Daily Scans
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Below are the 5 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
03:40 am [bunniegrrl]
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Even More Wonder Woman Fanart Some Wonder Woman/Green Lantern crossover art, and some silliness including Ryan Choi and Oracle.

Tags: char: ace the bat-hound, char: angle man/angelo bend, char: atom/ryan choi, char: cheetah/barbara minerva, char: chuma, char: circe, char: doctor poison, char: dr. cyber/cylvia cyber, char: dr. psycho/edgar cizko, char: egg fu/dr. chang tzu, char: etta candy, char: ferdinand, char: genocide, char: giganta/dr. doris zeul, char: head, char: io of themyscira, char: jumpa, char: krypto the superdog, char: nu'bia, char: silver swan/vanessa kapatelis, char: stalin, char: steve trevor, char: terry long, char: white magician/thomas randolph, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: gail simone, genre: fanart
02:51 am [bunniegrrl]
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More Wonder Woman Fanart

Tags: char: alkyone of themyscira, char: bane, char: black bolt/blackagar boltagon, char: cheetah/barbara minerva, char: dark angel, char: etta candy, char: ferdinand, char: head, char: judge dredd/joseph dredd, char: nu'bia, char: scandal savage, char: wonder girl/troia/donna troy, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: gail simone, genre: fanart
03:55 am [bunniegrrl]
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Wonder Woman Fanart

mildly nsfw (you can just about see a...)
Tags: char: achilles of thalarion, char: angle man/angelo bend, char: ares/dc, char: ares/marvel, char: artemis of bana-mighdall, char: bane, char: batman/bruce wayne, char: blue beetle/jaime reyes, char: cheetah/barbara minerva, char: doctor poison, char: doomsday, char: dr. psycho/edgar cizko, char: egg fu/dr. chang tzu, char: etta candy, char: ferdinand, char: genocide, char: giganta/dr. doris zeul, char: io of themyscira, char: nu'bia, char: parallax, char: queen of fables, char: superman/clark kent, char: terry long, char: white magician/thomas randolph, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, genre: fanart, nsfw: nudity
02:47 pm [bluefall]
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Nu'bia Then and Now, II of II - Now Here we go with part two of my Nu'bia rundown, dealing with her infinitely superior post-Crisis incarnation. Free of tokenism, overt sexism, and laughably bad writing, and with an added apostrophe in her spelling to ever-so-slightly dissociate herself from being named for a piece of Egyptian geography (which seems odd to me, since Nubia is a reasonably common real-world name, but presumably Doselle Young knows what he's doing better than I), she was reinvented and reestablished as a character with an actual distinct hook and reason to exist, and a pretty cool one at that.

Tags: char: artemis of bana-mighdall, char: nu'bia, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, creator: doselle young, series: world of wondy
04:36 pm [bluefall]
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Nubia Then and Now, I of II - Then The Wonder Woman mythos, plagued as it has been by "take over, change everything"-itis, has a fair number of supporting cast members who no one has ever heard of. These are the little guys who get a name and a relationship to Diana like they're supposed to be important, but have maybe five minutes of panel time in a run or, perhaps, if they're lucky, a whole storyarc, and then are never heard from again. Many of them, admittedly, were ignored by subsequent writers for a reason; the Sphinx and Quinn and Officer Modini and Bobby Trevor aren't exactly compelling pillars of characterization and interest, and don't have much to recommend themselves for further use.
Some of those lost characters are really damn cool, though, and deserve to be unearthed, brushed off and given a second look and another spin through the canon. One such buried gem is the amazon Nu'bia.

Scans are from Wonder Woman v1 #204-206, Supergirl v1 #9, and Super Friends #25. I cannot believe Super Friends ran longer than Supergirl. There is no justice in the world.
Tags: char: hippolyta of themyscira, char: nu'bia, char: supergirl/kara zor-el, char: wonder woman/diana of themyscira, series: world of wondy