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Posts Tagged: 'marcus+iscariot'

Sep. 11th, 2020



[No Subject]

a communal "what is this fuckery" as they all wait it out
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CZERNABOG PLOT — Sept. 10th to 14th
Marcus and Sabine will be interrupted by the sudden influx of vampires pouring into the residence - during the daytime. Safe to say, they would both be unaware, at first, as to the prolonged darkness. Elliot and Seth will catch on rather quickly that Marcus and Sabine were participating in a little blood play - but Marcus will say nothing and instead zero in right away on Seth who is automatically guilty by association with Destiny in his eyes.

Sabine will 100% be soaking up all this drama and awkwardness, because #yolo. She’ll commiserate a bit with Seth but largely just be amused by Marcus -given the fact that he’s literally consuming demon blood. Elliot will want to bury himself again and might just try to destroy his own hearing while all this is going on.

Seth is gonna be so confused, but he will try to keep up as well as possible -even with the Marcus interrogation. Ignoring the demon in the room will likely be the best course of action too. Although a couple nights in to hunkering down, he’s probably gonna feel his sibling connection go haywire and have to slip off to make sure Juliana isn’t getting eaten because his Sire would literally kill him if his baby sister got killed while visiting him.

Destiny hates everything right now. She’s going to be internally panicking a bit (sorry for those feels Elliot), but the distraction provided by the demon and Marcus’ interrogation will be more than welcome. She will probably play up her entanglement with Seth just to make some eyes twitch. After all that much needed diversion, she’ll eventually calm the fuck down and resist the urge to just put herself in a nice ‘protective’ ring of fire.

Eyes will definitely twitch because of Destiny playing it up. Eventually Marcus’ll give up and pace around the place, checking entrances and whatnot, the paranoid preternatural he can be. He will take any and all questions about Sabine at a later date… © tessisamess

Jul. 2nd, 2020



surprises for all

a little danger is worth the risk
Marcus Iscariot + Sabine Salvador
Some warnings shouldn't be listened to
June 27th | Temptation; then Thirst | R; biting/blood, FTB
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Part of him hoped that Nerida had noticed the messages exchanged over the forum and was waiting as he arrived at Temptation. But as he cut through the crowd to get to the bar, the Templar was nowhere in sight. Though, that didn’t necessarily mean she wasn’t lurking as she had in the past. Surely he’d know in a few days if he got another stern warning about his feeding habits.

It was 9pm exactly as he spotted the woman he’d spoken with. She stood out, not just for her blatant beauty alone, no, but because radiated a certain darkness that he couldn’t help be drawn to. She seemed like the perfect blood donor; she was new to town, didn’t mention any family or that anyone was with her.

Apparently she wasn’t a stranger not intimidated by danger, either.

“You didn’t heed my warning afterall,” the vampire noted with a dangerous looking smirk as he settled at the bar next to her. When the bartender asked him if he wanted anything he gave a shake of his head, smoothing the front of his tie to ensure it lay flat against his chest. “Whatever she’s having, though,” Marcus said, reaching into his pocket to produce a credit card to slide across the bar top.

There were a great many things in the world to be wary of, monsters and magic, even ones that might not seem monstrous. Sabine knew a great deal about many of them, primarily because she was part of that world; those monstrous beings. Oh, the demon riding with her didn’t make her a monster, not even being a witch made her that. Sabine chose to do monstrous things, and that led her down a path of blood and demons and ultimately the darkness cloying at her soul.

She found it comforting.

As she was approached, not for the first time that night, she felt something spark her attention. Beneath the warning, beneath the amusement, something intriguing lurked. She took the drink he bought her with a grin, eyes lighting up with clear mischief, “Like I said, I’m a very resilient cat. And maybe a little danger is worth the risk?” He certainly exuded an air of danger after all.

The mischief was a glint in her eyes that he was all too familiar with. It didn’t necessarily mean she was used to being fed on by vampires, the chances of that were slim - but he ventured to think that maybe glamouring wouldn’t be needed as the night progressed.

“Well if you’re so willingly a participant...” he trailed off, allowing his focus to follow his fingers as they reached out. Brushing a few strands of hair away from the side of her slender neck, Marcus honed in on her heartbeat for a few moments. It was thrumming his ears practically, but calm.

His gaze flickered back up to her eyes, smirking gently. “Marcus,” he told her - not that introductions were particularly important. “And what makes you run toward the risk rather than away from it?”

Oh, there was something that told her she’d hit pay dirt, normally finding fun in places was a solo venture. Sabine blowing into a town, destroying some lives, stealing some power, feasting a little. And that was all well and good, Sabine didn’t really want for much more. Except a little company, someone to share that destructive need with? Oh, that’d be decidedly fun.

Even if it was only for a short time.

“Sabine,” there was a hint of her accent in her name, although she tended to drop it every other time she spoke. “Why live life without risks? That’s dull and narrow sighted. The rush from a good risk? Adrenaline is very potent, and danger is very alluring.”

She purposely leaned forward, even with the hint of interest in her jugular -serial killer? Maybe a choking fetish? Or something far more enjoyable, it was hard to tell just yet, but she was definitely interested in finding out.

If she hadn’t been creeped out at this point well, there was a good chance she wouldn’t scare easily nor back down. She hadn’t slapped him for invading her space, either. He smirked faintly at her philosophy, pretending to be distracted by her neck once more. “Danger can be deadly,” he said, as if warning her again. Marcus quickly withdrew his hand in a ‘ah-ha’ type moment.

“You’re not easy to kill,” he repeated, more or less, her words.

The vampire bit his bottom lip lightly, bringing it into his mouth briefly as his eyes searched hers for answers. “Does that mean you’ve had experience or are you just that overconfident?” he asked, keeping his voice loud enough for her to hear but mindful of eavesdroppers.

There were types of men, and some women, who got significantly more than a slap when Sabine felt they’d overstepped her boundaries. Of course, a lot of the time her boundaries were dependent on her activities for the night. Be it if she was looking for some debauchery or just out for some fun.

There was a lot of leeway tonight simply because of the tone of the meeting. She was certain it would end in some kind of excitement, it was just a matter of what kind.

“I’m not,” Sabine sipped from her glass, the smirk evident over the rim, as he either caught what she was insinuating or if he just suspected she was hinting at something.

“What if I say I have experience?” She’d lived through a fair amount, enough that she was in the minority from the coven she’d belonged to, survivors of the calling so to speak. But just as much she’d survived numerous hunters over the years, and one or two idiot humans. “Isn’t it more exciting already?”

There was certainly an unmistakable darkness about her he couldn’t exactly pinpoint. A witch, perhaps? It would explain the confidence, especially if she were a necromancer. Although, he didn’t think she had him quite figured out yet. She had his interest, though.

“Then I would be impressed, and that doesn’t happen often,” Marcus told her truthfully. The vampire gave her a slightly cynical look when she mentioned excitement. “Not quite yet.” He reached out with a cold but steady hand, snagging her wrist so he could stretch her left arm out and look over the ink she had permanently placed into her body. It didn’t seem fresh, thankfully, as tattoos tended to leave a sort of chemical aftertaste.

“Do you have more?” Marcus questioned, ignoring the urge to simply bite into the inside of her wrist. But they were in the wrong part of the club for that.

