Posts Tagged: 'c:+charlie+weasley'

May. 4th, 2020



Recap and more

Who: Everyone
When: Day 43 ( May 4th)
Where: Tower of London
What: Just a recap

Recap )

Apr. 28th, 2020



Recap and more

Who: Everyone
When: Day 37 ( 28th April)
Where: Tower of London
What: Hermione gives out new assignments and rooms on the morning of the full

Recap )

Apr. 25th, 2020



RP: Potters and friends

Who: Jamie, Harry, Al, Lily, Teddy, Remus, Sirius, Charlie, Ron, Lily, Teddy
When: Day 34 ( 25th April)
Where: London Tower
What: Everyone wants to make sure that everyone else is ok



RP: A new dawn

Who: Everyone
When: morning 25th April
Where: the caves in Bristol
What: Time for decisions

Where do we go? )



RP: Giant Worm Invasion

Who: Everyone
When: 2am 25th April
Where: the ministry
What: They are rudely awoken

What is this )

Apr. 24th, 2020



RP: Recap

Who: For everyone
When: Day 33 (April 24th)
Where: The Ministry
What: New Rooms

New Rooms )

Apr. 13th, 2020



RP: Recap

Who: For everyone
When: Day 21 (April 13)
Where: The Ministry
What: Where are we know

Jobs )
Room Assigments )
Buidling )

Apr. 5th, 2020



Day 13

Who: Open
When: Day 13 (April 5th)
Where: Really now?
What: New things start to emerge.

Day 13 )

Mar. 26th, 2020



RP: Day Three

Who: everyone
When: Day 3
Where: The Ministry
What: Hermione organizes people

Organization )

Mar. 25th, 2020



RP: Decision Time

Who: Anyone
When: Day 2
Where: Magic Rock
What: It's time to make some long term decisions

What do we do now? )

Mar. 24th, 2020



RP: Welcome to the Jungle

Who: Everyone
When: March 24, 2020/Day 1 of the unknown
Where: Magic Rock
What: a jump into the unknown

- They are in Magic Rock for the Black house warming party.
- This happens around 8pm
- There is a certain light that engulfs some of the guests
- They end up in somewhere where the castle should have been
- It's daytime
- Magic Rock is destroyed by time and nature
- There are wild animals all around

Mar. 10th, 2020



RP: Remus' Birthday

Who: Open to guests
When: 10th March
Where: Marauders' Cottage
What: It's a birthday party

- Guests are supposed to get there at 6
- Delphine will come over with Remus at 6:30. Sirius finds a way to get him to the backyard and SURPRISE.
- Remus could hear them all already, but he'll be properly surprised because he doesn't expect a party
- There's a large white tent to protect them from the weather, however most of the sides are open and there are warming charms under the tent.
- There are chairs and tables and music from both the present and the seventies
- The food is a little on the posh side (Regulus took care of that) and Lily provided the cake
- There are torches through the garden to keep people warm if they walk around but also to brigthen up the place.

Mar. 9th, 2020



Warded to Siblings, Harry

There was a werewolf attack last night during a DoM experiment. Hermione was there, and was bitten. She's at St Mungo's. I'll update when I know more, but I wanted to get this out there because it'll be in the Prophet in the morning. No getting around that on this one. There were others bitten, and several killed.

Mar. 5th, 2020



Warded to Lots of People

Operation: Surprise Remus is a go.

You people don't know how hard it is to keep a secret from a werewolf, especially when your instinct to blurt things out and I can't talk to anyone in the house because he can overhear. Also he totally knows something is up because he's worse than a truth machine, but still let's do this.

Date: 10th of March
Location: Marauders Cottage
Time: 6pm. You'd better be super punctual, because if you aren't, you'll be stuck outside. Delphine it is your job to keep Remus at work until 6:30 so everything is set up before he gets here.
Lily, I'm getting home at four, so any time you want to come to bring the cake after that, it's fine. In fact, anyone who wants to get here earlier is more than welcome.

A giant tent is going up in the backyard, but it's those ones that you can open the sides, so we'll see what the weather is like.

Regulus has dealt with food, so expect some fancy food, but if you want to bring crap food like crispies and lots of chocolate feel free.

If you have any questions, here's the time.

Also if I forgot to invite anyone, let me know. And if you tell Remus, I will tell Snape that you're trying to poison him and let him deal with you. (Actually I don't know if that's an accurate threat since I don't know the man, but whatever I'll do something horrible.)

Feb. 23rd, 2020



Party at Bubble Palace

Who: Public
When: 23rd February
Where: Bubble Palace
What: Sex, drugs and rock and roll

-Location: Arena at the Bubble Palace
- Temperature is set to comfortably warm
- Dress code: naked, underwear and/or bras. There is an area at the entrance where people can leave their clothes
- No one under 19 is invited.
- People will be required to take oaths to prevent anyone from divulging information about the party
- There are spells preventing pictures.
- No food, potions, or flask will be allowed to prevent anyone from using polyjuice, but also to ensure no one is imbibing anything they shouldn't.
- Together with drinks and snacks, there are vials of birth control potions floating around.
- The arena is relatively dark, but with lights of every colour pulsating at the beat of the music. Most of it is devoted to dancing.
- In one corner, Lisa has created a giant pool with bubble floated around
- The bar is stocked with soft drinks and cocktails. No hard liquor since Lisa wants people happy but not drunk enough to cause damage.
- There main area is separated from a darker private areas. There are beds and couches. Everything goes there.

Feb. 16th, 2020



Warded to family

Morning to all,

Viktor and I wanted to share some news with all of you. I know there were questions about why we rushed through the engagement and wedding after dating for so many years.

I'm happy to tell you all that I'm pregnant. Due to my age there was a high risk of miscarriage and we didn't want to let anyone know until the end of the first trimester. Today we're starting the second trimester and we're ecstatic. The due date is the 23rd of August.

I've sent a separate message to Bill and his family about this for obvious reason.



Journal: Lisa


Underwear party next Sunday!
If you're interested, send me a warded message and I'll give you the information.

To my dear friends: You'd better come... in so many ways.

Feb. 15th, 2020



RP: Food & Board Opening

Who: Anyone
When: 15th February 2031
Where: Food & Board, Magic Rock

Read more... )

Feb. 11th, 2020



Strongly warded only to close friends and family

I don't have a lot to say, but Vic & I realized that none of us have reached out personally.

We wanted to thank everyone who has given us and our parents space at this time, and to those who have been careful with what they have said in public. We'd like to give Louis the last little bit of dignity if at all possible, by encouraging people to remember him as he was, rather than what we understand to have happened and would like to thank everybody who has helped with that.

Mum & Dad will be in contact shortly regarding a memorial, which we would like to be for anybody who knew him well.

Feb. 5th, 2020



Journal: Charlie to Weasley Family

So the rest of you all know, Bill and Fleur have asked me to act as the official family spokesperson, deal with the press inquiries and whatever law enforcement needs. Neither of them, nor the girls, need or want to be dealing with this right now.

Obviously, you will still need to answer questions from the taskforce regarding your whereabouts, etc. And, if you're so inclined, you can give reporters a statement regarding your personal feelings on Louis' loss. But, as a general rule, any questions or requests for information from press or DMLE should come through me. I'll handle any official statements on behalf of the family as well.

Mum's opening up the Burrow if family and friends want to congregate there so Fleur doesn't have to worry about playing hostess on top of everything.