Daily Scans
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Below are the 9 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
03:40 am [bunniegrrl]
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Even More Wonder Woman Fanart Some Wonder Woman/Green Lantern crossover art, and some silliness including Ryan Choi and Oracle.
Tags: char: ace the bat-hound, char: angle man/angelo bend, char: atom/ryan choi, char: cheetah/barbara minerva, char: chuma, char: circe, char: doctor poison, char: dr. cyber/cylvia cyber, char: dr. psycho/edgar cizko, char: egg fu/dr. chang tzu, char: etta candy, char: ferdinand, char: genocide, char: giganta/dr. doris zeul, char: head, char: io of themyscira, char: jumpa, char: krypto the superdog, char: nu'bia, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: stalin, char: steve trevor, char: terry long, char: white magician/thomas randolph, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: gail simone, genre: fanart
08:27 pm [scottyquick]
[Link] | A really sweet little story by George Perez and Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez that I read the other day and thought y'all might like.
Collected, along with many other cool stories, in the pretty Wonder Woman: Destiny Calling.
Tags: char: philippus of themyscira, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: george perez, creator: jose luis garcia-lopez, theme: amazons are really freaking badas
03:37 am [bunniegrrl]
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More Wonder Woman Fanart
Tags: char: amadeus cho, char: angle man/angelo bend, char: ares/dc, char: batgirl/cassandra cain, char: blue snowman/byrna brilyant, char: cheetah/barbara minerva, char: chuma, char: dr. cyber/cylvia cyber, char: egg fu/dr. chang tzu, char: etta candy, char: ferdinand, char: genocide, char: hercules/dc, char: hercules/marvel, char: hippolyta of themyscira, char: philippus of themyscira, char: ragdoll/peter merkel jr., char: riddler/edward nigma, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: white magician/thomas randolph, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, genre: fanart, in-joke: bees. my god.
11:15 pm [bluefall]
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When Wondy was Awesome, part 15 (The Swan, the Witch and the Warrior) Back to the main Wondy title this time, where we've moved on from the Luke era into the Jimenez era. Generally, I'm not a big fan of Jimenez. He had the particular talent of being both spectacular and spectacularly bad within the space of a single panel, he was a slut for continuity porn to a point often detrimental to storytelling, and he expected his readers to be familiar with pre-Crisis Wondy and random Power Company bad guys and the Super Friends show and all kinds of random crap in order to make sense of half his secondary & tertiary characters. Also, he did a hack job on Polly and saddled us with the travesty that is Trevor Barnes.
However, he gave us some important storylines with some interesting ideas behind them, even when the execution wasn't totally on, and he does a reasonably good Cassie (although again, I don't really know how much of that is that he does a good Cassie and how much is that my standards for "good Cassie" have dropped significantly since YJ ended). So onward we go, with the sad tale of Circe, Diana, and Vanessa Kapatelis: Silver Swan II.
Next time: The JLA indulges in petty bickering, a funny-looking alien calls Diana a whore, Major Disaster takes his life in his hands, and Manitou coins my favorite Wondy nickname of all time.
Tags: char: circe, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: phil jimenez, series: when wondy was awesome, series: world of wondy
02:52 am [ebailey140]
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When Wondy was... Dakota Fanning? Some highlights from one of my favorite JLU episodes, "Kid Stuff", in which Diana, Clark, Bruce, John... and Etrigan are tranformed into children, with Dakota Fanning voicing Diana.
And, the last three pages of Wonder Woman V2 #62, which ended the Perez run. The War of the Gods is over, though not everyone survived. Perez's final issue was about the characters closing chapters of their lives and beginning new ones, including the Amazons, Steve, Etta, and Ed, with Diana trying to figure out what she should do, next. Nessie, meanwhile, is graduating Junior High, and we conclude with a little meta and Fourth Wall breaking.
( Read more... )
Tags: char: batman/bruce wayne, char: etrigan/jason blood, char: green lantern/john stewart, char: julia kapatelis, char: morgaine le fey, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: superman/clark kent, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: george perez, group: justice league of america, medium: videos, publisher: dc comics
11:25 am [ebailey140]
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When Dr. Psycho was... well, Psycho Dr. Psycho was introduced in the Golden Age, and quickly became one of Wonder Woman's main foes. When George Perez revamped WW following Crisis of Infinite Earths, it was natural that he'd bring back, and revamp, Dr. Psycho, as he'd done with the Cheetah, Ares, the Silver Swan, and Circe.
Perez didn't rush into it, though. Dr. Psycho was re-introduced towards the end of Perez's run. But, as this was, really, a five year epic story, Dr. Psycho entered the stage when it was time for him to play his role.
And, that role would be nightmarish. Literally. This would establish him as one of the most twisted and evil of DC's villains. But, what's truly important is how Diana responds, how she deals with this threat. It's often said that heroes are, in part, defined by their villains. The villain represents what the hero must overcome in their struggles, what makes them heroes. Also, Diana, as she often does during Perez's run, demonstrates that she has other ways of dealing with evil than simply beating it up.