“Well, I’m impressive too.” There was no humility in Sabine; she was strong and bold and confident without the demon boosting that, telling her how strong and brilliant she was, whispering those words in her head constantly to bolster whatever shitty thing Sabine was thinking of doing. She usually did it.

Her eyebrow quirked slightly as his chilled fingers caught her wrist, but Sabine didn’t pull back from the motion, twisting her arm conveniently to let him see her tattoo, just the outline of skeletal fingers touching a hand. “A few,” the one on her neck was easy to see, her hip, on the other hand… Not so much in this dress. “Are you looking for an art show?”

She would as well, even if it meant hiking her skirt up to her waist, or better, dropping the top of her dress. “It might have to be a little more private though.” Even if he was some kind of manic serial killer, Sabine had little to no qualms about being isolated with him at all.

Marcus let out a soft throaty chuckle at her response.

“Just curious,” he admitted, his eyebrows raising a bit in interest at her offer. Part of him half-expected her to pull her dress up to reveal more - instead he just paused to imagine as he admired her curves. All the while her heartbeat was impressively unwavering. “Although I wouldn’t be opposed.” She was gorgeous, and on occasions that he did indulge in pretty things and carnal desires, she certainly fit into his type.

He gave her a toothy grin, though one that wasn’t quite with his fangs yet. “I have just the place,” the vampire insisted, offering his arm as he turned toward the direction of Thirst’s entrance.

“It’s a place for those with more.. acquired tastes,” Marcus added as they walked. Though honestly he had half a mind to just bite her in the stairwell and be done with it.. but he was making some sort of life here in Seven Devils and needed to play the long game. Which meant not draining just anyone and everyone he felt like. Purposely, he flashed a fang at her as he held the door open.

She had to admit, she had expected it would take her longer to find something worth her attention in Seven Devils. Expected she’d need to dig through all the monotony around the town first, settle a little and weed out the interesting people. Having one fall into her lap instantly was a surprise, although a very welcome one.

There wasn’t a pause for consideration, no discussion of secondary locations or the like, Sabine just taking the offered arm with a soft smile. It wasn’t until the stairwell that her expectations shifted slightly.

Vampire? The fangs could’ve been some goth phase thing, or a gimmick, but he didn’t have that sad, desperate aura, no, there was something darker and more powerful under there, which was why she’d thought sociopath first and foremost. She adored meeting other sociopaths really. The challenge just fed into her ego.

But this was different, new. “And I’m sure your tastes are very refined.” Oh, but this was going to be so much fun. Enough that it caused a slight kick in her anticipation too.

At no point did Marcus fear that he may be the one in danger. He was old — he had survived demons, witches, sociopaths, and even Templars. While there was little that would genuinely surprise him about the night, he still couldn’t help but look forward to sinking his fangs deep into her artery.

A brief pause at the entrance to Thirst and they were let in without a question or having to flash his fangs more prominently - the large man at the door knowing Marcus’ face by now. “We’ll need privacy and a bottle of red wine,” he told the short hostess who greeted them. With a quick nod she glanced around to see which of the areas was unoccupied. Marcus’ arm untwisted from Sabine’s in order to rest his hand at the small of her back, urging her forward to follow the petite girl.

“Unless you’re having second thoughts?” the vampire whispered in her ear, having leant down slightly. Not that he truly cared, either way - he’d just glamour her.

She hadn’t been a vampires snack before, uncharted territory for Sabine, as a witch or a demon. In retrospect it should’ve been something she considered, maybe planned for, but since when did she worry about what was to come?

At Marcus’ offer for her to change her mind, Sabine shot him a near devilish grin, taking sure steps behind the petite hostess, eyebrow quirked back at him. “I run towards danger, remember?”

She bite lightly on her own lip, her pulse jumping just a little bit. It was mostly apprehension, but in a good way. It was rare she experienced something new, but she was actually very into the promise of this. She was exceptionally sure that should she need to, the demon would easily subvert any attempts to murder her. Her demon side seat rider rather liked keeping her alive after all.

She did seem to be taking it all in stride. At this point she was either used to being a donor, though he hadn’t noticed any scars on her neck or wrists - or she was perhaps far darker than he had first anticipated. And Marcus felt like a moth to the flame, so to speak.

The booth, though really just an area with a couch and table plus few plush chairs enclosed by curtains, already had his regular bottle of dry red merlot waiting. “Thank you,” he said quietly, his gaze zeroing in on Sabine.

“Enjoy your night, Mr. Iscariot,” the hostess said before closing the heavy velvet curtains behind her as she parted.

Marcus slowly walked a circle around the woman like she was prey. “Who are you, that you’re so unafraid?” he asked finally, bluntly. Though perhaps he should have been asking what, instead.

It was ample time to reveal her nature, the demon lurking in her skin, coiled around her soul. Or to play it out.

Witches weren’t uncommon, they’d already mentioned them in conversation after all. “You’re not the first person to be interested in my blood.” She’d used it herself, after all, Sabine just smirked as she reached up, pulling her hair away from the side of her neck, extending her throat with a quirk of her eyebrow.

“You’re also not the scariest thing I’ve come across in my life.” Vampires were dangerous, sure, especially this close, and Sabine had shed her magical skills when she set her sights on demonic possession. It was a sacrifice she’d been raised believing it was important, and so far it had worked for her. “Maybe I have a few secrets myself?”

“All due respect you don’t know who I am,” he told her fairly, though he ventured to guess she had run into a few beings who’d give even him a run for his money. Still, it was nice to keep the charade for ambiance, at least. Or, maybe she did know who he was? It would certainly explain the ease of it all.

When Sabine bared her neck in such a way it stopped him in his tracks, standing behind her. His gaze was downright predatory as he watched her for a moment, able to see the pulsing of her artery in her neck. Rarely was he given such an open, and enticing, invitation.

Stepping up behind her, Marcus’ hand snaked itself up along the fabric of her dress, tracing her sternum to the front of her throat. He held her steady, just under her jaw - able to feel her heartbeat in his hand. It was still incredibly calm given the circumstances. Without another word or warning, the vampire sunk his fangs deep into her neck.

It took him a second to realize the familiar taste in her blood - the heat, the faint taste of brimstone, the greed that it all spurred within him. She was a demon.

Very few people were giving the opportunity to manhandle her, even fewer strangers didn’t lose their hands for touching her. This was a special case.

You don’t know who I am.

A fair point, and Sabine was certain that anyone else would be scared, worried, wary. The dangerous aura, the touch of predator under the sharp attire and the clean cut appearance, sensible people would’ve been cautious to be under that much attention. It sparked something entirely different in Sabine.

As his hand closed around her jaw to hold her in place, her throat pulled long and exposed, Sabine didn’t bother with containing the light gasp, a spike of something familiar but faded in her gut. She’d never let herself be in a vulnerable position, power and control were a drug that she’d had no intention of ever kicking, but at the same time, the lack of it in this situation wasn’t off putting.

The fangs puncturing her throat punched an audible groan from her, Sabine’s hand raising to grip at Marcus’ wrist by her jaw, not pulling away or trying to free herself, but for something to grip to. Her eyes clouded black the moment the blood started flowing from her, demon power singing through her veins and arousal coiling in her nerves.

Oh, this was so new, and so very nice.

Marcus’ free hand slid over her hip, gripping it tightly with her small reactive sounds encouraging him. It was cliche in every sense of the word, but Marcus could practically taste the darkness in the blood as he drank from her. To say he had been craving demon blood was an understatement - and it was lucky that he managed to garner the attention of an actual demon. He would be riding the blood high for days, no doubt, but it would likely start a vicious cycle of seeking out various hellspawn.

