The Schism

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Posts Tagged: 'u:+dominique+weasley'

Feb. 11th, 2020



Strongly warded only to close friends and family

I don't have a lot to say, but Vic & I realized that none of us have reached out personally.

We wanted to thank everyone who has given us and our parents space at this time, and to those who have been careful with what they have said in public. We'd like to give Louis the last little bit of dignity if at all possible, by encouraging people to remember him as he was, rather than what we understand to have happened and would like to thank everybody who has helped with that.

Mum & Dad will be in contact shortly regarding a memorial, which we would like to be for anybody who knew him well.

Feb. 5th, 2020



Journal: Charlie to Weasley Family

So the rest of you all know, Bill and Fleur have asked me to act as the official family spokesperson, deal with the press inquiries and whatever law enforcement needs. Neither of them, nor the girls, need or want to be dealing with this right now.

Obviously, you will still need to answer questions from the taskforce regarding your whereabouts, etc. And, if you're so inclined, you can give reporters a statement regarding your personal feelings on Louis' loss. But, as a general rule, any questions or requests for information from press or DMLE should come through me. I'll handle any official statements on behalf of the family as well.

Mum's opening up the Burrow if family and friends want to congregate there so Fleur doesn't have to worry about playing hostess on top of everything.



RP: Emil/Dom

Who: Emil/Dom
When: 5th February
Where: Louis' flat, Hogsmeade
What: Dom finds out about the murder

I'm so sorry )

Jan. 10th, 2020



Warded to the Weasleys/Potters

Viktor and I have picked a date for the wedding. It will be on Tuesday, February 4 in New Sofia.

On Monday, he's being honoured by the International Quidditch League at a gala in Sofia, so most of the Quidditch world will be there as well, and we figured that it's the only way to get people there when the National teams are playing the first and the eight.

Official invitations will be sent out tomorrow as well as official announcement in the papers.

I hope to see you all then!

PS Harry, feel free to bring Draco with you.

Jan. 1st, 2020



Warded to Albus, Jamie, Harry, Teddy, Rose, Dom

Hey all,

Happy New Year!

Weirdly and hopefully unsurprisingly, I actually remember the whole thing for the first time since I've been an adult. A few of us rung the new year in together here over some healthy juice thing. Even weirder, I'm starting to enjoy them. I hope you all had a good time?

Anyway, the main point of this message isn't that, though I really do hope you had a good time. I need to apologize to you all for the way things have been and how I've handled my own issues and insecurities so poorly over the years. I'm at a stage in my therapy now where I'm working through those issues and finding and examining the roots as part of a healing process, and working towards forgiving myself so I can move past with a clean slate when the time comes. So to be clear, this isn't me asking for forgiveness if you don't want to give it, but it's an apology for treating you all in a way I shouldn't have done and putting things on all of you that weren't yours to deal with, and I'm making it because I feel like I want to.

We're making significant progress now, and they're talking that I should be able to move into a sober living home with some others towards the end of the month, and from that it's arranging to come home.

I miss you all.

Lily xo

Dec. 25th, 2019



Journal to family & friends


Sorry for the lack of communication but well, I am on my honeymoon after all. Which is going swimmingly, my sandcastle building skills are far superior to Jamie’s (he’ll tell you otherwise but don’t listen). Wishing you all a Merry Christmas, hopefully Moony II has been dropping off presents for you all.

See you in the New Year!

[Spellotaped in: a picture of Teddy and Jamie smiling at the camera before Teddy conjures some mistletoe and leans in to kiss him]

Gift list:
- Jamie: a variety of sex toys, an old book on Chaser stunts (most of which are banned by the league and a note warning him that if he leaves Teddy a widower, he’ll resurrect him to kill him again), a half-filled scrapbook with photos of them both going back to their teenage years
- Al: a set of curse breaker diaries he found in a shop in Bulgaria
- Remus: A small chest of Honeydukes finest chocolates
- Lily: recipe books for delicious cakes
- Delphi: tickets to see the opera together in May in Vienna
- Harry: a new jumper, hastily ordered when he realised Molly wouldn’t be knitting him one
- Draco: a new set of eagle feather quills, charmed to write beautifully even when the owner cannot be bothered. Appearances, after all.
- Everyone else got something wonderful because Teddy is thoughtful

Dec. 22nd, 2019



Warded to family + friends excluding Molly and Arthur

I'm assuming you've all seen The Quibbler this morning. It's fair to say that Molly and Arthur know, I don't need to go into the details.