( Read more... )
Tags: char: dr. psycho/edgar cizko, char: hermes/dc, char: hippolyta of themyscira, char: julia kapatelis, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: george perez, group: amazons, publisher: dc comics, series: world of wondy
10:58 pm [bluefall]
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When Wondy was Awesome, part 4 (Patriarch's World) From as far back as Marston, Wonder Woman's defining short phrase, her version of "Caped Crusader" or "Man of Steel" or "Scarlet Speedster," has been "Amazon Princess." Which is fair, because that's what she is in the most literal sense - the daughter of the amazon queen (well at least until they dissolved the monarchy, but at this point I think I'm going to have to admit I've lost that one) - but for most of her pre-Crisis history, was nevertheless a relatively empty phrase. Diana was a princess because girls like princesses, as any Disney exec can tell you, and that was it. Occasionally the authority was useful, but basically it was a purely meta thing that was merely convenient shorthand for her specialness.
Part of Perez' genius was to actually consider what being a princess means for Diana, especially from the mythical perspective of this very mythical character. Mythic royalty isn't about tiaras and castles, after all. It's about stewardship, struggle, king sacrifice; about servitude and symbiosis and taking your people's burdens for your own. Diana, as Athena's champion and essentially a demigod, is an avatar of the Olympians, yes - but as heir to the throne, she's also the avatar of the amazons, and that responsibility is as integral to her character as her duty to her gods. She bleeds when her people bleed, they win when she wins, their story is hers and hers theirs. And Perez' run was saturated with that understanding, in a constant intertwining of Diana's mission and the activities of the Amazon Nation as a whole. She's not just one of them, she's not even just the best of them; she is them, full stop. That concept underpins the particular awesomeness I've got on offer today - this is the story of Themyscira and how the Amazon Nation reconnected with Man's World. Because Diana did, and so that Diana could. And because it's a damn good story.
Also, Diana v. Lois action. You know you want to see that.
( Man do I love that cover. )
Next time: Perez attempts to pre-empt strawfeminist portrayals of the Themyscirans with some strawfeminists of his own for Diana to oppose. And because he is Perez, they end up completely fascinating anyway.
Tags: char: epione of themyscira, char: eris/dc, char: etta candy, char: euboea of themyscira, char: hellene of themyscira, char: hermes/dc, char: hippolyta of themyscira, char: iphtime of themyscira, char: lois lane, char: menalippe of themyscira, char: mnemosyne of themyscira, char: niobe of themyscira, char: oenone of themyscira, char: penelope of themyscira, char: philippus of themyscira, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: steve trevor, char: superman/clark kent, char: timandra of themyscira, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: george perez, group: amazons, publisher: dc comics, series: when wondy was awesome, series: world of wondy, title: wonder woman
08:55 pm [bluefall]
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When Wondy was Awesome, part 3 (Chalk Drawings) This next is not actually a story about Diana herself, but rather a story about the people around her and the world she lives in. That's not uncommon in a general sense, but it's actually relatively rare with Diana - you just don't get stories about Themyscira or a day in the life of Philippus the way you get stories about Gotham or the investigative exploits of Lois Lane. So this, the story of tertiary cast member Lucy Spears, is a bit of a rare gem in that sense.
It's also a rare gem in many other senses, as you'll see once you click the cut.
( This was originally a Manly Tears Week entry. Just a warning. )
Next time: More trouble from the spawn of Ares, and men walk on Themysciran shores, which isn't the catastrophe it would have been pre-Crisis but still manages to spell more trouble than it initially seems worth.
Tags: char: hippolyta of themyscira, char: julia kapatelis, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: george perez, publisher: dc comics, series: when wondy was awesome, series: world of wondy, title: wonder woman
11:06 pm [bluefall]
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When Wondy was Awesome, part 1 (Birth of a Wonder) Alright, both by request and because I myself feel something at a loss with it gone, here commences the repost of my When Wondy was Awesome series from our LJ incarnation.
We'll begin, as is proper, at the beginning - the origin of the character as she is now. The concept of Wonder Woman, of course, is one of the oldest in Big Two comics, as she was first created by Marston back in 1941. However, once the Golden Age ended and the character passed into other hands, she became something of an albatross to the company - they were under contract to keep publishing her, but they didn't really know what to do with her, and her title quickly devolved into a miserable sexist mess from which it never entirely recovered.
Thus, with Crisis on Infinite Earths, Editorial completely erased Wonder Woman from past continuity, deciding she would enter the DCU for the first time in the late 80s - allowing them to start over and try to really do her justice. After a long (and terrifying to read about for fear of what might have been) process, they finally found a team that they thought could both create a new and viable character, and preserve the essence of the one who came before; thus Diana passed into the hands of Greg Potter and the now-definitive George Perez.
( And hot damn was that a good call. )
Next time: The nonsensical American flag bathing suit is made to make some small sliver of sense, we learn what kind of person inspires an amazon and why we should care about Steve Trevor, and Diana kills a hecatoncheries, as we tackle the second, less prominent but no less awesome half of Wonder Woman's origin.
Tags: char: antiope of bana-mighdall, char: aphrodite/dc, char: ares/dc, char: artemis of bana-mighdall, char: athena/dc, char: decay, char: deimos/dc, char: demeter/dc, char: etta candy, char: harmonia/dc, char: hephaestus/dc, char: hermes/dc, char: hestia/dc, char: hippolyta of themyscira, char: julia kapatelis, char: matthew michaelis, char: menalippe of themyscira, char: philippus of themyscira, char: phobos/dc, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: steve trevor, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: george perez, group: amazons, publisher: dc comics, series: when wondy was awesome, series: world of wondy