It certainly reignited his dangerous addiction — but it was more or less a controlled burn for Marcus. The demon blood would give him the advantages needed to keep his progeny safe.

Since she was a demon, the vampire took his time and a generous fill before pulling his mouth from her neck — not a drop spilt. And not a concern for blood spurting everywhere as the two nicks in her skin quickly closed. Marcus loosened his grip somewhat on her throat as his other put pressure on her hip to turn her around. Her black eyes a confirmation he didn’t necessarily need but one that made him grin, regardless.

“What wonderful secrets they are indeed,” he told her, his fangs gone for now.

There was a tiny headrush, the feeling of blood loss before it was quickly replenished, the tight feeling of the punctures in her neck healing over just as the fangs were removed. A benefit to the demon skills, mild injuries healing quickly.

The grin spread over her lips slowly, a little sluggish while she came down from the rush, the black ink of her eyes fading back to her warm brown. “Surprise.” It was low, a soft drawl, and Sabine chuckled lightly, raising a hand to smooth down the front of his tie, righting it from where it’d shifted. “Some secrets are worth the big reveal, hmm?”

No one had to pretend, after all, and clearly he was either used to or prepared for the demonic flavouring. “Also why I rarely have to be worried about anything.”

“Very few succeed in actually surprising me, but you’ve managed it quite nicely,” he admitted, quirking a brow as she fixed his tie. His hand rested on her opposite hip now while his other reached up underneath her chin, his finger tilting up gently so he could watch her eyes return fully to normal.

He should have asked why she was in town; thinking back to his conversation with Dimitri on how his extended family was trickling in. But Marcus instead opted to seize the opportunity for a kind of, unholy alliance of sorts.

“Would you be interested in a.. business transaction,” he questioned, wording it in a way that suggested she’d get what she wanted out of their dealings. “Your blood for…” Marcus trailed off, letting her finish with her own terms. Granted they were reasonable and within his abilities.

Another instance where she could claim superiority, but she didn’t need to point that out at the moment. It was his offer that caught her attention though.

Business, he called it, and she supposed it was in a way. Demon blood had significant properties, she knew that much, had used it once or twice to fuck with some people. But then, it did leave her wondering exactly what she wanted out of this, what she’d expected to gain at all. She hadn’t exactly decided what she was in town for. Or how long for. But a business deal wouldn’t be too bad an idea.

“What makes you think you have something I’d want?” Of course she’d never done things the easy way, even after he’d had his teeth in her throat, she leaned forward, fingertips tugging at the bottom of his tie. “Maybe I already got what I wanted.”

Marcus let his finger flick off the underside of her chin as if he were indifferent to trying to convince her. “So that’s it, one and done?” The vampire canted his head to the side with a narrowing of his eyes, not buying it for a second. He typically wasn’t one for games, having been a part of far too many for his liking, but he humored her for the time being.

Even as she tugged at the end of his tie, Marcus removed his hands from her, shoving them into his pockets and giving a generous shrug of his shoulders. “I’m not much for mind reading, but there are plenty of vampires in town. Though, not nearly as well dressed,” he told her, his tone even keeled.

She had to admit, that probably wasn’t a one and done kind of situation. Sure, it was her first time being fed on, and it had been a rush. Apparently one that was just as potent on the other side.

“I’m sure there’s plenty, dime a dozen, probably not as interesting either.” Vampires could be boring, she hadn’t met many that she wanted to socialise with in any setting at least. “What if all I happen to want is… information?” It could work in her favour. She couldn’t tell for sure, but it felt like there was something a little more dated about him. Even if vampires were hard to gauge the age of.

He probably wasn’t born in the last century at least. “I can be your snack,” light emphasis on that, just for play, “and if I need to know something, something I can’t find out for myself, you’ll find out for me?”

Demons were not the favour of the underworld, sure, they were the most common being in Hell, but for all that they were legion, they weren’t favoured. That was hard to accomplish. Sabine typically didn’t care to appear like she wanted approval, but if she could help her sister? Well, the Hell Knight there might be an ally worth keeping in the good graces of.

All things considered; information wasn’t a whole lot to ask for. There were far worse demons with much, much higher demands - ones that would likely interfere with the safety of his progeny. Information, however? Well, Marcus could likely manage it a lot easier, and keep his distance if need be. Or simply because he wanted to - he wasn’t the most sociable of vampires and he wasn’t going to start now, not if he could help it. He had Dimitri, and he could always bug Nerida for information, but there was a surplus of gullible outlets walking around on the other side of the curtains that he could glamour into revealing their secrets.

Marcus silently considered her offer. Perhaps, with time, he could even cement a guarantee that his progeny be off-limits to any trouble that may arise with the nexus.

The vampire bit the corner of his bottom lip to keep from smirking at her snack emphasis, giving a little roll of his eyes. Modern lingo was typically lost on him, but he’d heard the word enough from Isabelle and Destiny that he knew the implications beyond the obvious.

“Well,” he finally began to say with a hint of amusement in his tone, “do we shake on it?”

“You’ve had a part of you in me,” and she was purposefully laying on the innuendo there, smirking as she turned to the previously neglected bottle of wine and the two glasses, like Marcus hadn’t been intending on drinking a different kind of red. “I think we can share a drink like civilised people and call it a deal.”

She’d likely need to find something to burn off the energy, but the promise of something of an ally towards whatever was progressing, and she’d need to poke about and see just why her blood was worth making a deal with her for. She had a hunch it wasn’t just because it tasted nicer.

“Unless you’re the bite and run type? No afterglow?”

The vampire couldn’t help but pull an over exaggerated face of blatant discomfort at her use of innuendo. When she put it like that it sounded all too intimate. “Fair enough,” he agreed, casting a glance to the wine and glasses before he moved past her.

Situating himself on the edge of the couch, Marcus grabbed the wine bottle and pulled the cork out with an easy pop. “Not entirely,” the vampire admitted, taking one of the glasses and pouring it halfway for her. Usually, at least after a good feed, he liked to bask a little, figure out how he was going to cover his tracks or make his exit.

“Although I should warn you that I can have a rather insatiable appetite but.. warnings haven’t really mattered much of the night and I doubt they’ll start now?” he assumed, holding the glass out for her in invitation to sit.

Taking the offered glass, Sabine couldn’t help but roll her eyes, settling much more comfortably on the couch, legs crossed over each other, clearly in no rush to go anywhere or flee quickly.

“You and these warnings,” it was probably a matter of prefacing what people had previously had issue with, although the notion of him offering such things to humans was somewhat laughable really. “It’s almost like you don’t want to have a personal blood bag.”

She did make it sound like he was the one benefiting entirely. And at the moment he might be, but Sabine could play a long game where needed. She had no doubt he’d be useful, if not to her then in some other way. “Do you want me to appease you with the understanding that I replenish blood fairly quickly?” Feeding him wouldn’t be an issue, even if he wanted snacks on a regular basis.

And given his mild distaste at her innuendo, Sabine smirked as she raised her glass to her lips, “Or would you rather I just say I enjoyed it about as much as you?”

Marcus poured a glass for himself, settling in and stretching one arm along the back of the couch. “I usually don’t,” he told her admittedly before taking a large sip of his wine. Usually he tried not to do personal anything.

