Daily Scans
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Below are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
08:13 pm [thebigapricot]
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By request X-Men/Runways One Shot This was requested by Darkblade. Here are 3 and 2/3 pages from an 11 page story from 2006's Free Comic Book Day issue.

Tags: char: gert yorkes, char: molly hayes, char: nico minoru, char: old lace, char: shadowcat/kitty pryde, char: white queen/emma frost, char: wolverine/logan/james howlett, creator: brian k. vaughan, creator: skottie young, publisher: marvel comics, title: astonishing x-men, title: runaways
08:32 pm [sandoz_iscariot]
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Runaways #12 The aftermath...

( It's me. )
Tags: char: chase stein, char: molly hayes, char: nico minoru, char: victor mancha, creator: kathryn immonen, creator: sara pichelli, group: runaways, publisher: marvel comics, title: runaways
02:44 pm [sandoz_iscariot]
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Runaways vol. 3 #11 Runaways #11, the first issue by new team Kathryn Immonen and Sara Pichelli, is here. Let's start things with a bang!

( It can't be worse. )
Current Mood: melancholy Tags: char: chase stein, char: karolina dean, char: klara prast, char: molly hayes, char: nico minoru, char: old lace, char: victor mancha, creator: kathryn immonen, creator: sara pichelli, group: runaways, publisher: marvel comics, title: runaways
01:21 am [ex_octopusso248]
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PENIS JOKES! I realise that everyone and their dog has the new copy of Runaways before me, mainly because my local comic provider is in some sort of time warp. Anyway, this moment caused me to laugh for a good few minutes. It's such a teenager moment.
Current Mood: amused Current Music: "Average Man" -Reel Big Fish Tags: char: chase stein, char: karolina dean, char: klara prast, char: nico minoru, char: victor mancha, creator: emma rios, creator: james asmus, group: runaways, publisher: marvel comics, title: runaways
07:32 pm [sandoz_iscariot]
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One Perfect Moment: Gert, Chase, and Gert/Chase Three of my favorite moments from BKV and Alphona's Runaways, featuring my two favorite characters from the series: Gert Yorkes and Chase Stein.

( And with great power... )
Current Mood: amused Tags: char: chase stein, char: gert yorkes, char: spider-man/peter parker, char: victor mancha, creator: adrian alphona, creator: brian k. vaughan, group: runaways, series: one perfect moment week, title: runaways
05:22 pm [newnumber6]
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One Perfect Moment: Chase Stein I have occasionally said that, in Runaways Vol 1, Chase Stein was my least favorite character. And yet, somehow in Vol 2, he rocketed to my favorite of the group.
It probably wasn't all to do with this One Perfect Moment, but it sure helped a lot. ( Read more... )
Tags: char: chase stein, creator: adrian alphona, creator: brian k. vaughan, series: one perfect moment week, title: runaways
12:28 pm [drsevarius]
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An ad for Runaways #11
Tags: creator: david lafuente, genre: previews, group: runaways, publisher: marvel comics, title: runaways
08:16 am [dorksidefiker]
[Link] | One page from Runaways #10, (Chris Yost and James Asmus on words, Sarah Pichelli and Emma Rios on art).
Another little rant about the tags: I hate how, if you add something from the list after you type in a bunch of tags, all the tags you typed in disappear. A lot.
Tags: char: anole/victor borkowski, char: chase stein, char: dust/sooraya qadir, char: hellion/julian keller, char: karolina dean, char: klara prast, char: loa/alani ryan, char: match/ben hammil, char: mercury/cessily kincaid, char: nico minoru, char: pixie/megan gwynn, char: rockslide/santo vaccarro, char: surge/noriko ashida, char: victor mancha, creator: chris yost, creator: sara pichelli, group: runaways, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics, title: runaways
09:25 pm [dorksidefiker]
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I might be a tiny bit obessed Three pages from #11 of Volume 1 of Runaways, showing that once upon a time, Takeshi Miyazawa drew Chase looking like a guy. This story arch was actually Miyazawa's first time doing the Runaways.
Again, apologies for the size of the scans. I continue to battle Photobucket on this.
( Read more... )
Tags: creator: takeshi miyazawa, group: runaways, publisher: marvel comics, status: outdated link, title: runaways
08:30 am [dorksidefiker]
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Plastic Surgery Zombies Four pages from Runaways #7, with more proof that Takeshi Miyazawa CAN draw characters that look at least kind of like guys... as long as it's not Chase or Victor.
( Read more... )
Tags: char: chase stein, creator: takeshi miyazawa, creator: terry moore, group: runaways, publisher: marvel comics, title: runaways