Just a head's up that you might not want to mention me, the article or Malfoy in front of them for a while.

I'm not going to be at the Burrow for Christmas. However, if anybody wants to come over to mine for lunch instead, I'll get food catered in. Just let me know.

Sorry about this coming out just before Christmas.

Extra ward for Jamie, Al and Lily
I know how you feel about your gran. She still loves you all but if she pulls any shit with you because of this, please tell me.

Dec. 12th, 2019



Journal - Jamie

To my fans,

My husband, Teddy and I would like to thank you for all of your support. I must ask you that you do not attack journalists for doing their job. We, indeed, got married twice at the time that Ms. Skeeter published her article. She did speak with us about it and we confirmed it. Since then we married once more while in Bulgaria.

This is not a publicity stunt as some foreign publications have suggested. We love each other and we plan on getting married in as many countries as we can.

Thank you again,
James S. Potter

Warded to friends and family

Indeed we got married in France as you all know and we did get married in Bulgaria before the match. We probably will get married in many more countries and no, Grandma, we're not getting divorced. I hope soon enough people will stop caring.

PS I have included Teddy's family. Yes they are called Malfoys. People don't say anything stupid.

Dec. 2nd, 2019



Warded to friends and family

So I appreciate this might come as a bit out of the blue, but things have really blown up a bit since that whole acoustic set on the WWN.

I mean, it was a lot more popular than I ever thought it would be, and a lot more popular than the band and even the label assumed. Weirdly, it seems to have been heard by an American producer, and they're like, super keen to work with me.

After some discussion with the band, this is probably bigger than we'll ever be, so they've encouraged me to go for it. The caveat to it is that I have to clean myself up - and I think you all know what I mean. I can't be as big as they think I can be if I'm constantly drunk or high and reliant on the both. As such, I've been given a chance to go to the US to a facility equipped to deal with it, and after discussion, we've figured this is for the best for now. I honestly think this is part of the reason that the band have pushed, with them around I'm never going to do it.

I'd let you know how long I'll be gone, but it's kind of as long as it takes. I'm making no promises on coming back for Christmas or whatever else. I mean, I'd like to think I will, but I really don't want to promise when I can't necessarily deliver.

If anyone really needs me, I have a certain amount of time in a day where I have some journal access, but generally contact with the outside is discouraged entirely.

So, this may be the last message I sent whilst being completely high. Hopefully it's coherent.

Lily. xo

Nov. 21st, 2019



Journal: Multiple wards

Warded to family
I'm headed to Quebec tomorrow for the International Conference on MLE co-operation. If you need me for anything, message me on here. I should be back in ten days if we all agree on things.

Warded to Draco
I really enjoyed our date the other day. Hermione won't let me skip this conference as I've managed to get out of it for the past two years. We can go out when I get back?

Warded to Ron
Mate, keep me posted on what's going on. If anything goes down on the Lestrange case, I'm coming back.

Nov. 16th, 2019



Journal - Jamie

Final score:
1 split lip
2 fractured ribs
1 perforated kidney
Plenty of bruises

Oh and we won.

Warded to family on both sides

Yes I will be at the dinner tomorrow, possibly in pain and with a recovering kidney, but there.

Nov. 15th, 2019



Journal - Lily


Join me on Wednesday evening where I’ll be talking with WWN’s Ciaran Jordan on the Wednesday night rock show from 8pm. We’ll be discussing all things musical, including old favourites and a sneak preview of our upcoming new album.

During the show I’ll also be performing a few acoustic numbers, including my favourite track from our previous releases, a Weird Sisters cover, a muggle classic and a little teaser from the new record!

Hopefully see you there!

Lily x

[warded to friends and family]

So yeah, I’ll be on the radio on Wednesday and I’ll be playing live. This is the version my publicist didn’t write.

If you’re able to catch it that would be awesome, but I know you’re all busy people.

Nov. 7th, 2019



Warded to Potters, Weasley relatives, inhabitants of Malfoy Manor + Remus

Hello everyone,

We realise that the owls may have come as a bit of a surprise and we'd like to apologise for that as it wasn't our intention to offend anybody. Rather than have a formal engagement party at short notice considering the wedding is not that far away, we'd like to host a more intimate dinner at Flamel for friends and family to come together and celebrate with us.