Her questions and the accompanying sass made him look over at her with a quirked brow. “Is it really in your nature to appease anyone but yourself?” he countered. Marcus had been around enough demons to know they weren’t a particularly giving sort.

Still, having a taste for her blood was all he needed to awaken the cravings he had attempted to bury. Of course he was going to try and get another feeding in before they parted ways. Marcus’ own feeding habits in the past were wildly unpredictable and never normal. “I think you enjoyed yourself perhaps a little too much and you simply want me to stick around longer for round two,” Marcus ventured to say somewhat teasingly, hiding another dark smirk from behind his glass.

She did have a feeling that a regular donor likely wasn’t his style, no, too much from one human would kill them slowly after all, better to just gorge on one sitting and move on. “I did tell you I was a special case.” Not in so many words, but really.

The fact that he answered her sass with just as much attitude made her laugh, throaty and low, genuine. “Only sometimes, only when it suits me.” Which it rarely did, to be sure, but on the few occasions that it did suit her, Sabine was prepared to make small amendments to things.

“There’s no such thing as enjoying yourself too much,” demons were all about excess, living to it, taking it, indulging in every little whim that flicked across their minds. And Sabine had no problem sinking fully into that. She’d been chained by expectations for far too long, and if this was how she wanted to live, she was damn well going to enjoy it. “I have a feeling round two won’t be that far away,” beyond the initial contact, he’d shown very little interest in more than just her blood, but it didn’t stop Sabine leaning over to trail her hand over Marcus’ thigh. “Is self restraint really what you want to practise right now?”

Marcus begged to differ in regard to enjoying oneself too much — it was how he ended up damned for all time, after all. He could have argued it, could have, but chose not to. Any point he would make would have been rendered moot by the fact that he’d just fed off of her. Demons were all about enjoying themselves.

The vampire lowered his glass and glanced down at her hand as it lay across his thigh. She wasn’t the average demon, wanting only information in return, which left him open to more the more intimate desires she was implying with round two. “Not at all,” he agreed with a smirk. Leaning forward, he set his wine down on the table before turning his attention back to her - the predatory glint in his eyes having returned.

As he leaned back against the couch once more, Marcus’ own hand reached over and hooked behind her knee to tug her legs apart. “What’s your real name?” the vampire couldn’t help but ask curiously, pulling her toward him and encouraging her to move into his lap.

Clearly, she wasn’t the only one with surprises up her sleeves, metaphorically speaking.

She let her legs part easily, her smirk giving way to a loose smile, her own hand a little more bold in her touch. “You mean it’s name?” She could make an argument for it still being her body, that her name was and always would be Sabine, regardless of her passenger. But so far they’d gotten along well enough, and Sabine had no problems with the demon.

With her wine glass still in hand, she shifted her knees to either side of Marcus’ lap, the skirt of her dress pulling tight over her thighs until she slid it up, letting herself settle over him, her glass hand resting behind his shoulder, “Vine.” It was partly her voice, a little but of an echo as the demon emerged briefly, her eyes flashing totally black.

“You can use either.”

She was peculiar in that she seemed to be co-existing flawlessly with her demonic parasite. Marcus couldn’t recall ever seeing such a relationship between host and demon, but then he tried not to get to know that many so personally. His hands settling upon her thighs as she straddled him, his fingers helping the hem of her dress slide up before practically digging into her warm flesh. “Whatever,” he replied quietly with an almost lazy lull of his head - uninterested in technicalities at the moment of who exactly was in the driver’s seat.

For as long as he’d lived, and what experience he’d had with demons, the name didn’t sound familiar. Which, he decided, was ultimately a good thing. And, because he was kind of a dick, he’d purposely only use Sabine’s name - because why easily give the demon the egotistical stroke?

With her hand up by his shoulder, his attention was rightfully drawn to her arm and the veins that ran the length of it. “I suppose you’ll be staying in town indefinitely?” he questioned, though only half interested in an answer. The vampire’s gaze languidly traced the blood flow all the way up into her shoulder - an artery there that, with her arm extended, was perfectly accessible just under her clavicle.

The chill of his fingers on her flesh had her hips rolling just a little, the sensation unfamiliar but somewhat thrilling at the same time. It happened to have the added effect of spiking her own arousal, her pulse thrumming quicker, heartbeat that little bit louder.

“I’ve been considering it,” the Nexus was an interesting development, but it wasn’t like she was sold on it, curiosity brought her here, but there could be reasons to stay. Using a hand on his shoulder to steady herself, Sabine raised the glass of wine to her lips, tipping it and her head back to finish what was in her glass, content to exaggerate the stretch of her neck.

And just because she could, reaching back to deposit her glass on the table again. It was mostly a show, but it also pushed her pelvis into his, enough that Sabine could get a thrill from it just as much as he could, watching her blood thrum around her veins. “It’s definitely much more interesting now.”

If it wasn’t the craning of her neck as she finished her wine that got his fangs to flick out once more, it was certainly her leaning back and pressing her weight against him that did it. Had he actually been required to breathe, Marcus surely would have been struggling with their little game of arousal they seemingly started.

Luckily, there was no real way for either of them to lose.

Arguably just as dangerous as a smirk, Marcus let out a soft chuckle as one hand found the zipper of her dress and dragged it down to the base of her spine. “You must not have high expectations of interesting,” the vampire insisted teasingly - his expression turning a bit more primal before he nipped carefully at the inside of her wrist.

Discovering a biting fetish this late into the game should be criminal, but Sabine had to reason that it was the danger aspect of the biting that sparked the arousal, surely.

“Or, they’re exceptionally specific.” Interesting to her took some work, at least. Power was simple, little towns like this rarely had something worth her while, but it was starting to indicate that things wouldn’t be so cut and dry. Arching into the light press of her zipper coming undone, Sabine regarded Marcus with hooded eyes as the slinky spaghetti straps of her dress slipped from her shoulders with barely a shrug, the material pooling around her waist.

There wasn’t much special about her bra; black, strapless, keeping her breasts pert and proud. The slight hint of her hip tattoo was showing over the dress, but given that she was displaying so much biteable skin, she doubted that was where attention would go.

“Maybe,” her fingers trailed down his chest, smoothing over his tie again before resting at the bottom, her knuckles grazing over the button on his pants, “maybe I need the right kind of thrill.”

Well, she had him there with the claim of specific interests. And he couldn’t blame her as he willingly had his own. Especially when it came to Seven Devils. And blood.

Her dress had left little to the imagination with how form-fitted it’d been, but Marcus was somewhat surprised at the small peek of ink on her hip. The art distracting him from admiring her body and the quickened pulse beneath her skin as he reached out, running his thumb almost bruisingly over the top of the tattoo.

The faint brush against his pants caused the vampire to, in one fluid motion, flip her over to the right so she was on her back. Marcus made quick work of getting out of his suit jacket and loosening the knot of his tie to pull it off before he settled between her legs.

“I think I can oblige.”

The rather sudden change in position knocked the wind out of her in a rush, one hand reaching behind her for support while the other grabbed for Marcus’ shoulder. “Fuck,” That was a rush, how rare it was that anyone just manhandled her. She needed to arch towards him, her knees bracketing on his hips to pull him in while she did.

