn’t get a shoulder punch on that one. Was he a little concerned Lucifer was here so soon? Absolutely. Did he care if she got up to trouble of the ‘serious’ variety? Also yes. Was he going to outright scold and threaten her? Never.

Firstly, he wasn’t Michael — he could never be the perfect soldier that Mikey was, nor did he want to be, either. Second, Lucifer had been the one to show Gabriel literally all of his tricks. Arguably, the best ones - but mostly, how to stay out of Heaven’s watchful eyes while on Earth. Which he had perfected over the centuries.

He also didn’t care for the politics of Heaven and had never actually hated Lucifer like some of their siblings. Her fall had left him heartbroken, in fact - and somewhat angry. How could he hate his big sister?

“Working? On what?” he questioned, eagerly curious, glancing around as he sort of felt out the souls in the room. They weren’t overly tarnished, even with being hunters, but Gabe had a feeling she meant something else.

She laughed lightly as he looked around, shaking her head, “Not that kind of work,” although she had a few lines on some corrupted souls around the area that she could poke at a little. She did so like to make sure people knew what was coming. There was nothing more satisfying than people torturing themselves before she even got them.

“I’m a journalist.” A cover, sure, and she probably wasn’t as good as Shawn had been -apparently she was a little too acerbic for certain pieces. Honestly, journalism was meant to be honest, she got a few compliments on think pieces that Shawn had lined up when she’d taken the host, but for the most part people thought she needed to curb the commentary. Hence the traveling reviews.

Luci comforted herself knowing she’d get the editor in a few years, idiots like that drank themselves to death sooner rather than later, she might even pop home just to make sure she got creative with his eternal damnation. “And then I found out you were here and I had to meet up. It’s been a while.” Long enough for Luci to wonder if their elder sibling got his idiotic hooks into Gabe too. “I like this one. He suits you.”

He was somewhat relieved but also.. Incredibly confused and amused at the same time. Gabriel made a face to show it, even. He couldn’t imagine Lucifer sitting over a laptop, tapping out a story for the masses. Although...

The younger archangel smirked, remembering the stories she used to tell him when everything was still shiny and new on Earth. “I’m going to Google you when I get home,” he insisted with amusement in his tone. “Your vessel, I mean,” Gabe quickly added.

Her attention turning on his, he sat a little straighter as if under inspection. “Good guy, goofy, I like him too,” he admitted, giving the lapels on his suit jacket a little tug. Gabriel looked at Luci with a softer, somewhat serious look. “You’re the one person I could never hide from.” Everyone else, sure, but Lu had always been the one he looked up to.

“Interesting town, huh?” he probed innocently, finally leaning over the bar a little to ask for a glass of water, putting money down to pay for his sibling’s drink as well as generously tip.

“It’s been me for the last eight months, it’s really fun. I’ve caused about three scandals to break on politicians and I exposed one corrupt detective in Atlanta. It’s been wild.” Of course, she did these things for her own means, the detective coming out was replaced as head of the Atlanta department with someone she’d paid off, she’d managed to buy two Senators in the fall out from political upheaval and she’d redistributed a drug operation to people more likely to tremble in front of her since she took out an entire cartel.

But that was neither here nor there.

“Endearing and adorable, it’s so you.” She was rather amused that he’d dressed up for their date too. Not that she should’ve been shocked, it was Gabriel after all. “Why would you ever want to hide from me anyway? We always have so much fun together.” Fond memories, even after all this time.

“It’s something, right?” She took a long sip of her drink, choosing her words wisely. Gabriel likely knew what caught her interest here, it was likely why he was in the area too. “You’re not guarding it, are you?”

Gabriel’s eyebrows shot up. “You’ve been busy,” he chuckled. He was a little impressed with her, especially since it seemed to be a rather lucrative job after all. The details he didn’t know, well, they weren’t too important as long as she didn’t leave a trail of bodies in her wake.

“Fun? I distinctly remember getting in trouble, multiple times because of you and your questionable influence,” he countered with a fond smile still. “It was worth it,” Gabe told her after a pause, not wanting her to doubt for a moment that he resented their time together when they were young.

He accepted his water, setting it down on a small square of napkin. Was he guarding it? Not yet. To be honest her consideration meant a lot to him, and only proved to him that he was still in good standing with her. “There are a few souls that I’m beginning to grow fond of,” Gabriel admitted. “But entirely, no.”

Part of him wondered if attempting to guard such a hot spot would backfire on him, making it seem as though he were making a play for power.

“Uriel is here, as well,” Gabriel added after a pause. “Are you aware of anyone from… your neck of the woods?” he asked, knowing she likely wouldn’t put all her cards on the table, even for him.

