Posts Tagged: 'c:+hermione+granger'

May. 11th, 2020



RP: Scorpius & Hermione

Who: Scorpius & Hermione
When: Day 50 (May 11th)
Where: Somewhere in the compound
What: Scorpius doesn't feel well at all

Read more... )

May. 8th, 2020



RP: Getting hurt

Who: Harry, Ron, Jamie and Scorpius
When: Day 47 (May 8)
Where: Out and about
What: Things don't go as planned

Of plans and wounds )

May. 4th, 2020



Recap and more

Who: Everyone
When: Day 43 ( May 4th)
Where: Tower of London
What: Just a recap

Recap )

Apr. 28th, 2020



RP: The Full

Who: Anyone
When: Day 37 ( 28th April)/Day 38 ( 29th April)
Where: Headquarters of fusillers
What: Things don't go as planned



Recap and more

Who: Everyone
When: Day 37 ( 28th April)
Where: Tower of London
What: Hermione gives out new assignments and rooms on the morning of the full

Recap )

Apr. 25th, 2020



RP: A new dawn

Who: Everyone
When: morning 25th April
Where: the caves in Bristol
What: Time for decisions

Where do we go? )



RP: Giant Worm Invasion

Who: Everyone
When: 2am 25th April
Where: the ministry
What: They are rudely awoken

What is this )

Apr. 24th, 2020



RP: Recap

Who: For everyone
When: Day 33 (April 24th)
Where: The Ministry
What: New Rooms

New Rooms )

Apr. 23rd, 2020



RP: Hermione/Ron

Who: Hermione/Ron
When: Day 32 (April 23rd)
Where: their rooms
What: They talk as the full approaches.

Read more... )

Apr. 13th, 2020



RP: Fabian & Hermione

Who: Hermione & Fabian
When: Day 21 (April 13)
Where: Level 1
What: Fabian isn't impressed at the new way of doing things

Read more... )



RP: Recap

Who: For everyone
When: Day 21 (April 13)
Where: The Ministry
What: Where are we know

Jobs )
Room Assigments )
Buidling )

Mar. 31st, 2020



RP: The Day After The Full

Who: Open
When: Day 7 (March 30)
Where: Still the ministry
What: Not a fun morning

Day 7 )

Mar. 26th, 2020



RP: Day Three

Who: everyone
When: Day 3
Where: The Ministry
What: Hermione organizes people

Organization )

Mar. 25th, 2020



RP: Decision Time

Who: Anyone
When: Day 2
Where: Magic Rock
What: It's time to make some long term decisions

What do we do now? )

Mar. 24th, 2020



RP: Welcome to the Jungle

Who: Everyone
When: March 24, 2020/Day 1 of the unknown
Where: Magic Rock
What: a jump into the unknown

- They are in Magic Rock for the Black house warming party.
- This happens around 8pm
- There is a certain light that engulfs some of the guests
- They end up in somewhere where the castle should have been
- It's daytime
- Magic Rock is destroyed by time and nature
- There are wild animals all around

Mar. 13th, 2020



Memo: Harry to Hemrione

Who is in charge of the citizenship department? Please tell me it bloody exists.

Mar. 9th, 2020



Journals: Remus to a few

Journal to Tom )

Journal to Hermione and Padma )



RP: Hermione's Room

Who: Hermione, anyone visiting
When: 9th March
Where: her hospital room
What: Hermione has visitors

* She was brought in with major damage to her right leg
* They worked on her for about an hour, but then the curse took over
* She was delirious most of the night and with a fever
* She woke up in the morning, feeling better, but she's still weak and suffering from the blood loss and low fever
* Medically there's not much more they can do other than provide potions for the blood loss and potions for her fever
* She wants to go home and to work so people see her, but she's too weak and has been told no.

Mar. 8th, 2020



RP: Full Moon

Who: Padma Patil, Hermione Granger, assorted Ministry NPCs
When: 8 March 2031, night (into morning)
Where: a warded clearing in a forest some distance from Wandermere
What: An official demonstration ends in bloody disaster

A good monster didn’t worry about what it was doing; it just did it. A true predator didn’t worry about guilt, or being popular, or anything. It just cruised along, living for the kill, surviving. -- D. T. Neal )

Feb. 23rd, 2020



Party at Bubble Palace

Who: Public
When: 23rd February
Where: Bubble Palace
What: Sex, drugs and rock and roll

-Location: Arena at the Bubble Palace
- Temperature is set to comfortably warm
- Dress code: naked, underwear and/or bras. There is an area at the entrance where people can leave their clothes
- No one under 19 is invited.
- People will be required to take oaths to prevent anyone from divulging information about the party
- There are spells preventing pictures.
- No food, potions, or flask will be allowed to prevent anyone from using polyjuice, but also to ensure no one is imbibing anything they shouldn't.
- Together with drinks and snacks, there are vials of birth control potions floating around.
- The arena is relatively dark, but with lights of every colour pulsating at the beat of the music. Most of it is devoted to dancing.
- In one corner, Lisa has created a giant pool with bubble floated around
- The bar is stocked with soft drinks and cocktails. No hard liquor since Lisa wants people happy but not drunk enough to cause damage.
- There main area is separated from a darker private areas. There are beds and couches. Everything goes there.