“Yeah, I think you absolutely can.” It wasn’t like she needed to play coy at that point, her dress bunched up around her waist, thighs spread around his body to pull him in, chest heaving lightly with the burning arousal. She was fairly sure that he could bite her and she’d be satisfied, amped up as she was, even if it wouldn’t be as fulfilling as pushing this little game further.

Her heels were knocked off, kicked to the floor, just so that she could dig her bare feet into his thighs, rocking upwards towards him. “I think this arrangement will work out just fine.”

Jun. 27th, 2020



Log: Dimitri & Marcus


Dimitri Volkov & Marcus Iscariot
Two old friends catch up and have a snack
16th June | Temptation | PG
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The night out had done everything that Dimitri had been looking for, afforded him the chance to unwind and let go of all the stresses and strains that came with handling people but more importantly, people’s money. Gone were the days when you could just murder somebody for being annoying and have it be ignored as that was just what happened which meant other methods of negotiation were required.

Velina was dancing somewhere undoubtedly luring in poor unsuspecting souls and revelling in every second of it whereas Marcus, well, he wasn’t one for big displays of socialising, which meant he had retreated to Thirst. Thankfully Dimitri had been in the town long enough and was known enough to be allowed passage into the club which catered to fanged friends and their particular appetites the same way The Vault did.

With collar popped and tie long since abandoned Dimitri gracefully navigated the spread of black and red until he dropped down beside Marcus, head lolling to lightly press his temple against the vampire’s shoulder before very blue eyes lifted to regard the other.

“So,” he drawled, lips curling into a slow smile, “How’s your week been?”

Truly, Marcus had come to Seven Devils with intent to be curiously passive. His plans had lasted all of a few days, and then completely unfolded by the end of the first week. First the family whose lovely home was now his, then Lexie at Fete, and now… Well, here he was in the company of an old friend in a club that catered to his kind.

Sort of.

Honestly he wasn’t a fan of synthetic blood, and the mocktails they offered did practically nothing for him except leave an odd chemical aftertaste in his mouth. He’d rather live off rats and birds, if he had the choice. Still, feeding was quite allowable in the club with consent. Although, call him a picky eater but he had little interest in feeding off of communal humans. His taste was far darker.

Lounged in one of the open sitting areas, the vampire watched his friend with a calm amusement. Taking a drink as the incubus sat beside him, he smirked faintly. “It was fine until I ran into old friends,” he admitted. “Present company not included, of course,” he quickly added.

“This town has a Templar problem, it seems,” Marcus half-grumbled.

Dimitri snorted quietly. “I would hope not.” He and Marcus, well, they went back, centuries back in fact and if the vampire considered life better without the Incubus in it then well, that didn’t say much for their friendship now did it?

He didn’t disagree that the town had a Templar problem because as well as they did to hide themselves in the guise of “normal” people when you lived as long as Marcus and Dimitri did then well faces became familiar as did behaviour and other aspects of everyday life.

“Any Templar in particular?” He asked curiously, still regarding Marcus from his half slumped position on the couch and head placed on the other’s shoulder. He did however catch the attention of a passing waitress and ordered himself a scotch, neat, none of on the rocks crap for him thank you very much.

It wasn’t even that he’d been looking for Nerida or intentionally trying to piss her off like in the past. For some reason she was in Seven Devils — he hoped by just coincidence as, unlike in the past, he now had his progeny in tow.

The vampire, as much as he refuted being touched by strangers and even most acquaintances, humored his old friend with providing his shoulder. Having spent literal centuries gravitating in and out of one another’s orbit tended to allow for such things. Plus, once you’ve gone through a good massacre with someone it tended to produce a rather strong bond.

“Nerida Manolas,” Marcus said, her name almost like a poison on his tongue. “I’ve run into her before, here and there,” he began to explain. “She’s quite motivated, and devout.” Which more or less meant that she was a holy pain in the ass. “She caught me feeding at Fete and took it upon herself to give me a warning,” the vampire said, the humor in his tone as he found it ridiculous - like he was some unruly child being scolded by one of God’s little soldiers.

Dimitri narrowed his eyes slightly as he tried to put a face to the name as it was definitely tugging at strands of memory. Probably because Marcus had mentioned her in the past, probably in similar terms.

“Those are the worst, aren’t they?” His ips did however toy with a smirk as he considered how the most devout were the most fun to corrupt. Not that he went out of his way to do so but it definitely helped pass the time which occasionally did feel as though it was either not moving or going in reverse.

He leaned forward to take the scotch which was brought over to him with a smile.

“I take that to mean that she, like so many others has made this little town her current place of operations?”

“It seems so,” the vampire said with a tone dripping of disdain and annoyance for the Templar. And the warning. And the fact that she had even followed him as if she expected the worst automatically. It’d been decades since he went on one of his darker benders and put a few drops in the murder-for-fun bucket.

“Undoubtedly where there’s one, there’s more,” Marcus added, his expression reflective of exactly how unamused he was with that fact. Like cockroaches, all of them. Still, perhaps Nerida’s attention could be drawn elsewhere. He was good at covering the tracks of his progeny and cleaning up their mess — and now it seemed he had to start doing so for himself.

He took a sip of his blood-spiked alcohol before turning his attention back to the Incubus, expression lifting somewhat.. “And what trouble have you gotten up to lately? Either in or out of work.”

“Invariably so.” Templars and their ilk were known for travelling in pairs or ironically packs and where there was one there would be more. It was like poking holes in an ant hill and watching them all pour out in defense of one another.

Trouble? Him?

Dimitri feigned innocence completed by the scandalised lifting of his eyebrows. “Whatever do you mean, Marcus? I’m just a well behaved upstanding citizen of the community.” Though the sly smile which curled around the edge of his glass begged otherwise.

The attempt at innocence actually warranted a small laugh from Marcus, the amusement betraying his otherwise stern expression. He had known Dimitri for so long, and they had been through enough — and innocent was never a word that even crossed his mind to describe the incubus.

“If you’re an upstanding citizen then I’m the bloody Pope,” Marcus countered.

He and Dimitri were similar in terms of willingly taking a seat back to let things play out organically. In a town such a Seven Devils, it was the smart thing to do, rather than jump into the thick of it. “I think I’m a bad influence,” Marcus pointed out teasingly, “if you’ve managed to stay out of trouble this long.”

Dimitri smirked as he finally untangled himself from resting against the vampire’s side with his head nestled on his shoulder, long fingers settling his glass on the nearby table. He casually lifted his hand and curled the tips to release another button of his shirt, touch catching on the pendant he wore in honour of his mother who had long since been lost to him.

Idle habit, the brushing of thumb across the rough and smooth edges of the stone.

“I suppose tax evasion, money laundering, and I maybe found myself in between a married couple the other night.” He turned his head to bare those perfectly normal teeth which hid his natural smile at Marcus. “Does any of that count?”

His gaze flickered to Dimitri’s undoing of his shirt and the stone that lay against his chest. Marcus kept nothing of the sort; pendants or otherwise. He wanted no reminders of his human life and those he had betrayed. His guilt was company and reminder enough.

Lifting his glass, he smirked at the mention of tax evasion, his eyebrows raising in distinct interest as he took a longer drink this time. “It’s a good start,” he chuckled.

“Have you heard any word about… your extended family being in town?” the vampire couldn’t help but ask. Obviously there were demons he wanted to avoid. And protect his progeny from. Dimitri was the closest thing to a lookout that he had.