Trouble, sure, of course they did, Luci just frowned slightly, “Yeah, fun.” Was there any other kind of fun? The trouble was just an unfortunate side effect of everyone else being boring. She still grinned when he called it ‘worth it’, getting into mild trouble never seemed to phase Gabe. She doubted he’d enjoy something as huge as when she Fell, but still. Lucifer still stood by that, frankly, if anything, the passage of time just furthered her conviction that she was damn well right.

Things would be complicated if Gabriel was here to stand guard on the nexus, and while Lucifer wouldn’t think twice if it were Michael or even Azrael, she would consider lighter handling with Gabe. “Your affection for these things still confuses me.” Lucifer only cared for how useful they were to her.

Lucifer couldn’t help rolling her eyes at the mention of Uriel though. Tongue clicked at the top of her mouth, “And how is the little candle?” She wasn’t bitter, not entirely. Just, well. She was replaced, but a cheap knock off. Seriously. Lucifer could play nice though, mostly. “There might be one or two in the area,” Sathanas was in town, she’d met with him, amused at this larger than life vessel he’d found, and she could feel some of her lesser minors in the area. “None are here one my orders though.”

For as personal as it was, Gabe didn’t take offense to her not understanding his affinity for humans. He was meant to interact with them, and how their Father didn’t see him toting a thin line between humanity and Heaven was beyond him. Gabriel only smiled in response, giving a small shrug as if it didn’t matter. Lu still interacted with humans more than half their siblings — she was just a little rough around the edges when it came to bonding with them.

She is staying with me, and doing just fine,” Gabe told his older sibling pointedly, stressing his words as if to say ‘so be nice’. Part of him hoped the two would eventually get along because of his fondness for both. High hopes — he was known for them. Gabriel nodded when she admitted to a couple of her demons being in town — he expected as much, though believed her when she said it wasn’t under her orders.

It seemed as though their meeting was just in time. Before the storm.

“You realize that means he may very well show up?” Gabriel pointed out as he lifted his glass and took a drink. His tone had become quieter, like somehow even referring to Michael in the most vague of senses would ping on his radar somehow.

Ugh. The downside to Gabriel being so damn friendly with all of their siblings was that he got so pouty when someone else didn’t. Lucifer normally wouldn’t care if any of them tried to tell her to be nice, to treat someone well, but because it was Gabriel she knew she’d at least have to try. “Fine,” it was clear, from her tone, that she’d do it grudgingly. But it wasn’t like Lucifer had the time to build up any kind of relationship with Uriel as an angel, as one of the divine. By the time Uriel was created she was already in Hell, being the naughty little voice in the ears of humans, coaxing Eve into obtaining free fucking will.

If Lucifer was sensing things right, more than just Uriel and Gabe were in the area, but they were all good at masking themselves when they wanted and she hadn’t poked her head into Angel Radio in a while, rather unwilling to bother with Michael until now.

“Oh, I know he will.” It’d been eons since she’d seen Michael, since they’d fought, caused untold damage to the world, caused a natural disaster or two. She still hadn’t figured out where he’d put her fucking sword, but there was still time to find it, and she’d forged some blades in Hell that would do until she could find hers. “He does love to gatecrash, why would now be any different? Every family reunion has the one no one really wants to RSVP though.”

Even for Gabe it had been forever since he’d seen Michael. Mostly by choice, as with all their siblings — Gabriel had tapped out frequently, and without warning, when the politics of Heaven and Hell became too much. Reunited with siblings was everything he ever wanted — just without all the good and evil baggage and higher attitudes.

“When he does just be honest,” Gabe pleaded, setting his glass down, knowing well enough that even if she was, Michael was stubborn. “If you’re not here to wreck the place and enslave the masses then he should just mind his business.” Again, high hopes.

He didn’t want the fighting to start back up, not so soon, anyway. Gabriel would much rather enjoy his time with them. “Alright enough about Mike and family issues,” he said, waving his hand dismissively in the air.

“Why on Earth did you pick this bar?” he couldn’t help but ask.

Being honest with Michael wasn’t something that Lucifer did a lot of. Even when she was Samael, she liked to mess with her elder brother. For a short while it’d just been the two of them, and then the younger Archangels followed and Samael didn’t have to demand all the attention from Michael all the time, others were around to amuse themselves with. Michael had always been such a stick in the mud. “You’d think so, but he still has my sword, and until he gives it back, I’m going to slam his face into every wall in Seven Devils.”

Probably. She could give it some time, but if Mikey did arrive, well, they wouldn’t be playing happy family for long.

