Daily Scans
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Below are the 10 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
03:48 pm [colonel_green]
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Long have I awaited this day.
Four scans from Planetary #27, which I can confirm does exist.
Tags: char: elijah snow, char: jakita wagner, creator: john cassaday, creator: warren ellis, title: planetary
12:45 am [trelas]
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Of course he's single And to continue with the Martial Arts week with another Batman post to exemplify my obsession. Now this post proved to quite challenging, as I felt the brawl in this story automatically belonged to this week, kind of, but the story had so many great moments and scenes to choose from while trying not to cross the posting limits. In the end I decided to stick with the fight scene in the beginning and the ending scene, which actually refers to said fight. What is this story I'm writing about? A masterpiece called Batman/Planetary: Night on Earth by Warren Ellis/John Cassaday.
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, creator: john cassaday, creator: warren ellis, series: martial arts week, title: planetary
12:09 am [thanekos]
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Wherein Franklin Richards ****s Norman Osborn in the *** or: no, we don't get an Iron Patriot/Venom versus the Fantastic Four bit.
( We do, however, get this... )
Current Music: BEST FIC EVER Tags: char: franklin richards, char: human torch/johnny storm, char: invisible woman/susan storm, char: mr. fantastic/reed richards, char: scorpion/venom/mac gargan, char: the thing/ben grimm, creator: john cassaday, creator: jonathan hickman, creator: sean chen, creator: warren ellis, title: dark reign fantastic four
02:04 am [blake_reitz]
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Into the Blue The Real First Blue Lantern (not St. Walker!)
It occurred to me that I've seen a Blue Lantern before, one who looks a little bit like this guy...

( 4 Scans from Planetary #10 under the cut... )
Tags: creator: john cassaday, creator: warren ellis, publisher: wildstorm, title: planetary
06:55 pm [colonel_green]
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A Cold Day in Hell
One solicit from Wildstorm's October list.
Tags: creator: john cassaday, creator: warren ellis, publisher: wildstorm, title: planetary
11:42 pm [superfan1]
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Flash Annual #10 ( For madripoor_rose )
Tags: char: pied piper/hartley rathaway, creator: john cassaday, creator: michael jan friedman, creator: steve lightle, publisher: dc comics
04:10 pm [kingrockwell]
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More Perfect Moments with Cap! Because I always seem to skip over the "One" part.
Current Music: Black Rebel Motorcycle Gang ~ "Head Up High" Tags: char: captain america/steve rogers, char: daredevil/matt murdock, creator: david mazzucchelli, creator: frank miller, creator: john cassaday, creator: john ney rieber, publisher: marvel comics, series: one perfect moment week, title: captain america, title: daredevil
12:09 pm [angelophile]
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One Perfect Moment - Astonishing X-men #4
There's been a few scenes posted from Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-men for One Perfect Moment Week, but this one's slipped through. The one moment from his run that I actually do consider perfect and perhaps because, in four speechless panels John Cassaday conveys more emotion than Whedon did through all of his Buffy-eque dialogue in the entire run.
By the way, does anyone else feel a "Why We Miss Kitty Pryde Week" coming on?
Tags: char: colossus/piotr rasputin, char: shadowcat/kitty pryde, creator: john cassaday, creator: joss whedon, publisher: marvel comics, series: one perfect moment week, title: astonishing x-men
01:31 am [kirayoshi1]
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A Perfect Moment: Kitty and Peter One of my favorite moments from recent X-books follows under the cut. Semi-NSFW.
Tags: char: colossus/piotr rasputin, char: shadowcat/kitty pryde, creator: john cassaday, creator: joss whedon, publisher: marvel comics, series: one perfect moment week, title: astonishing x-men
02:14 am [aulayan]
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Planetary News Yes. I know it's April 1st. However this was posted to Twitter 16 hours ago. Even throwing in the time difference, it was still March 31st when posted: From Warren Ellis' Twitter: Just heard from DC That John Cassaday has finished PLANETARY #27. Ravens have left Tower of London.
Tags: creator: john cassaday, creator: warren ellis, title: planetary