“Mmm,” Dimitri hummed quietly as he took a sip from his drink. “Word is that there’s been some new arrivals, some that have always been here but are now coming out of the woodwork and let’s just say this many demons in one place?” He tutted quietly and shook his head. “Disaster just waiting to happen.”

He tipped his head and idly observed a young man, vampire of course, who in many ways looked like a deer caught in headlights.

“Speaking of family,” the Incubus drawled as he turned to look at Marcus, “How is your own doing?”

Marcus drew in a slow and steady, and wholefully unneeded, breath when Dimitri only confirmed the increased demon population. “Oh joy,” he said, completely dry of any emotion, before taking another decent gulp of his drink. Although he needn’t worry about an endless supply of demon blood, at least.

The vampire followed the other man’s gaze and smirked with a dark amusement.

“Well behaved for a change,” Marcus answered, settling back into his seat a little more casually. “Destiny is young, but I’m impressed with her handling Seven Devils thus far.” He could only imagine how the nexus felt to a young vampire like her. “I’m sure Elliot will help her through it all,” he spoke hopefully, before his tone changed to one that was more fond. “Isabelle of course will be the death of me,” Marcus raised his glass to take another sip but paused to add: “...again.”

He shifted somewhat in his seat before looking over at Dimitri. “I know I don’t ask this but.. should you notice any of them getting heavily involved with any of your extended family.. do let me know?” the vampire asked.

“Some things never change,” Dimitri remarked ruefully. “I’ll admit I am forever grateful that I have no such concerns.” Save for Lucas who he was keeping an eye on for an old friend, Lucas’ father to be exact, especially given his apparent inability to Incubus correctly.

He took a sip of his drink and leaned back, long legs extending until the edge of expensive shoes were propped up on the table in front of him. The Incubus was a picture perfect display of relaxation and decadence as he all but melted, owning and possessing the space around him with all the ease of somebody who belonged.

“I’ll certainly keep my eyes peeled.”

Perhaps even hit Elliot up as it had been a while since he’d last set eyes on the vampire and check out Destiny, see how she was finding Seven Devils. There was trouble to be found but definitely a different sort from the rest of the world. “I know some of the extended family can be far more tempting than you might imagine.”

“Don’t say it took loudly, Fate thinks she’s funny,” Marcus warned with a little grin. Although he could imagine the Incubus reacting in a similar way to any offspring or wards.

He held his glass up in a grateful toast before taking another sip, nearly finishing it. Marcus watched

“I’ve had my fair share of temptation,” Marcus commented, canting his neck to the side somewhat as if his tie was simply too tight. The scars on the side of his neck suddenly plagued with a phantom itch at the memory. “The only ones I care to avoid entirely, for the rest of my existence, are Lucifer, those pompous Knights, and.. her,” he said lowly, an actual malice in his voice as he referenced the demoness who had shown up to his sermon all those thousands of years ago. Leaning forward he set his glass on the small table and quickly got the attention of a waitress to order another, as well as another of Dimitri’s drink of choice.

“Yet I’m stubborn enough to stay here for the foreseeable future,” he admitted. “I love my house.” Well, the house he had picked out and taken over.

Dimitri angled his head at just the right moment to notice the scarring on Marcus’ neck. They weren’t new to him but it wasn’t very often the vampire did anything to reveal them. “Mhm,” he hummed quietly as he reached up to gently loosen and ease the tie looped around Marcus’ neck and then smirked. “Let’s hope she gives a small town like Seven Devils a wide berth but for preparation sake I’ll be sure to keep an eye out.

He tipped his glass in Marcus’ direction in silent thanks before taking a sip.

“So, tell me about this house of yours,” he all but purred as he leaned back into the soft cushions, full attention on Marcus.

Marcus paused to quirk a brow in Dimitr’s direction as the Incubus tugged lightly at the knot of his tie - a bold move, if there ever was one. Still, he couldn’t deny that it felt remarkably better and even reached up to loosen it further. A bad habit as a vampire — when you didn’t need to breathe you didn’t much care for how constricting your clothing felt.

“Indeed,” he agreed with a nod, flashing the other man a small smirk.

He cleared his throat and reached up to ran his hand against his chin and jaw. “It’s gorgeous,” Marcus all but gushed. “It’s got incredible stonework, an open courtyard right in the middle of it, and furthermore it’s secluded enough that I don’t have to worry about being dragged into anything,” he insisted. The home very much reminded him of a castle, back when it was normal for people to have castles - a lost architectural art, in his opinion.

“Really, the Templar should have been more upset that I took my time picking off the family when I first got here,” he admitted with a faint grin, taking a drink.

What were lifelong friends for if not to remind you to relax and let your clothing breathe even if you didn’t require air in your lungs?

He listened quietly and intently as Marcus gushed about the home, amused that of all the things he could love and adore it was architecture he felt so strongly about. Wonders never ceased and the vampire was full of surprises, one of the many reasons Dimitri enjoyed his company as much as he did.

“They do like to pick and choose,” Dimitri commented wryly. “I mean, you’d think the picking off of the family would be more of a heinous crime than daring to feed at a public event, but perhaps her priorities are fucked? Wouldn’t be the first time one of those tightly wound members went off the deep end or forgot their sacred vows.”

Marcus chuckled at Dimitri’s response, though Nerida was far from diverging from her vows. “I believe she just has it out for me,” he insisted, his lips curling somewhat as he pulled an indifferent face.

A simple touch to his friend’s arm in consideration - Marcus wasn’t so egotistical to proclaim such nonsense, nor was he active enough as of late to warrant such a response from hunters or Templars alike. “This one is smart, she’s done her homework… Knows my past, even as far back as when I was human.”

Which was a testament to the Templar — few knew about his past and all the bloodshed he could be linked to. But even fewer knew his human life. Dimitri of course was one of those very select few. And because of their friendship Marcus at least tried to remain conscious of his complaining.

He set his drink down, giving up on the synthetic blood that it was spiked with. That and all the talk of Nerida, and her warning running through his head, made him only want to act out to spite her. Casting a dark glance back at the Incubus he nodded toward a small crowd of curious college folk. “I’m feeling peckish, you?”

Dimitri turned his head as Marcus touched him and he took note because it wasn’t often the vampire initiated contact so when he did? It was worth taking notice of. “She’s clearly very obsessed with you,” he remarked, wry smirk in place. “What exactly is it that you did that has her so riveted?”

He’d been fortunate he supposed, that he’d managed to outrun a lot of his past and there were enough years between them that meant that most who had known him were dead by now.

His drink was lifted to his lips and the liquid was finished off quite smoothly as his eyes tracked to the crowd that Marcus had nodded towards. “Oh, most definitely.”

The vampire couldn’t help but laugh at the notion of being a Templar obsession. Although… Nerida was very hellbent on seeing him a pile of dust. “I was a man of the cloth who abandoned his flock for a demon,” he told the Incubus with a grin. It wasn’t often that he felt anything positive about his turning - but having the Templar at times trailing him, was entertaining if nothing else. “My very being goes against everything she stands for,” he chuckled.

It was a deep seeded hate, that was for sure. And the Templar Knights with their self righteous attitudes and playing the good little soldiers.

“Come on then,” he encouraged as he stood, straightening the lapels of his suit and undoing the first two buttons of his shirt. Since he’d already loosened his tie he may as well commit to looking relaxed.