“Well,” it did tread into family drama again, but Lucifer shrugged, swirling the liquid in her glass, “if you weren’t so happy to see me, I was going to wreck it, maybe enslave the masses, split a hole to Hell.”

No one said she had reactions that were suitable for the circumstances. She attempted an overthrow on Heaven because Daddy wasn’t listening. “I’m dramatic, leave me alone.” Anyone else wouldn’t have gotten a joking response from her, but it was Gabe. It wasn’t like he’d lecture her.

“I know you will,” he patted her shoulder gently. “And I’m going to hate every second of it but also be amused by the whole thing.” And he would. Michael could be a real righteous dick sometimes. They all could when they played by the rules and refused to go against what Dad said.

Gabe tilted his head curiously as she confessed her intentions had he not been happy to see her. Was she purposely trying to get a rise out of him and ruffle his feathers? Jokingly, obviously — but two could easily play that game.

“Never,” he insisted - which was true, he could never truly abandon Lucifer without completely demolishing his own heart in the process. “I still love you sis,” Gabe said as he slung his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in close. The younger angel even leaned in and placed a sloppy kiss high on her cheekbone, making an obnoxious mwuah sound with it.

The only thing that Luci could really promise was that she would keep it from getting Biblical. And while she might be tempted to really go full blown Apocalyptic fire and brimstone -that would definitely bring the rest of Heaven’s Host to Earth and frankly she’d like to avoid that.

“Ew!” The kiss was swatted off with an over exaggerated face, pushing Gabe’s face away from her. “You’re so gross, don’t get angel cooties on me.” It was somewhat relaxing though, knowing that even after this much time, even after all the chaos and fighting, Gabe was still moderately on her side.

Even if that might change in eons to come. Depending on when she and Michael triggered that actual end of the world.

“Okay, fine, so we’re not going to fight, how about we go and get an actual burger then? I am hungry.” She was always hungry, regardless of what she ate, something that Hell caused, but hardly a focus most of the time. “My treat?”

Even as his face was pushed away, he cackled - both triumphantly and quite deviously for an angel. It was fun to annoy all his siblings, but Lu in particular with the affection. “You didn’t melt,” he pointed out with a shrug, reaching for his drink once more.

Moments like this he wished he could freeze somehow, or loop, with no outside conflict affecting either of them and no troublesome siblings, mainly Michael, swooping in to ruin it. Gabriel wasn’t naive to think that Seven Devils wouldn’t eventually turn into some sort of celestial battleground, but he’d be damned if he wasn’t going to enjoy the peace and time with Lucifer while they still had it.

And burgers sounded really good about now. “Alright,” he agreed. “And of course you’re paying, you’re the older sibling,” Gabriel told her chidingly, standing from his seat and giving a little stretch. “You have to provide and take care of me,” he added, smirking as he played the ‘baby of the family’ card. Well, he was the original baby, at least, before their Father made the rest of them.

Lucifer just rolled her eyes, tossing back her drink, “Please, you’re eighty thousand years old,” and that was downplay on how old they were, the passage of thousands of years of nothing was hard to track after all, “If I still need to take care of you, little brother, I’m writing a strongly worded letter to each of our siblings.”

Except then she’d get shit for teaching Gabriel his little tricks and encouraging the crappy behaviour. They liked to blame her for him being a giant goof, despite the fact that she’d been out of his life in a major influence way for eons.

“C’mon then, there’s a cafe that doesn’t suck nearby and I promise not to kill anyone.” She said it loud enough that several hunters looked over at her, “At the very least I’ll be less tempted to kill someone there than I am here.” At least she got to put the fear of Satan in some of them just by grinning at them.

“Yeah, going on a thousand mentally so, be the big sister you’re supposed to be,” he countered, laughing after a pause as he wasn’t able to continue the charade of seriousness. It wasn’t that Gabe was immature, it was just he had a very strong allergy to acting his age and being all doom-and-gloom and Old Testament.

Gabriel’s amusement sobered a little, casting her a fond side glance. “I’ll never be too old for you not to, Lu,” he added quietly. In truth, without her influence at the start, Gabe wasn’t sure where he’d be in existence at the moment - probably more like Michael. Which was a troubling thought. He enjoyed being somewhere in the middle between Heaven and Earth; he didn’t feel confined by the laws of Heaven, but he didn’t feel the helplessness of being human.

His eyes widened a little as her voice got significantly louder. “She’s kidding,” the younger archangel said quickly to the hunters with a lighthearted chuckle, shaking his head as if telling them to dismiss her threats - even going as far as doing the universal ‘she’s had one too many drinks’ mime to them. “So angry,” he said to Lucifer, tsking teasingly, “can’t take you anywhere.”

Mar. 25th, 2020




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