Daily Scans
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Below are the 3 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
11:29 pm [ficticons]
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Some October and November solicits The variant covers for Dark Reign X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas have been posted.
All from this page at Newsarama.
The cover for Nomad: Girl Without A World #2 is also available now (the link goes to the Marvel Catalogue page, where you have to click on the preview image to see it in a larger size).
Current Mood: cold Tags: char: bucky/nomad/rikki barnes, char: colossus/piotr rasputin, char: cyclops/scott summers, char: gorilla man/ken hale, char: iceman/bobby drake, char: jimmy woo, char: m-11, char: namora/aquaria nautica neptunia, char: pixie/megan gwynn, char: rockslide/santo vaccarro, char: storm/ororo munroe, creator: gerald parel, creator: humberto ramos, creator: rafael albuquerque, genre: solicitations, group: agents of atlas, group: x-men, title: nomad: girl without a world
08:16 am [dorksidefiker]
[Link] | One page from Runaways #10, (Chris Yost and James Asmus on words, Sarah Pichelli and Emma Rios on art).
Another little rant about the tags: I hate how, if you add something from the list after you type in a bunch of tags, all the tags you typed in disappear. A lot.
Tags: char: anole/victor borkowski, char: chase stein, char: dust/sooraya qadir, char: hellion/julian keller, char: karolina dean, char: klara prast, char: loa/alani ryan, char: match/ben hammil, char: mercury/cessily kincaid, char: nico minoru, char: pixie/megan gwynn, char: rockslide/santo vaccarro, char: surge/noriko ashida, char: victor mancha, creator: chris yost, creator: sara pichelli, group: runaways, group: x-men, publisher: marvel comics, title: runaways
03:50 pm [dorksidefiker]
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Return of the New Mutants Three pages from New Mutants #1. You know, the new one. In which the Original New Mutants and the New Guys have words about Illyana.
....aaaaaaaaand once again the tags absolutely refuse to work for me. *headdesks*
Tags: char: anole/victor borkowski, char: cannonball/sam guthrie, char: magik/ilyanna rasputin, char: rockslide/santo vaccarro, char: sunspot/roberto da costa, group: new mutants, publisher: marvel comics, title: new mutants