Dimitri rested his now empty glass on the table and watched the show Marcus was putting on of undoing buttons with a smirk playing across his lips. He did enjoy Marcus’ company, more so when he relaxed into the moment.

“Let’s,” he agreed as he rose to his feet, his own hands sorting through dark strands of his hair until he had it arranged just right and the same approach was taken to buttons and cufflinks.

The Incubus regarded the vampire, thoughtfully, and without much ado he stepped into the other’s personal space and reached upwards to smooth a few hairs back into place because as relaxed as Marcus might be there were things the vampire just would not abide by. “This’ll be fun.”

One predatory grin and Dimitri was moving off towards the crowd.

Jun. 18th, 2020





a fireside chat of Seven Devils and problematic women
JUNE 10th - 9pm | Marcus' home | PG-13
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He had complained for what seemed like the entire time — but Marcus had, indeed, enjoyed attending the Fete with Destiny. There were plenty of interesting people, human and non, and thankfully had only interacted with a handful. That and he did enjoy the time with his gran-progeny, even if she guilt tripped him into social situations he wasn’t entirely fond of. The old vampire was much more comfortable in the seclusion of his house, enjoying a glass of dry wine spiked with blood, and the crackle of the fire.

Despite it being the start of Summer, Marcus couldn’t resist getting a fire going, letting the flickering amber hues dance across the impressive stonework of the house. He loved the house he had chosen to overtake - so much that he would be saddened to part with it, actually. Which is why he was easily considering setting down roots in Seven Devils for the foreseeable future. The family wasn’t well-known, and seemed to only reside in the home for half the year. Luckily for him, the immediate family had been home the night he arrived - and had fed him for the first week.

Marcus smiled gently as he stood in silence, the familiar presence sent a twinge down his spine - though notably only one. He swirled the red liquid around his glass for a second before lifting it to his lips in order to drink. “Nice to see you accepted the invitation,” he spoke loudly, so Elliot could hear.

He might not be attached to his sire anymore, in the way that meant leaving for periods of time were difficult, nor was he so caught up in Izzy that he couldn’t be more than two miles from her at any given time, no. Destiny was still a work in progress, but he did feel better when he knew she was near him or Marcus or Izzy. Although the time she spent with Izzy could sometimes be worrying too.

“My hermit sire extends an invitation, I’d be a fool to turn it down. I may be waiting another century for the next one.” Poking fun at Marcus’ isolationist habits wasn’t difficult, he’d been doing it for the better part of a century, when he’d gotten comfortable poking fun at Marcus’ face rather than just muttering them to Izzy.

“I hear you’ve been having fun?” Which could be taken two ways, although Destiny kept him mostly apprised of her antics, it was usually just with cryptic messages anyway.

Hermit sire. Marcus mouthed the words as if trying on the title for himself before taking another drink. Too tongue-in-cheek for his liking and how he chose to live. The older vampire gave a small roll of his eyes at the comment. He was used to the joking, from both Elliot and Izzy, and he was very much becoming used to Destiny’s affectionately calling him ‘Grump-pa.’

“Help yourself, please,” he insisted, motioning to the expensive-looking decanter full of the deep red wine/blood mixture. He wasn’t the type to pour a glass for the other other vampire, even if he was his Childe — the days of Marcus pouring wine for others were long gone. But he still made it a point to offer. It was Marcus’ way of making sure Elliot was taken care of. It had taken some time, but he was at least that much.

It wasn’t straight blood, nor wine, but a pleasant ratio of the two.

Elliot’s mention of fun caused Marcus to shoot him a rather warning Look. “Whatever she’s told you is an exaggeration,” he all but snapped in defense. Heaven forbid anyone know he enjoyed himself in a social setting. “Besides, I couldn’t just let her wander around town by herself,” Marcus quickly added in reasoning.

The blood and wine mix wasn’t exactly Elliot’s favourite, but he opted to take Marcus up on the offer anyway, pouring a glass and taking a seat rather than looming, which he was told he did far too often.

“You realise she’s perfectly capable of taking care of herself, right?” Sure, there were protective urges all the time, Elliot rarely liked when Destiny went off on a harebrained scheme of hers, adventures and living that she intended to do. But at the same time, he knew that she likely wouldn’t appreciate the coddling. “And she does those things just to play you into her own plots.”

Destiny knew which buttons to push, and Elliot was not fooled, he knew she’d get Marcus out if that was what she wanted. “But I do appreciate you protecting her in such a dangerous town.” He smirked into his wine glass.

Understandably, the older vampire fell quiet. She does those things just to play you. Part of him knew it, and allowed himself to be peer-pressured into the accomplice position — it was difficult to say no to her. Just as it was near impossible to say no to Izzy. But, part of him also felt guilty and as though he needed to be somewhat more pliable with the young vampire. Like some sort of self-redemption for his treatment of Elliot and Izzy after they were made.

Dark eyes watched Elliot for a moment, a tiny smirk tugging at his lips. “I mean, there were a few hours that I lost her completely and got distracted by a nice blonde number but.. I’m sure nothing terrible happened in that time,” he added nonchalantly, giving a shrug. “Though she did mention meeting a man..”

He felt the slightest bit of guilt for essentially tattling on his grand-progeny, but he had had to live through the panic already, twice over, with Elliot and Izzy. “I think she’s spending far too much time with Isobel,” Marcus insisted.

Destiny was a handful, Elliot knew that. In some ways turning her gave him a look into just how hard it was to be in that position, allowed him to understand Marcus slightly better. There were flaws, naturally. But each of them, Destiny, himself and Izzy, they’d known what they were asking for. “The church didn’t burn down, so I think she stayed out of most illegal things.” Hard to say.

If anything, Elliot was a little surprised that Destiny hadn’t caused some kind of incident yet, she liked to be a touch of a renegade, enjoying the life she got to live, and yes, it did occasionally spark an insane panic in Elliot, given the bond and his acknowledgement of just everything that could go wrong, but it had somewhat lessened over the last decade.

“I dare say they’re a terrible influence on each other,” although Elliot smirked as he said it, swirling the liquid in his glass. “I pity anyone who challenges her.” Destiny or Izzy.

“So, this little blond number, food or friend?” He regretted watching that movie, truly, but it wasn’t like he could purge it from his brain.

“I would have been incredibly upset if we had to move so quickly,” Marcus insisted. Though surely as time passed those feelings would only get worse and his roots a bit more willingly permanent. The comment about the two women in their lives being terrible influences on one another warranted a knowing nod, his eyebrows raising for a moment.

At that Marcus took another drink.

The vampire chuckled quietly at the question and that Elliot felt the need to even ask it. “Food, always,” he practically scoffed in return. It wasn’t that he was completely against making peace with humans from time to time, he just tried very hard not to make it a habit. Which, he presumed he would have to try a little harder when it came to Lexie. “Although I’m not opposed to the idea of a recurring meal.”

He cleared his throat, taking a few steps back from the fireplace as the heat was becoming a little much. “We do have to consider making this a home for the foreseeable future,” he told Elliot. “There are old friends in town, and rumors of a nexus.”

There’d been a time or two when Elliot and Destiny had entered an area one night and then promptly left the following night because Destiny and her boredom resulted in mass arson, murder or various felonies.

They were usually split up by a few years, but they happened.

“Clearly she’s behaving for her granddad.” Because obviously they had to make grand-parent jokes. But at the same time, it was possible that Destiny was trying to show that she wasn’t just all baseless impulses that she couldn’t control.