This would be on Sunday 17th November at 7pm.

Please let us know if you can or can't make it.

Kind Regards,
Teddy + Jamie

Nov. 5th, 2019



Wedding Invitations

Who: Everyone (see tags)
When: 5th November
Where: their homes
What: Invitations to the wedding were delivered by owl.

Wedding Invitations )

Nov. 4th, 2019



Journal - Jamie

Warded to family and Remus

I'm leaving for Munich tomorrow, but we're getting tickets today. I will give out whatever ticket I don't use to team mates (and this will be the rule from now till we get kicked out of the Champions League). The game is on Wednesday. Is anyone coming to Germany? Does anyone need ticket. If so how many?

Warded to Lily

So how are you?

Warded to Harry

So I'm assuming that you're keeping the blu-rays, which is fine. Did you have your midlife sudden dawning about your sexuality? Are we finally on the same page? Can we finally stop pretending that you're straight? Really because it's tiring to pretend that you are. In fact if you could tell Aunt Hermione, maybe she'll stop setting you up with women.

Oct. 31st, 2019



RP: Halloween at Wonderland

Who: Public
When: 31st October
Where: Sirens Cove
What: Partying

- The club is all decorated for Halloween
- it's open from 8-1am
- There are special drinks to celebrate the theme and Halloween
- Anyone without a costume was sent back
- The VIP room is closed for Blaise, Julien and their guests
- The backroom is open as usual
- The theme is heroes and villains

Oct. 28th, 2019



Journal: Ginny

Warded to the Jamie, Al and Lily

I wanted to know you first that Viktor has proposed and I've said yes. I know it seems sudden, but we've been together for a while and at our age, we don't want to waste time. I'll be moving to Bulgaria, having found a job with a sport magazine there. Jamie, I'll try to do as many games as I can but it'll be a little more difficult since I'll be covering games in Bulgaria.

Of course, we can still meet for dinner whenever you three want and I'm just a portkey away.

Warded to Harry

Viktor proposed and I've accepted. I'll be moving to Bulgaria and won't be around much. Keep an eye on the kids.

Warded to the Prewetts, Weasleys, spouses and children

Jamie isn't the only one who's getting married. Viktor proposed and I've accepted. I'll be moving to Bulgaria with him.

Fleur, you should see the RING. It's bigger than a snitch. Okay, it's not but it looks like it might be. Anyway, I'll let everyone know the details when I have them, but I'm sure it'll be some big event with everyone but us speaking Bulgarian. It might be the one time/place where there's someone more important than Harry. I've gone from a national hero to a national treasure.

Oct. 20th, 2019



RP: Dom & Charlie

Who: Dom & Charlie
When: 20th October
Where: The Burrow
What: Usual Sunday lunch antics

Read more... )



Posted from Lily's journal - warded to Al, Rose, Jamie, Teddy

[The handwriting in this one wouldn't be Lily's, and would be hastily written]

So, I really never know which ones of you I should be warding these things to when I have to write them, so sorry if I've missed anyone or anything, or included someone who doesn't want or need to know.

Anyway, Lily is mostly fine, but a little unwell - I know you usually have family lunches, can someone going let the family know Lily won't be able to make it today. Nothing to worry about, of course probably not anyway, it usually isn't and this is more we're stopping anything going any further than it already has. You know how it is.

I'd send an owl to her grandmother myself, but that would probably worry her - and last time I did, she showed up here, which really would probably not currently be ideal or helpful.

Anyway, the situation is fully under control, and I'm sorry if this oversteps any boundaries - let's face it, Lily is going to murder me for this anyway.



Oct. 18th, 2019



Warded to Potters, Weasleys, Teddy, Remus

All right, so I promised Teddy that I wouldn't say anything, but we finished early today because of the game tomorrow and he's not here and I'm bored so here we go.

Teddy and I are together. We moved in together. There shall be a wedding at a specified time. We haven't decided where or when. It will not be at the Burrow. I will not require help to plan it.

Any thoughts and comments on the situation aren't necessary since I don't really care what anyone else thinks about my relationship.

Warded to Harry

If you give him a hard time at work, I'm never talking to you again. I don't think you will, but he does, so I'm establishing the rules beforehand so you know what the consequences are.