“Recurring meals might need to be a thing if you’re thinking of staying for a period,” in some ways, Elliot would’ve thought the nexus here and all the familiar faces for Marcus would be reason to leave, not stay. But then, the nexus was likely a power source, and the wrong face from the past being unchallenged would perhaps be a bad idea to leave unsupervised. “Should we put your name on the mailbox?”

Despite the rough start Marcus had had with Elliot and Izzy, and even Elliot’s go with Destiny — she could still learn a lot from them. From their mistakes, especially. And all joking aside he was grateful for the control Destiny was starting to grasp. Although, he had every faith in Elliot for showing her a far better path than any of them had gotten.

“I’m still considering it,” he admitted. Typically the only thing in Marcus’ life that was recurring, apart from his progeny, was his guilt and depressive cycles. What he truly needed was to find a demon to start feeding from, if things ended up taking a turn for the worst he wanted to be able to protect his progeny.

The comment about the mailbox made him smirk and shake his head. “Don’t ever go that far,” he warned, taking another drink. “But for the time being this is home, until things reach a tipping point,” Marcus explained.

He got quiet momentarily. “I’m worried about the waves that Izzy will make when she catches up to us,” the older vampire admitted.

By and large, Elliot couldn’t fault too much with how Destiny was turning out; she had her moments, for sure. But she was holding her control well, enjoying what life was offering and had yet to get them kicked out of a state, so it was largely all good.

“It wouldn’t kill you to have more than us as steady acquaintances.” Even Elliot and Izzy had friends outside of their family bond. They might flow in and out of their lives, but they were present. Then again, what kind of introverted hermit that was a thousand years plus would keep regular friends.

“You might get mail, they’d need to know your name, surely.” Or at least a name. Elliot wasn’t going to ask how he planned to deal with the family he’d likely cleared out from the house before claiming it. Marcus tended to know how to deal with those things better than Elliot or Izzy ever really did. Impulses still tripping the twin progeny up.

“We’ll handle them, I’m sure. Izzy knows better than to cause major waves, it might brighten the place up a bit, but stop planning for the worst, hmm?” Although Marcus’ planning likely helped them out a lot. Elliot was sure a few words here and there could keep the pair from causing huge issues.

Marcus put his hands up as if to stop the train of thought of calling humans friends. “I haven’t quite reached such a low point in my undead life, thank you,” he insisted, feigning offense. Besides, Dimitri was around, who was an actual friend, surprisingly.

“The day I get a legitimate piece of mail I will wear neon track suits for a week,” he scoffed, taking another drink of the maroon liquid. With his glass getting low, Marcus stepped over to refill it, offering Elliot the same. If he ever did get mail he would be thoroughly baffled at how anyone had tracked him down. Although, he didn’t count the occasional free things that Izzy signed him up for as actual mail. They were more of a harmless nuisance, and clutter because he basically never bothered with the mailbox or packages.

Elliot’s hope was unwavering, and he couldn’t argue that her presence would be a delight no matter how troublesome she could get. “And I do enjoy the prospect of us all being together once more… But this isn’t just some quiet little American town, and it would do us all a bit of good to lay low for a while and see if this whole… balance remains,” he explained further.

“I know you lot aren’t foolish enough to poke and prod at anyone deliberately,” Marcus resigned. That was one thing he had to admit - their trouble was seldomly malicious in intent, or start just to push the buttons of more darker aligned individuals. “You can’t blame an old man like me for worrying sometimes,” he all but grumbled. Some would claim he’d gone soft but in reality it was only for the three younger vampires that he exhibited such care for.

Well now Elliot had to work out how to get a legitimate piece of mail sent to Marcus, maybe sign him up for some kind of subscription? He’d need to poke Izzy for an idea, find something just so very Marcus, order some books, see if someone could send him something without Marcus finding a loophole. Elliot still did take the offer of the refill though. “Well, there are fewer things that Destiny can get into at least,” bigger cities seemed to really bring out the worst in her, but not in terrible ways, “And I can’t say I’m intending on causing chaos.” No, everyone needed a break from that.

Still, it made sense, taking the time to gauge how these things were going to play out. Lots of people in the area, the balance of power being so level but precarious. It wasn’t even just Marcus being overly cautious either.

Still, if they wanted to fly under the radar enough to linger for a while, it would mean at least keeping their unbridled chaos a little more bridled. “Tell you what, I’ll help keep the girls from really getting your hair to turn grey,” which was something, but keeping the girls from too much insanity wouldn’t be too hard if he could direct their attention. “Since we know Izzy will be here any day now.” It tended to happen when they were in the same area. “Try and alleviate some of that worry.”

Or at least minimize the amount that Marcus was dealing with straight away. Work up to it. Sure, that seemed smart.

There were too many things for Destiny to get into, if you asked him. But she was honestly trying to behave and he wondered if he didn’t owe her some sort of present for that effort. She had acclimated well into their rather uniquely dysfunctional family. Elliot’s offer warranted a pleased look from Marcus.

“That’s all I ask,” Marcus replied simply, letting out an unneeded but relieved sigh. Elliot was nothing if not dependable that way. Always had been, actually. Without him, surely, Isabelle would have long been the actual death of him. If he were solely responsible for wrangling her antics.

“Besides it’ll give me space to poke around with what’s really going on here,” the older vampire admitted. He would need to start drinking demon blood again, that was for sure. It was something that Destiny had yet to see, but the other two were quite familiar with. Normally it was a few bad choices leading to a relapse and the addiction to the power behind the blood — only this time it would be all intentional.

Marcus looked over at Elliot with a darker smirk. “What do you say we go for an actual drink?”

The poking around would probably keep Marcus busy for a while then, and Elliot could play interference with anything that his progeny and Izzy got up to when they inevitably bounced off each other to enact whatever kind of nonsense that Seven Devils was in for.

“Oh thank fuck, this stuff is fine, sure, but I need a proper drink.” Elliot really was one that enjoyed proper blood, rather than mixed or fake blood. He was more than happy to go out for a proper hunt, especially as he was acclimatising to being around his Maker again. “Let’s go eat.”

Jun. 3rd, 2020



don't threaten me with a good time


forced to socialize at Fete
JUNE 3rd - evening | The Fete | RATING OR WARNINGS TBA
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The Fete was nothing special — at least, not to someone who had been around when the rare bacchanal was still a thing. Part of him regretted taking his Heavenly vows at the time and missing out, you couldn't quite find parties like that anymore. The sixties had been fun, in comparison, at least.

While Destiny was off mingling, Marcus kept to himself, trying his best to blend in. Chewing gum, paired with the occasional sip of alcohol from the cup he had been carrying around for over an hour now. Despite his efforts, he stood out like a typical tourist would. The dark suit, the expensive Italian leather shoes, the stiffness in his posture and unwillingness to participate.

He avoided the game stands like they had the Bubonic plague. Even if they actually had, it wouldn't much matter being a vampire and all. But there was one young man who took his job of heckling a little too seriously. So much so, that Marcus had glared at him for a good portion of the night and even considered draining him later. No doubt after Destiny made him give the man money and try to win some obnoxiously large and brightly colored stuffed animal.

He needed to behave, though. Set a good example for his gran-progeny — who he loved, but kept in eyesight at all times.

A bump to his elbow by a person clumsily passing by sloshed his drink onto the sidewalk.

Mar. 25th, 2020




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